nix run nixpkgs#git clone
cd dotfiles
mkdir -p ./host/<hostname>
cp /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ./host/<hostname>/nixos.nix
# create ./nixos/<hostname>/default.nix from other host's config, and edit it
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#<hostname>
home-manager switch --flake .#<username>@<hostname>
old dotfiles is in ./home
sudo pacman -S git
git clone
cd ./dotfiles/home
- Hyprland
- Waybar
- Anyrun (launcher)
- Neovim
- Lazy.nvim (plugin manager)
- Mason.nvim (lsp manager)
- Image.nvim (image viewr for kitty)
- Zsh
- Starship
- fzf (for extended history search)
- yazi (tui filer with graphical preview)
- Bottles (wine manager)
- Fcitx5
- skk
- Kitty (terminal which has own image protocol)