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simplify binary module type
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zapashcanon committed Aug 21, 2024
1 parent 7101e12 commit 6d2ed55
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Showing 14 changed files with 351 additions and 388 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion example/c/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ int main(void) {
$ owi c --e-acsl primes.c
$ owi c --e-acsl primes.c -w1
Assert failure: false
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28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,27 +50,27 @@ type elem =

type modul =
{ id : string option
; types : binary rec_type Named.t
; global : (global, binary global_type) Runtime.t Named.t
; table : (binary table, binary table_type) Runtime.t Named.t
; mem : (mem, limits) Runtime.t Named.t
; func : (binary func, binary block_type) Runtime.t Named.t
; types : binary rec_type array
; global : (global, binary global_type) Runtime.t array
; table : (binary table, binary table_type) Runtime.t array
; mem : (mem, limits) Runtime.t array
; func : (binary func, binary block_type) Runtime.t array
(* TODO: switch to func_type *)
; elem : elem Named.t
; data : data Named.t
; elem : elem array
; data : data array
; exports : exports
; start : int option

let empty_modul =
{ id = None
; types = Named.empty
; global = Named.empty
; table = Named.empty
; mem = Named.empty
; func = Named.empty
; elem = Named.empty
; data = Named.empty
; types = [||]
; global = [||]
; table = [||]
; mem = [||]
; func = [||]
; elem = [||]
; data = [||]
; exports = { global = []; mem = []; table = []; func = [] }
; start = None
146 changes: 68 additions & 78 deletions src/ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,15 +89,21 @@ let write_valtype buf vt =
let c = get_char_valtype vt in
Buffer.add_char buf c

let encode_vector buf datas encode_func =
let encode_vector length iter buf datas encode_func =
let vector_buf = Buffer.create 16 in
let len = List.length datas in
List.iter (encode_func vector_buf) datas;
let len = length datas in
iter (encode_func vector_buf) datas;
write_u32_of_int buf len;
Buffer.add_buffer buf vector_buf

let encode_vector_list buf datas encode_func =
encode_vector List.length List.iter buf datas encode_func

let encode_vector_array buf datas encode_func =
encode_vector Array.length Array.iter buf datas encode_func

let write_resulttype buf (rt : _ result_type) =
encode_vector buf rt write_valtype
encode_vector_list buf rt write_valtype

let write_paramtype buf (pt : _ param_type) =
let vt = snd pt in
Expand All @@ -111,11 +117,10 @@ let write_block_type buf (typ : binary block_type option) =
match typ with
| None | Some (Bt_raw (None, ([], []))) -> Buffer.add_char buf '\x40'
| Some (Bt_raw (None, ([], [ vt ]))) -> write_valtype buf vt
| Some (Bt_raw (None, (pt, _))) ->
write_paramtype buf pt
(* TODO: memo
will this pattern matching be enough with the use of the new modul.types field?
| Some (Bt_raw (None, (pt, _))) -> write_paramtype buf pt
(* TODO: memo
will this pattern matching be enough with the use of the new modul.types field?
| _ -> assert false (* TODO: same, new pattern matching cases ? *)

let write_block_type_idx buf (typ : binary block_type) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,9 +205,8 @@ let rec write_instr buf instr =
| Br idx -> write_char_indice buf '\x0C' idx
| Br_if idx -> write_char_indice buf '\x0D' idx
| Br_table (idxs, idx) ->
let idxs = Array.to_list idxs in
add_char '\x0E';
encode_vector buf idxs write_indice;
encode_vector_array buf idxs write_indice;
write_indice buf idx
| Return -> add_char '\x0F'
| Call idx -> write_char_indice buf '\x10' idx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -540,12 +544,11 @@ let write_locals buf locals =
let write_element buf ({ typ = _, ht; init; mode; _ } : elem) =
let write_init buf init =
let is_ref_func = ref true in
encode_vector buf init (fun buf expr ->
match expr with
| [ Ref_func idx ] -> write_indice buf idx
| expr ->
write_expr buf expr ~end_op_code:None;
is_ref_func := false );
encode_vector_list buf init (fun buf -> function
| [ Ref_func idx ] -> write_indice buf idx
| expr ->
write_expr buf expr ~end_op_code:None;
is_ref_func := false );
match mode with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -626,24 +629,21 @@ let encode_section buf id encode_func data =

(* type: section 1 *)
let encode_types buf (rec_types : binary rec_type Named.t) =
encode_vector buf rec_types.values
(fun buf (typ : binary rec_type Indexed.t) ->
let typ = Indexed.get typ in
let encode_types buf rec_types =
encode_vector_array buf rec_types (fun buf -> function
| [] -> assert false
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
(* TODO rec types *)
assert false
| [ typ ] -> (
match typ with
| [] -> assert false
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
(* TODO rec types *)
assert false
| [ typ ] -> (
match typ with
| _name, (Final, _idx, Def_func_t (pt, rt)) ->
Buffer.add_char buf '\x60';
write_paramtype buf pt;
write_resulttype buf rt
| _ ->
(* TODO non final types and other type declarations *)
assert false ) )
| _name, (Final, _idx, Def_func_t (pt, rt)) ->
Buffer.add_char buf '\x60';
write_paramtype buf pt;
write_resulttype buf rt
| _ ->
(* TODO non final types and other type declarations *)
assert false ) )

(* import: section 2 *)
let encode_imports buf (funcs, tables, memories, globals) =
Expand All @@ -662,20 +662,18 @@ let encode_imports buf (funcs, tables, memories, globals) =
(* function: section 3 *)
let encode_functions buf (funcs : binary func list) =
let idx = ref 0 in
encode_vector buf funcs (fun buf func ->
encode_vector_list buf funcs (fun buf func ->
write_block_type_idx buf func.type_f;
incr idx )

(* table: section 4 *)
let encode_tables buf tables = encode_vector buf tables write_table
let encode_tables buf tables = encode_vector_list buf tables write_table

(* memory: section 5 *)
let encode_memories buf memories = encode_vector buf memories write_memory
let encode_memories buf memories = encode_vector_list buf memories write_memory

(* global: section 6 *)
let encode_globals buf globals =
let globals = List.rev globals in
encode_vector buf globals write_global
let encode_globals buf globals = encode_vector_list buf globals write_global

(* export: section 7 *)
let encode_exports buf ({ global; mem; table; func } : exports) =
Expand All @@ -699,74 +697,66 @@ let encode_start buf int_opt =
match int_opt with None -> () | Some funcidx -> write_u32_of_int buf funcidx

(* element: section 9 *)
let encode_elements buf { Named.values = elems; _ } =
encode_vector buf elems (fun buf elem ->
let elem = Indexed.get elem in
write_element buf elem )
let encode_elements buf elems = encode_vector_array buf elems write_element

(* datacount: section 12 *)
let encode_datacount buf { Named.values = datas; _ } =
let len = List.length datas in
let encode_datacount buf datas =
let len = Array.length datas in
write_u32_of_int buf len

(* code: section 10 *)
let encode_codes buf funcs =
encode_vector buf funcs (fun buf { locals; body; _ } ->
encode_vector_list buf funcs (fun buf { locals; body; _ } ->
let code_buf = Buffer.create 16 in
write_locals code_buf locals;
write_expr code_buf body ~end_op_code:None;
write_u32_of_int buf (Buffer.length code_buf);
Buffer.add_buffer buf code_buf )

(* data: section 11 *)
let encode_datas buf { Named.values = datas; _ } =
encode_vector buf datas (fun buf data ->
let data = Indexed.get data in
write_data buf data )
let encode_datas buf datas = encode_vector_array buf datas write_data

let keep_local { Named.values; _ } =
let keep_local values =
(fun data ->
match Indexed.get data with
| Runtime.Local data -> Some data
| Runtime.Imported _data -> None )
(List.rev values)
(function Runtime.Local data -> Some data | Runtime.Imported _data -> None)
(Array.to_list values)

let keep_imported { Named.values; _ } =
let keep_imported values =
(fun data ->
match Indexed.get data with
| Runtime.Local _data -> None
| Runtime.Imported data -> Some data )
(List.rev values)
(function Runtime.Local _data -> None | Runtime.Imported data -> Some data)
(Array.to_list values)

let encode (modul : Binary.modul) =
let encode
({ func; table; global; exports; start; data; mem; types; elem; _ } :
Binary.modul ) =
let buf = Buffer.create 256 in
let local_funcs = keep_local modul.func in
let local_tables = keep_local modul.table in
let local_memories = keep_local modul.mem in
let local_globales = keep_local in
let imported_funcs = keep_imported modul.func in
let imported_tables = keep_imported modul.table in
let imported_memories = keep_imported modul.mem in
let imported_globals = keep_imported in

let local_funcs = keep_local func in
let local_tables = keep_local table in
let local_memories = keep_local mem in
let local_globales = keep_local global in
let imported_funcs = keep_imported func in
let imported_tables = keep_imported table in
let imported_memories = keep_imported mem in
let imported_globals = keep_imported global in

Buffer.add_string buf "\x00\x61\x73\x6d";
(* magic *)
Buffer.add_string buf "\x01\x00\x00\x00";
(* version *)
encode_section buf '\x01' encode_types modul.types;
encode_section buf '\x01' encode_types types;
encode_section buf '\x02' encode_imports
(imported_funcs, imported_tables, imported_memories, imported_globals);
encode_section buf '\x03' encode_functions local_funcs;
encode_section buf '\x04' encode_tables local_tables;
encode_section buf '\x05' encode_memories local_memories;
encode_section buf '\x06' encode_globals local_globales;
encode_section buf '\x07' encode_exports modul.exports;
encode_section buf '\x08' encode_start modul.start;
encode_section buf '\x09' encode_elements modul.elem;
encode_section buf '\x0C' encode_datacount;
encode_section buf '\x07' encode_exports exports;
encode_section buf '\x08' encode_start start;
encode_section buf '\x09' encode_elements elem;
encode_section buf '\x0C' encode_datacount data;
encode_section buf '\x0A' encode_codes local_funcs;
encode_section buf '\x0B' encode_datas;
encode_section buf '\x0B' encode_datas data;
Buffer.contents buf

let write_file filename content =
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