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feat(BV,CP): Use a FIFO queue for constraint propagation
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This patch changes the bit-vector propagator to use a FIFO queue to
select which propagator to run. Using a FIFO queue gives fairness
guarantees on the constraints that get propagated, and does not depend
on hash-consing shenanigans as in the current implementation.

The implementation is a simple wrapper around the `Queue` module from
the stdlib and a hash table to ensure uniqueness of constraints in the
  • Loading branch information
bclement-ocp committed Mar 12, 2024
1 parent a1e8c7b commit b6a71e5
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Showing 5 changed files with 226 additions and 57 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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Expr Var Ty Typed Xliteral ModelMap Id Objective Literal
; util
Emap Gc_debug Hconsing Hstring Heap Lists Loc
MyUnix Numbers
MyUnix Numbers Uqueue
Options Timers Util Vec Version Steps Printer My_zip
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70 changes: 56 additions & 14 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -135,6 +135,10 @@ module Domains = Rel_utils.Domains_make(Domain)
module Constraint : sig
include Rel_utils.Constraint

val equal : t -> t -> bool

val hash : t -> int

val bvand : X.r -> X.r -> X.r -> t
(** [bvand x y z] is the constraint [x = y & z] *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,6 +242,10 @@ end = struct

let compare { tag = t1; _ } { tag = t2; _ } = t1 t2

let equal t1 t2 = Int.equal t1.tag t2.tag

let hash t1 = Hashtbl.hash t1.tag

let subst rr nrr c =
hcons @@ subst_repr rr nrr c.repr

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,6 +395,24 @@ let add_eqs =
fun acc x bl ->
aux x (Bitlist.width bl) acc bl

type any_constraint =
| Constraint of Constraint.t Rel_utils.explained
| Structural of X.r

module QC = Uqueue.Make(struct
type t = any_constraint

let equal a b =
match a, b with
| Constraint ca, Constraint cb -> Constraint.equal ca.value cb.value
| Constraint _, Structural _ | Structural _, Constraint _ -> false
| Structural xa, Structural xb -> X.equal xa xb

let hash = function
| Constraint c -> 2 * Constraint.hash c.value
| Structural r -> 2 * X.hash r + 1

(* Propagate:
- The constraints that were never propagated since they were added
Expand All @@ -395,23 +421,39 @@ let add_eqs =
Iterate until fixpoint is reached. *)
let propagate =
let rec propagate changed bcs dom =
match Constraints.next_pending bcs with
| { value; explanation = ex }, bcs ->
let touch bcs queue r =
QC.push queue (Structural r);
Constraints.iter_parents (fun c -> QC.push queue (Constraint c)) r bcs
let rec propagate queue changed bcs dom =
match QC.pop queue with
| Constraint { Rel_utils.value; explanation = ex } ->
let dom = Constraint.propagate ~ex value dom in
propagate changed bcs dom
| exception Not_found ->
match Domains.choose_changed dom with
| r, dom ->
propagate (SX.add r changed) (Constraints.notify r bcs) dom
| exception Not_found ->
changed, bcs, dom
Domains.iter_changed (touch bcs queue) dom;
propagate queue changed bcs (Domains.clear_changed dom)
| Structural r ->
let dom = Domains.structural_propagation r dom in
Domains.iter_changed (touch bcs queue) dom;
let changed = SX.add r changed in
propagate queue changed bcs (Domains.clear_changed dom)
| exception QC.Empty ->
assert (not (Domains.has_changed dom));
changed, dom
fun eqs bcs dom ->
let changed, bcs, dom = propagate SX.empty bcs dom in
SX.fold (fun r acc ->
add_eqs acc (Shostak.Bitv.embed r) (Domains.get r dom)
) changed eqs, bcs, dom
(* Optimization to avoid unnecessary allocations *)
if Constraints.has_pending bcs || Domains.has_changed dom then
let queue = QC.create 17 in
Constraints.iter_pending (fun c -> QC.push queue (Constraint c)) bcs;
let bcs = Constraints.clear_pending bcs in
Domains.iter_changed (touch bcs queue) dom;
let dom = Domains.clear_changed dom in
let changed, dom = propagate queue SX.empty bcs dom in
SX.fold (fun r acc ->
add_eqs acc (Shostak.Bitv.embed r) (Domains.get r dom)
) changed eqs, bcs, dom
eqs, bcs, dom

type t =
{ delayed : Rel_utils.Delayed.t
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86 changes: 44 additions & 42 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -294,15 +294,21 @@ module type Domains = sig
@raise Inconsistent if this causes any domain in [d] to become empty. *)

val choose_changed : t -> X.r * t
(** [choose_changed d] returns a pair [r, d'] such that:
val has_changed : t -> bool
(** Returns [true] if any element is marked as changed.
- The domain associated with [r] has changed since the last time
[choose_changed] was called.
- [r] has (by definition) not changed in [d']
Elements are marked as changed when their domain shrinks due to a call to
either [subst] or [update], and are unmarked by [clear_changed]. *)

Moreover, prior to returning [r], structural propagation is
automatically performed.
val iter_changed : (X.r -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** Iterate over the changed elements. See [has_changed]. *)

val clear_changed : t -> t
(** Returns an identical domain, except that no elements are marked as
changed. *)

val structural_propagation : X.r -> t -> t
(** Perform structural propagation for the given representative.
More precisely, if [r] is a leaf, the domain of [r] is propagated to any
semantic value that contains [r] as a leaf according to the structure of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,10 +495,12 @@ struct
Domain.fold_leaves update r (get r t) t

let choose_changed t =
let r = SX.choose t.changed in
let t = { t with changed = SX.remove r t.changed } in
r, structural_propagation r t
let has_changed t =
not @@ SX.is_empty t.changed

let iter_changed f t = SX.iter f t.changed

let clear_changed t = { t with changed = SX.empty }

module type Constraint = sig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,31 +572,28 @@ module Constraints_make(Constraint : Constraint) : sig
The explanation [ex] justifies the equality [p = v]. *)

val notify : X.r -> t -> t
(** [notify r t] marks all constraints involving [r] (i.e. all constraints
that have [r] as one of their arguments) as pending.
val iter_parents : (Constraint.t explained -> unit) -> X.r -> t -> unit
(** [iter_parents f r t] calls [f] on all the constraints that apply directly
to [r] (precisely, all the constraints [r] is an argument of). *)

This function should be used when the domain of [r] is updated, if
domains are tracked for all representatives. *)
val iter_pending : (Constraint.t explained -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [iter_pending f t] calls [f] on all the constraints currently marked as
pending. Constraints are marked as pending when they are added, including
when a new constraint is added due to substitution of an old constraint
(whether the old constraint was pending or not). *)

val notify_leaf : X.r -> t -> t
(** [notify_leaf r t] marks all constraints that have [r] as a leaf (i.e.
all constraints that have at least one argument [a] such that [r] is in
[X.leaves a]) as pending.
val clear_pending : t -> t
(** [clear_pending t] returns a copy of [t] except that no constraints are
marked as pending. *)

This function should be used when the domain of [r] is updated, if
domains are tracked for leaves only. *)
val has_pending : t -> bool
(** [has_pending t] returns [true] if there is any constraint marked as
pending, in which case [iter_pending] and [clear_pending] are guaranteed
to be no-ops. Should only be used for optimization. *)

val fold_args : (X.r -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [fold_args f t acc] folds [f] over all the term representatives that are
arguments of at least one constraint. *)

val next_pending : t -> Constraint.t explained * t
(** [next_pending t] returns a pair [c, t'] where [c] was pending in [t] and
[t'] is identical to [t], except that [c] is no longer a pending
@raise Not_found if there are no pending constraints. *)
end = struct
module CS = Set.Make(struct
type t = Constraint.t explained
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -677,24 +682,21 @@ end = struct
) cs t
| exception Not_found -> t

let notify r t =
let iter_parents f r t =
match MX.find r t.args_map with
| cs ->
CS.fold (fun c t -> { t with pending = CS.add c t.pending }) cs t
| exception Not_found -> t
| cs -> CS.iter f cs
| exception Not_found -> ()

let notify_leaf r t =
match MX.find r t.leaves_map with
| cs ->
CS.fold (fun c t -> { t with pending = CS.add c t.pending }) cs t
| exception Not_found -> t
let iter_pending f t =
CS.iter f t.pending

let clear_pending t =
{ t with pending = CS.empty }

let has_pending t = not @@ CS.is_empty t.pending

let fold_args f c acc =
MX.fold (fun r _ acc ->
f r acc
) c.args_map acc

let next_pending t =
let c = CS.choose t.pending in
c, { t with pending = CS.remove c t.pending }
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/util/
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
(* *)
(* Alt-Ergo: The SMT Solver For Software Verification *)
(* Copyright (C) 2024 --- OCamlPro SAS *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of OCamlPro *)
(* Non-Commercial Purpose License, version 1. *)
(* *)
(* As an exception, Alt-Ergo Club members at the Gold level can *)
(* use this file under the terms of the Apache Software License *)
(* version 2.0. *)
(* *)
(* More details can be found in the directory licenses/ *)
(* *)

module type S = sig
type elt

type t

val create : int -> t

val push : t -> elt -> unit

exception Empty

val pop : t -> elt

val peek : t -> elt

val is_empty : t -> bool

val clear : t -> unit

module Make(H : Hashtbl.HashedType) : S with type elt = H.t = struct
module HT = Hashtbl.Make(H)

type elt = H.t

type t = { queue : H.t Queue.t ; elements : unit HT.t}

let create n =
{ queue = Queue.create () ; elements = HT.create n }

let push { queue ; elements } x =
if HT.mem elements x then () else (
HT.replace elements x ();
Queue.push x queue

exception Empty = Queue.Empty

let pop { queue ; elements } =
let x = Queue.pop queue in
HT.remove elements x; x

let peek { queue; _ } = Queue.peek queue

let is_empty { queue; _ } = Queue.is_empty queue

let clear { queue ; elements } =
Queue.clear queue; HT.clear elements
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/util/uqueue.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
(* *)
(* Alt-Ergo: The SMT Solver For Software Verification *)
(* Copyright (C) 2024 --- OCamlPro SAS *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of OCamlPro *)
(* Non-Commercial Purpose License, version 1. *)
(* *)
(* As an exception, Alt-Ergo Club members at the Gold level can *)
(* use this file under the terms of the Apache Software License *)
(* version 2.0. *)
(* *)
(* More details can be found in the directory licenses/ *)
(* *)

(** First-in first-out *unique* queues.
This module implements queues (FIFOs) without duplicates, with in-place
modifications. Implemented as a wrapper around the [Queue] and [Hashtbl] (to
ensure uniqueness) modules from the stdlib. *)

module type S = sig
type elt
(** The type of elements in the unique queue. *)

type t
(** The type of unique queues with [elt] elements. *)

val create : int -> t
(** Create a new empty unique queue. The [int] parameter is passed to the
backing [Hashtbl] used to ensure uniqueness. *)

val push : t -> elt -> unit
(** [push q x] adds [x] at the end of the queue [q]. Does nothing if [x] is
already present in the queue. *)

exception Empty
(** Raised when [pop] or [peek] are applied to an empty queue. *)

val pop : t -> elt
(** [pop q] removes and returns the first element in queue [q], or raises
[Empty] if the queue is empty.
@raise Empty if the queue is empty. *)

val peek : t -> elt
(** [peek q] returns the first element in queue [q] without removing it, or
raises [Empty] if the queue is empty.
@raise Empty if the queue is empty. *)

val is_empty : t -> bool
(** Returns [true] if the queue is empty, [false] otherwise. *)

val clear : t -> unit
(** Discard all elements from the queue. *)

module Make(H : Hashtbl.HashedType) : S with type elt = H.t

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