Releases: OHI-Science/ohicore
ohicore v2023.1: core function for Ocean Health Index calculations
Repository Description
This release of the ohicore package was used to calculate the 2023 global Ocean Health Index assessment. This package can also be used for independent Ocean Health Index assessments.
To install this package directly from github:
For additional information about the Ocean Health Index
Citation Information
Please use the following citation when using code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from
Ocean Health Index. 2023. ohicore v2023.1: Ocean Health Index ohicore Package, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
ohicore v2021.1: core functions for Ocean Health Index calculations
Repository Description
This release of the ohicore package was used to calculate the 2021 global Ocean Health Index assessment. This package can also be used for independent Ocean Health Index assessments.
To install this package directly from github:
For additional information about the Ocean Health Index
Citation Information
Please use the following citation when using code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from
Ocean Health Index. 2021. ohicore v2021.1: Ocean Health Index ohicore Package, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
ohicore v2020.1: core functions for Ocean Health Index calculations
Repository Description
This release of the ohicore package was used to calculate the 2020 global Ocean Health Index assessment. This package can also be used for independent Ocean Health Index assessments.
To install this package directly from github:
For additional information about the Ocean Health Index
Citation Information
Please use the following citation when using code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from
Ocean Health Index. 2020. ohicore v2020.1: Ocean Health Index ohicore Package, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
ohicore v2019.1: core functions for Ocean Health Index calculations
Repository Description
This release of the ohicore package was used to calculate the 2019 global Ocean Health Index assessment. This package can also be used for independent Ocean Health Index assessments.
To install this package directly from github:
For additional information about the Ocean Health Index
Citation Information
Please use the following citation when using code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from
Ocean Health Index. 2019. ohicore v2019.1: Ocean Health Index ohicore Package, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
ohicore v2018.1: core functions for Ocean Health Index calculations
Repository Description
This release of the ohicore package was used to calculate the 2018 global Ocean Health Index assessment. This package can also be used for independent Ocean Health Index assessments.
To install this package directly from github:
For additional information about the Ocean Health Index
Citation Information
Please use the following citation when using code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from
Ocean Health Index. 2018. ohicore v2018.1: Ocean Health Index ohicore Package, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
ohicore v2017.1: core functions for Ocean Health Index calculations
Repository Description
This release of the ohicore package was used to calculate the 2017 global Ocean Health Index assessment. This package can also be used for independent Ocean Health Index assessments.
To install this package directly from github:
This version of ohicore is improved for more calculating multiple scenario years. However, these changes should not affect previous assessments.
For additional information about the Ocean Health Index
Citation Information
Please use the following citation when using code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from
Ocean Health Index. 2017. ohicore v2017.1: Ocean Health Index ohicore Package, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
ohicore v2016.1: Core functions for Ocean Health Index calculations
Repository Description
This release of the ohicore package was used to calculate the 2016 global Ocean Health Index assessment. This package can also be used for independent Ocean Health Index assessments.
To install this package directly from github:
This version of ohicore requires fairly major modifications to how the pressure and resilience configuration files are formatted for analysis (relative to pre ~2015 OHI assessments). If your configuration files are formatted using the older methods, you will want to use the ohicore version on the master_a2015 branch (e.g., devtools::install_github("ohi-science/ohicore@master_a2015") )
For additional information about the Ocean Health Index
Citation Information
Please use the following citation when using code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from
Ocean Health Index. 2016. ohicore v2016.1: Ocean Health Index ohicore Package, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
ohicore v2015.2: Core Functions for Ocean Health Index
Citation Information
Please use the following citation when using code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from
Ocean Health Index. 2015. ohicore v2015.1: Ocean Health Index ohicore Package, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
Repository Description
This is the R package used to calculate the ohi-global scores for the 2015 global Ocean Health Index. These functions can also be used for independent Ocean Health Index assessments. This version is essentially the same as v2015.1, but we improved error/warning messages and documentation of functions. There should be no changes to calculations. However, we are planning to make fairly substantial changes to ohicore and wanted to preserve this current state.
For additional information about the Ocean Health Index
ohicore v2015.1: Core Functions for Ocean Health Index
Citation Information
Please use the following citation when using code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from
Ocean Health Index. 2015. ohicore v2015.1: Ocean Health Index ohicore Package, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
Repository Description
This is the R package used to calculate the ohi-global scores for the 2015 global Ocean Health Index. These functions can also be used for independent Ocean Health Index assessments.
For additional information about the Ocean Health Index
ohicore v2014.3: Core Functions for Ocean Health Index
This release of ohicore represents the the R library used to calculate the ohi-global scores that make up the Global Ocean Health Index for 2014 (v2014.3).