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refactor(BV): Use Z.t in BV solver
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The old implementation of the solver relied on the fact that each
constant fragment of a bit-vector was either all ones or all zeroes
because it defined a constant zero as the smallest bit-vector, a
constant one as the biggest bit-vector, and then computed the min and
max elements of a set of bit-vectors to check for consistency. With the
new solver based on Tarjan's union-find, this limitation is no longer
necessary, and it causes the solver to needlessly split bit-vector
variables involved in equalities with non-uniform constants [^1].

This patch is a simple refactoring of the bit-vector solver to use
integers rather than booleans to represent the constant parts of
bit-vectors, hopefully improving performance for bit-vectors with
non-uniform constant parts.

[^1]: For instance, solving `x = #b0000` can be done in a single swoop,
but solving `x = #b0101` currently first slices `x` into `a @ b @ c @ d`
and then assigns values to each of `a`, `b`, `c` and `d`.
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bclement-ocp committed Nov 24, 2023
1 parent 7363cd0 commit 40ad07e
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Showing 4 changed files with 117 additions and 82 deletions.
163 changes: 81 additions & 82 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ let pp_sort ppf = function
Note that [tvar] and [defn] values must not be created directly: instead,
call the [s_var] and [s_cte] helpers. This is important due to the use of
physical equality in [union] (in particular, [union] assumes that there is a
single [tvar] for the boolean constants [true] and [false]). *)
physical equality in [union]. *)
type tvar = { mutable defn : defn }

and defn =
Expand All @@ -87,9 +86,9 @@ and defn =
(** The sort of this variable. See the type definition for {!sort_var} for
details. *)
| Dcte of bool
(** A [Dcte] is a variable that is forced to be equal to either all ones or
all zeroes. *)
| Dcte of Z.t * int
(** A [Dcte] is a variable that is forced to be equal to the specified integer
representation in bits. The second argument is the bit width. *)
| Dlink of tvar
(** A [Dlink] is a defined variable. All the [Dlink] should be followed to
arrive either at an unconstrained variable ([Droot]) or a constant
Expand All @@ -101,14 +100,15 @@ and defn =

let rec pp_defn ppf = function
| Droot { id; sorte; _ } -> ppf "%a_%d" pp_sort sorte id
| Dcte b -> ppf "%d" (if b then 1 else 0)
| Dcte (b, w) -> ppf "%s" (Z.format ("%0" ^ string_of_int w ^ "b") b)
| Dlink tv -> pp_tvar ppf tv

and pp_tvar ppf { defn } = pp_defn ppf defn

let equal_tvar v1 v2 =
match v1.defn, v2.defn with
| (Droot _ | Dcte _), (Droot _ | Dcte _ ) -> v1 == v2
| Droot _, _ | _, Droot _ -> v1 == v2
| Dcte (n1, w1), Dcte (n2, w2) -> w1 = w2 && Z.equal n1 n2
| _ ->
(* [equal_tvar] should only be used before solving, i.e. before any unions
are made, and so there should be no [Dlink]. *)
Expand All @@ -124,17 +124,11 @@ let s_var =
and neg = { defn = Droot { id = -id; sorte; neg = x }} in

let s_cte =
(* Ensure that there is a single [tvar] for each boolean constant. *)
let v_true = { defn = Dcte true } in
let v_false = { defn = Dcte false } in
fun b -> if b then v_true else v_false
let s_cte n w = { defn = Dcte (Z.extract n 0 w, w) }

let negate_tvar = function
| { defn = Droot { neg; _ }; _ } -> neg
| { defn = Dcte b; _ } ->
(* Maintain the invariant that there is a single [tvar] for each constant *)
s_cte (not b)
| { defn = Dcte (n, w); _ } -> s_cte (Z.lognot n) w
| { defn = Dlink _; _ } -> assert false

(** Follow the defined variables [Dlink] and return the class representative as
Expand All @@ -159,22 +153,25 @@ let union v1 v2 =
| Dlink _, _ | _, Dlink _ ->
(* [find] invariant *)
assert false
| Dcte b1, Dcte b2 ->
(* Must be different because of [v1 == v2] check above *)
assert (not (Bool.equal b1 b2));
raise Util.Unsolvable
| Dcte (n1, w1), Dcte (n2, w2) ->
if w1 = w2 && Z.equal n1 n2 then (
(* We don't require physical equality of [Dcte] constructors, but we
still merge the corresponding nodes. *)
v1.defn <- Dlink v2;
) else
raise Util.Unsolvable
| Droot r1, Droot r2 ->
if r1.neg == v2 then raise Util.Unsolvable
else (
v1.defn <- Dlink v2;
r1.neg.defn <- Dlink r2.neg;
| Droot r1, Dcte b ->
| Droot r1, Dcte (n, w) ->
v1.defn <- Dlink v2;
r1.neg.defn <- Dlink (s_cte (not b))
| Dcte b, Droot r2 ->
r1.neg.defn <- Dlink (s_cte (Z.lognot n) w)
| Dcte (n, w), Droot r2 ->
v2.defn <- Dlink v1;
r2.neg.defn <- Dlink (s_cte (not b))
r2.neg.defn <- Dlink (s_cte (Z.lognot n) w)

type 'a alpha_term = {
bv : 'a;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,23 +211,23 @@ let positive value = { value; negated = false }
let negative value = { value; negated = true }

type 'a simple_term_aux =
| Cte of bool
| Cte of Z.t
| Other of 'a signed
| Ext of 'a signed * int * int * int (*// id * size * i * j //*)

let equal_simple_term_aux eq l r =
match l, r with
| Cte b1, Cte b2 -> Bool.equal b1 b2
| Cte b1, Cte b2 -> Z.equal b1 b2
| Other o1, Other o2 -> equal_signed eq o1 o2
| Ext (o1, s1, i1, j1), Ext (o2, s2, i2, j2) ->
i1 = i2 && j1 = j2 && s1 = s2 && equal_signed eq o1 o2
| _, _ -> false

let compare_simple_term_aux cmp st1 st2 =
match st1, st2 with
| Cte b1, Cte b2 -> b1 b2
| Cte false , _ | _ , Cte true -> -1
| _ , Cte false | Cte true,_ -> 1
| Cte b1, Cte b2 -> b1 b2
| Cte _, _ -> -1
| _, Cte _ -> 1

| Other t1 , Other t2 -> compare_signed cmp t1 t2
| _ , Other _ -> -1
Expand All @@ -243,13 +240,13 @@ let compare_simple_term_aux cmp st1 st2 =
if c2 <> 0 then c2 else compare_signed cmp t1 t2

let hash_simple_term_aux hash = function
| Cte b -> 11 * Hashtbl.hash b
| Cte b -> 11 * Z.hash b
| Other x -> 17 * hash_signed hash x
| Ext (x, a, b, c) ->
hash_signed hash x + 19 * (a + b + c)

let negate_simple_term_aux = function
| Cte b -> Cte (not b)
let negate_simple_term_aux sz = function
| Cte b -> Cte (Z.extract (Z.lognot b) 0 sz)
| Other o -> Other (negate_signed o)
| Ext (o, sz, i, j) -> Ext (negate_signed o, sz, i, j)

Expand All @@ -261,37 +258,20 @@ let compare_simple_term cmp = compare_alpha_term (compare_simple_term_aux cmp)

let hash_simple_term hash = hash_alpha_term (hash_simple_term_aux hash)

let negate_simple_term st = { st with bv = negate_simple_term_aux }
let negate_simple_term st = { st with bv = negate_simple_term_aux }

type 'a abstract = 'a simple_term list

let rec to_Z_opt_aux acc = function
| [] -> Some acc
| { bv = Cte false; sz } :: sts ->
to_Z_opt_aux Z.(acc lsl sz) sts
| { bv = Cte true; sz } :: sts ->
to_Z_opt_aux Z.((acc lsl sz) + (~$1 lsl sz) - ~$1) sts
| { bv = Cte n; sz } :: sts ->
to_Z_opt_aux Z.((acc lsl sz) + n) sts
| _ -> None

let to_Z_opt r = to_Z_opt_aux r

let int2bv_const n z =
(* If [z] is out of the [0 .. 2^n] range (including if [z] is negative),
considering only the first [n] bits is equivalent to computing [z mod 2^n],
so we just do that and don't bother computing the modulus. *)
let acc = ref [] in
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
match Z.testbit z i, !acc with
| false, { bv = Cte false; sz } :: rst ->
acc := { bv = Cte false; sz = sz + 1 } :: rst
| false, rst ->
acc := { bv = Cte false; sz = 1 } :: rst
| true, { bv = Cte true; sz } :: rst ->
acc := { bv = Cte true; sz = sz + 1 } :: rst
| true, rst ->
acc := { bv = Cte true; sz = 1 } :: rst
[ { bv = Cte (Z.extract z 0 n) ; sz = n } ]

let equal_abstract eq = Stdcompat.List.equal (equal_simple_term eq)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,7 +334,8 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct

let view t =
match E.term_view t with
| { f = Bitv (_, s); ty = Tbitv size; _ } -> { descr = Vcte s; size }
| { f = Bitv (_, s); ty = Tbitv size; _ } ->
{ descr = Vcte s; size }
| { f = Op Concat; xs = [ t1; t2 ]; ty = Tbitv size; _ } ->
{ descr = Vconcat (t1, t2); size }
| { f = Op Extract (i, j); xs = [ t' ]; ty = Tbitv size; _ } ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,9 +367,9 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let bv = embed r in
if neg then negate_abstract bv, ctx else bv, ctx

let extract_st i j ({ bv; sz } as st) =
let extract_st i j { bv; sz } =
match bv with
| Cte _ -> [{ st with sz = j - i + 1 }]
| Cte b -> [{ bv = Cte (Z.extract b i (j - i + 1)); sz = j - i + 1 }]
| Other r -> [{ bv = Ext (r, sz, i, j) ; sz = j - i + 1 }]
| Ext (r, sz, k, _) ->
[{ bv = Ext (r, sz, i + k, j + k) ; sz = j - i + 1 }]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,8 +405,9 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
| [s] -> [normalize_st s]
| s :: (t :: ts as tts) ->
begin match, with
| Cte bs, Cte bt when Bool.equal bs bt ->
normalize ({ bv = Cte bs; sz = + } :: ts)
| Cte bs, Cte bt ->
normalize @@
{ bv = Cte Z.(bs lsl + bt); sz = + } :: ts
| Ext (d1, ds, i, j), Ext (d2, _, k, l)
when equal_signed X.equal d1 d2 && l = i - 1 ->
let d = { bv = Ext (d1, ds, k, j); sz = + } in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -487,7 +469,10 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let print fmt ast =
let open Format in
match with
| Cte b -> fprintf fmt "%d[%d]" (if b then 1 else 0)
| Cte b ->
fprintf fmt "%s[%d]"
(Z.format ("%0" ^ string_of_int ^ "b") b)
| Other t -> fprintf fmt "%a[%d]" (pp_signed X.print) t
| Ext (t,sz,i,j) ->
fprintf fmt "%a[%d]" (pp_signed X.print) t sz;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -570,7 +555,9 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
- [y] is [[b(siz); ..; bn]] *)
let st_slice st siz =
let siz_bis = - siz in match with
|Cte _ -> {st with sz = siz},{st with sz = siz_bis}
|Cte b ->
{bv = Cte (Z.extract b siz_bis siz); sz = siz},
{bv = Cte (Z.extract b 0 siz_bis) ; sz = siz_bis}
|Other x ->
let s1 = Ext(x,, siz_bis, - 1) in
let s2 = Ext(x,, 0, siz_bis - 1) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -610,14 +597,14 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
in f_rec [] (t,u)

(* Orient the equality [b = r] where [b] is a boolean constant and [r] is
(* Orient the equality [b = r] where [b] is a bitvector constant and [r] is
an uninterpreted ("Other") term, possibly negated. *)
let cte_vs_other bol r sz =
let bol = if r.negated then not bol else bol in
{ bv = r.value; sz } , [{bv = s_cte bol ; sz }]
let bol = if r.negated then Z.lognot bol else bol in
{ bv = r.value; sz } , [{bv = s_cte bol sz ; sz }]

(* Orient the equality [b = xt[s_xt]^{i,j}] where [b] is a boolean constant
and [xt] is uninterpreted of size [s_xt], possibly negated.
(* Orient the equality [b = xt[s_xt]^{i,j}] where [b] is a bitvector
constant and [xt] is uninterpreted of size [s_xt], possibly negated.
We introduce two A-variables [a1[i]] and [a2[s_xt-1-j]] and orient:
Expand All @@ -636,8 +623,9 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let cte_vs_ext bol xt s_xt i j =
let a1 = fresh_bitv A i in
let a2 = fresh_bitv A (s_xt - 1 - j) in
let bol = if xt.negated then not bol else bol in
let cte = [ {bv = s_cte bol ; sz =j - i + 1 } ] in
let b_sz = j - i + 1 in
let bol = if xt.negated then Z.lognot bol else bol in
let cte = [ {bv = s_cte bol b_sz ; sz = b_sz } ] in
let var = { bv = xt.value ; sz = s_xt }
in var, a2@cte@a1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -820,7 +808,9 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let sys_solve sys =
let c_solve (st1,st2) = match, with
|Cte _, Cte _ -> raise Util.Unsolvable (* forcement un 1 et un 0 *)
|Cte b1, Cte b2 ->
assert (not (Z.equal b1 b2));
raise Util.Unsolvable (* forcement distincts *)

|Cte b, Other r -> [cte_vs_other b r]
|Other r, Cte b -> [cte_vs_other b r]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -879,21 +869,24 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let slice_var var pat_hd pat_tl =
let mk, tr =
match with
| Dcte _ -> (fun sz -> { var with sz }), None
| Dcte (n, _) ->
(fun ofs sz ->
{ bv = s_cte (Z.extract n (ofs - sz) sz) sz ; sz }
), None
| Droot { sorte; _ } ->
(fun sz -> { bv = s_var sorte; sz }), Some sorte
(fun _ sz -> { bv = s_var sorte; sz }), Some sorte
| Dlink _ -> assert false
let rec aux cnt plist =
match plist with
| [] -> [], []
| h :: t when cnt < h -> [ mk cnt ], (h - cnt) :: t
| h :: t when cnt = h -> [ mk cnt ], t
| h :: t when cnt < h -> [ mk cnt cnt ], (h - cnt) :: t
| h :: t when cnt = h -> [ mk cnt cnt ], t
| h :: t ->
let vl, ptail = aux (cnt - h) t in
mk h :: vl, ptail
mk cnt h :: vl, ptail
let fst_v = mk pat_hd in
let fst_v = mk pat_hd in
let cnt = - pat_hd in
let vl, pat_tail = aux cnt pat_tl in
fst_v :: vl, pat_tail, tr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1176,7 +1169,7 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let get_rep var =
match (find with
| Dlink _ -> assert false
| Dcte b -> Cte b
| Dcte (n, _) -> Cte n
| Droot { id; _ } ->
assert (id <> 0);
match Hashtbl.find vars (abs id) with
Expand All @@ -1198,8 +1191,8 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
|a::b::r ->
match, with
| Cte b1, Cte b2 when Bool.equal b1 b2 ->
cnf_max ({ b with sz = + }::r)
| Cte b1, Cte b2 ->
cnf_max ({ bv = Cte Z.(b1 lsl + b2) ; sz = + }::r)
| _, Cte _ -> a::(cnf_max (b::r))
| _ -> a::b::(cnf_max r)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1296,8 +1289,7 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
expression. *)
let simple_term_to_nat acc st =
match with
| Cte false -> E.Ints.(acc * ~$$Z.(~$1 lsl
| Cte true -> E.Ints.((acc + ~$1) * ~$$Z.(~$1 lsl - ~$1)
| Cte n -> E.Ints.(acc * ~$$Z.(~$1 lsl + ~$$n)
| Other r ->
let t = term_extract r.value in
let t = if r.negated then E.BV.bvnot t else t in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1460,11 +1452,17 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let solve r1 r2 pb =
Sig.{pb with sbt = List.rev_append (solve_bis r1 r2) pb.sbt}

(* Pop the first bit, raises [Not_found] if there is no first bit *)
(* Pop the first bit, raises [Not_found] if there is no first bit.
Note that the returned bv has an incorrect size. *)
let pop_bit = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| { bv = Cte b; sz } as st :: rst ->
Some b, if sz > 1 then { st with sz = sz - 1 } :: rst else rst
| ({ bv = Cte n; sz } as st) :: rst ->
Some (Z.testbit n (sz - 1)),
if sz > 1 then
{ st with sz = sz - 1 } :: rst
| { bv = Other _ | Ext _ ; sz } as st :: rst ->
None, if sz > 1 then { st with sz = sz - 1 } :: rst else rst

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1547,7 +1545,8 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let s = (function
| { bv = Cte b; sz } -> String.make sz (if b then '1' else '0')
| { bv = Cte b; sz } ->
Z.format ("%0" ^ string_of_int sz ^ "b") b
| _ ->
(* Cannot happen because [a] must satisfy [is_cte_abstract] at this
point. *)
Expand Down

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