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feat(BV,CP): Use a FIFO queue for constraint propagation (#1054)
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This patch changes the bit-vector propagator to use a FIFO queue to
select which propagator to run. Using a FIFO queue gives fairness
guarantees on the constraints that get propagated, and does not depend
on hash-consing shenanigans as in the current implementation.

The implementation is a simple wrapper around the `Queue` module from
the stdlib and a hash table to ensure uniqueness of constraints in the
  • Loading branch information
bclement-ocp authored Mar 20, 2024
1 parent 71a9a97 commit a2b8722
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Showing 5 changed files with 236 additions and 64 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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Expr Var Ty Typed Xliteral ModelMap Id Objective Literal
; util
Emap Gc_debug Hconsing Hstring Heap Lists Loc
MyUnix Numbers
MyUnix Numbers Uqueue
Options Timers Util Vec Version Steps Printer My_zip
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72 changes: 58 additions & 14 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -135,6 +135,10 @@ module Domains = Rel_utils.Domains_make(Domain)
module Constraint : sig
include Rel_utils.Constraint

val equal : t -> t -> bool

val hash : t -> int

val bvand : X.r -> X.r -> X.r -> t
(** [bvand x y z] is the constraint [x = y & z] *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,6 +242,10 @@ end = struct

let compare { tag = t1; _ } { tag = t2; _ } = t1 t2

let equal t1 t2 = Int.equal t1.tag t2.tag

let hash t1 = Hashtbl.hash t1.tag

let subst rr nrr c =
hcons @@ subst_repr rr nrr c.repr

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,6 +395,26 @@ let add_eqs =
fun acc x bl ->
aux x (Bitlist.width bl) acc bl

type any_constraint =
| Constraint of Constraint.t Rel_utils.explained
| Structural of X.r
(** Structural constraint associated with [X.r]. See
{!Rel_utils.Domains.structural_propagation}. *)

module QC = Uqueue.Make(struct
type t = any_constraint

let equal a b =
match a, b with
| Constraint ca, Constraint cb -> Constraint.equal ca.value cb.value
| Constraint _, Structural _ | Structural _, Constraint _ -> false
| Structural xa, Structural xb -> X.equal xa xb

let hash = function
| Constraint c -> 2 * Constraint.hash c.value
| Structural r -> 2 * X.hash r + 1

(* Propagate:
- The constraints that were never propagated since they were added
Expand All @@ -395,23 +423,39 @@ let add_eqs =
Iterate until fixpoint is reached. *)
let propagate =
let rec propagate changed bcs dom =
match Constraints.next_pending bcs with
| { value; explanation = ex }, bcs ->
let touch bcs queue r =
QC.push queue (Structural r);
Constraints.iter_parents (fun c -> QC.push queue (Constraint c)) r bcs
let rec propagate queue changed bcs dom =
match QC.pop queue with
| Constraint { Rel_utils.value; explanation = ex } ->
let dom = Constraint.propagate ~ex value dom in
propagate changed bcs dom
| exception Not_found ->
match Domains.choose_changed dom with
| r, dom ->
propagate (SX.add r changed) (Constraints.notify r bcs) dom
| exception Not_found ->
changed, bcs, dom
Domains.iter_changed (touch bcs queue) dom;
propagate queue changed bcs (Domains.clear_changed dom)
| Structural r ->
let dom = Domains.structural_propagation r dom in
Domains.iter_changed (touch bcs queue) dom;
let changed = SX.add r changed in
propagate queue changed bcs (Domains.clear_changed dom)
| exception QC.Empty ->
assert (not (Domains.has_changed dom));
changed, dom
fun eqs bcs dom ->
let changed, bcs, dom = propagate SX.empty bcs dom in
SX.fold (fun r acc ->
add_eqs acc (Shostak.Bitv.embed r) (Domains.get r dom)
) changed eqs, bcs, dom
(* Optimization to avoid unnecessary allocations *)
if Constraints.has_pending bcs || Domains.has_changed dom then
let queue = QC.create 17 in
Constraints.iter_pending (fun c -> QC.push queue (Constraint c)) bcs;
let bcs = Constraints.clear_pending bcs in
Domains.iter_changed (touch bcs queue) dom;
let dom = Domains.clear_changed dom in
let changed, dom = propagate queue SX.empty bcs dom in
SX.fold (fun r acc ->
add_eqs acc (Shostak.Bitv.embed r) (Domains.get r dom)
) changed eqs, bcs, dom
eqs, bcs, dom

type t =
{ delayed : Rel_utils.Delayed.t
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101 changes: 52 additions & 49 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -294,15 +294,21 @@ module type Domains = sig
@raise Inconsistent if this causes any domain in [d] to become empty. *)

val choose_changed : t -> X.r * t
(** [choose_changed d] returns a pair [r, d'] such that:
val has_changed : t -> bool
(** Returns [true] if any element is marked as changed.
- The domain associated with [r] has changed since the last time
[choose_changed] was called.
- [r] has (by definition) not changed in [d']
Elements are marked as changed when their domain shrinks due to a call to
either [subst] or [update], and are unmarked by [clear_changed]. *)

Moreover, prior to returning [r], structural propagation is
automatically performed.
val iter_changed : (X.r -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** Iterate over the changed elements. See [has_changed]. *)

val clear_changed : t -> t
(** Returns an identical domain, except that no elements are marked as
changed. *)

val structural_propagation : X.r -> t -> t
(** Perform structural propagation for the given representative.
More precisely, if [r] is a leaf, the domain of [r] is propagated to any
semantic value that contains [r] as a leaf according to the structure of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,10 +495,12 @@ struct
Domain.fold_leaves update r (get r t) t

let choose_changed t =
let r = SX.choose t.changed in
let t = { t with changed = SX.remove r t.changed } in
r, structural_propagation r t
let has_changed t =
not @@ SX.is_empty t.changed

let iter_changed f t = SX.iter f t.changed

let clear_changed t = { t with changed = SX.empty }

module type Constraint = sig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -536,14 +544,14 @@ module Constraints_make(Constraint : Constraint) : sig
constraints that applies to semantic values, and remembers the relation
between constraints and semantic values.
The constraints associated with specific semantic values can be notified
(see [notify]), which is used to only propagate constraints involving
semantic values whose domain has changed.
The constraints applying to a given semantic value can be recovered using
the [iter_pending] functions.
The constraints that have been notified are called "pending
constraints", and the set thereof is the "pending set". These are
constraints that need to be propagated, and can be recovered using
[next_pending]. *)
New constraints are marked as "pending" when added to the constraint set
(whether by a call to [add] or following a substitution). These
constraints should ultimately be propagated; they can be accessed through
the [iter_pending]. Once pending constraints have been propagated, the
"pending" constraints should be cleared with [clear_pending]. *)

val pp : t Fmt.t
(** Pretty-printer for constraint sets. *)
Expand All @@ -564,31 +572,29 @@ module Constraints_make(Constraint : Constraint) : sig
The explanation [ex] justifies the equality [p = v]. *)

val notify : X.r -> t -> t
(** [notify r t] marks all constraints involving [r] (i.e. all constraints
that have [r] as one of their arguments) as pending.
val iter_parents : (Constraint.t explained -> unit) -> X.r -> t -> unit
(** [iter_parents f r t] calls [f] on all the constraints that apply directly
to [r] (precisely, all the constraints [r] is an argument of). *)

This function should be used when the domain of [r] is updated, if
domains are tracked for all representatives. *)
val iter_pending : (Constraint.t explained -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [iter_pending f t] calls [f] on all the constraints currently marked as
pending. Constraints are marked as pending when they are added, including
when a new constraint is added due to substitution of an old constraint
(whether the old constraint was pending or not). *)

val notify_leaf : X.r -> t -> t
(** [notify_leaf r t] marks all constraints that have [r] as a leaf (i.e.
all constraints that have at least one argument [a] such that [r] is in
[X.leaves a]) as pending.
val clear_pending : t -> t
(** [clear_pending t] returns a copy of [t] except that no constraints are
marked as pending. *)

This function should be used when the domain of [r] is updated, if
domains are tracked for leaves only. *)
val has_pending : t -> bool
(** [has_pending t] returns [true] if there is any constraint marked as
pending. Hence if [has_pending t] returns [false], [iter_pending] and
[clear_pending] are guaranteed to be no-ops. Should only be used for
optimization. *)

val fold_args : (X.r -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [fold_args f t acc] folds [f] over all the term representatives that are
arguments of at least one constraint. *)

val next_pending : t -> Constraint.t explained * t
(** [next_pending t] returns a pair [c, t'] where [c] was pending in [t] and
[t'] is identical to [t], except that [c] is no longer a pending
@raise Not_found if there are no pending constraints. *)
end = struct
module CS = Set.Make(struct
type t = Constraint.t explained
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -677,24 +683,21 @@ end = struct
) cs t
| exception Not_found -> t

let notify r t =
let iter_parents f r t =
match MX.find r t.args_map with
| cs ->
CS.fold (fun c t -> { t with pending = CS.add c t.pending }) cs t
| exception Not_found -> t
| cs -> CS.iter f cs
| exception Not_found -> ()

let notify_leaf r t =
match MX.find r t.leaves_map with
| cs ->
CS.fold (fun c t -> { t with pending = CS.add c t.pending }) cs t
| exception Not_found -> t
let iter_pending f t =
CS.iter f t.pending

let clear_pending t =
{ t with pending = CS.empty }

let has_pending t = not @@ CS.is_empty t.pending

let fold_args f c acc =
MX.fold (fun r _ acc ->
f r acc
) c.args_map acc

let next_pending t =
let c = CS.choose t.pending in
c, { t with pending = CS.remove c t.pending }
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/util/
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
(* *)
(* Alt-Ergo: The SMT Solver For Software Verification *)
(* Copyright (C) 2024 --- OCamlPro SAS *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of OCamlPro *)
(* Non-Commercial Purpose License, version 1. *)
(* *)
(* As an exception, Alt-Ergo Club members at the Gold level can *)
(* use this file under the terms of the Apache Software License *)
(* version 2.0. *)
(* *)
(* More details can be found in the directory licenses/ *)
(* *)

module type S = sig
type elt

type t

val create : int -> t

val push : t -> elt -> unit

exception Empty

val pop : t -> elt

val peek : t -> elt

val is_empty : t -> bool

val clear : t -> unit

module Make(H : Hashtbl.HashedType) : S with type elt = H.t = struct
module HT = Hashtbl.Make(H)

type elt = H.t

type t = { queue : H.t Queue.t ; elements : unit HT.t}

let create n =
{ queue = Queue.create () ; elements = HT.create n }

let push { queue ; elements } x =
if HT.mem elements x then () else (
HT.replace elements x ();
Queue.push x queue

exception Empty = Queue.Empty

let pop { queue ; elements } =
let x = Queue.pop queue in
HT.remove elements x; x

let peek { queue; _ } = Queue.peek queue

let is_empty { queue; _ } = Queue.is_empty queue

let clear { queue ; elements } =
Queue.clear queue; HT.clear elements
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/util/uqueue.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
(* *)
(* Alt-Ergo: The SMT Solver For Software Verification *)
(* Copyright (C) 2024 --- OCamlPro SAS *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of OCamlPro *)
(* Non-Commercial Purpose License, version 1. *)
(* *)
(* As an exception, Alt-Ergo Club members at the Gold level can *)
(* use this file under the terms of the Apache Software License *)
(* version 2.0. *)
(* *)
(* More details can be found in the directory licenses/ *)
(* *)

(** First-in first-out *unique* queues.
This module implements queues (FIFOs) without duplicates, with in-place
modifications. Implemented as a wrapper around the [Queue] and [Hashtbl] (to
ensure uniqueness) modules from the stdlib. *)

module type S = sig
type elt
(** The type of elements in the unique queue. *)

type t
(** The type of unique queues with [elt] elements. *)

val create : int -> t
(** Create a new empty unique queue. The [int] parameter is passed to the
backing [Hashtbl] used to ensure uniqueness. *)

val push : t -> elt -> unit
(** [push q x] adds [x] at the end of the queue [q]. Does nothing if [x] is
already present in the queue. *)

exception Empty
(** Raised when [pop] or [peek] are applied to an empty queue. *)

val pop : t -> elt
(** [pop q] removes and returns the first element in queue [q], or raises
[Empty] if the queue is empty.
@raise Empty if the queue is empty. *)

val peek : t -> elt
(** [peek q] returns the first element in queue [q] without removing it, or
raises [Empty] if the queue is empty.
@raise Empty if the queue is empty. *)

val is_empty : t -> bool
(** Returns [true] if the queue is empty, [false] otherwise. *)

val clear : t -> unit
(** Discard all elements from the queue. *)

module Make(H : Hashtbl.HashedType) : S with type elt = H.t

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