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This is a javascript OOP interface for ArangoDB
Conception: Using the ES7 operator await
, getters
and promises
, we can navigate the graph objects tree.
It is recommended for use with the ES7 (async await) For a more beautiful syntax.
Never heard of ArangoDB? Check out these benchmarks:
Please see ./index.test.js
for most up-to-date examples.
Model.get(_id) // get model by id
Model.add(obj) // add model by description obj
Model.remove(model) // remove model
Model.restore(model) // restore removed model // save modified model to db
Model.update(model) // update modified model from db
Model.find({ where: { key: value }, skip: 0, limit: 10 }) // find models by where obj
Model.findAndCount({ where: { key: value }, skip: 0, limit: 10 }) // find models by where obj and return as { data: [data], meta: { count: 123 } }
Model.findOne({ where: { key: value } }) // find one model by selector obj
Model.count(selector) // return count models matches of selector
Model.have(selector) // returns true if there is at least one model suitable for selector
instance: // alias
Model.prototype.update() // alias Model.update(this)
Model.prototype.remove() // alias Model.remove(this)
Model.prototype.restore() // alias Model.remove(this)
create init class model.js
var orm = require('final-orm')
var options = {
database: 'test', // db name
// You can initialize the database using a url.
url: 'http://root:@localhost:8529',
// Or supply each of these values. You do not need both.
host: 'localhost',
port: '8529',
username: 'root',
password: ''
var { Model, Edge } = orm.connect(options)
export default Model
export { Model, Edge }
returns Model
and Edge
classes, and you need export and extend it
Define collection User (class name will be collection name), and edge collection "Like"
import { Model, Edge } from './model.js'
class User extends Model {
static schema = {
// basic types
name: String,
male: Boolean,
age: Number,
birth: Date,
tags: Set, // like array but items are unique
// structures
messages: [String], // array of types
prop1: {prop2: [{tags: [String]}] }, // sub schemas
// relations with other (or self) db collections
bestFriend: User, // link to model
friends: [User], // link to array models
// field options
name: String,
name: {$type: String},
name: {$type: String, test: /^\w+$/},
status: {
$type: String,
enum: ['sleep', 'eat'], // enum
optional: true // allows null value
class Like extends Edge {
static schema = {
date: Date
import Model from './model.js'
class User extends Model {
static schema = {
name: String,
age: Number,
(async function () {
// adding user to db
var user = await User.add({
name: 'Ашот',
age: 24,
user._id // 'User/434370324723'
user._removed // false // 'Ашот'
user.age // 24
// change field = 'Ololo'
console.log( // 'Ololo' field is changed
// reset changes
await user.update() // load state from db // 'Ашот'
// saving changes = 'Ololo' // change field
await // save changes to db
await user.update() // load state from db // 'Ololo' because we save
// like via edge collection
const rose = await User.findOne({ where: { name: 'Rose' } })
// in edge collections, the usage is Edge.add(from, to, data)
Like.add(rose, user, { date: new Date() })
import Model from './model.js'
class User extends Model {
static schema = {
name: String,
age: Number,
friends: [User]
async addFriend(user) {
var friends = await this.friends
async removeAllFriends(){
this.friends = []
(async function(){
var user = await User.add({
name: 'Ivan',
age: 24,
friends: []
await user.addFriend(user)
await user.addFriend(user)
await user.friends // [user, user] two itself =)
await user.removeAllFriends()
await user.friends // []
await user.friends === await user.friends // true = 22
await // ValidationError: Field `name` must be String, but have Number
await user.removeAllFriends() // since this method uses this.update, you must do first
import Model from './model.js'
class Sector extends Model {
static schema = {
size: Number
class User extends Model {
static schema = {
name: String,
sector: Sector,
(async function () {
var sector = await Sector.add({
size: 236
var user = await User.add({
name: 'Ашот',
sector: sector
(await user.sector).size // 236
var sector2 = await Sector.add({
size: 1004
user.sector = sector2
(await user.sector).size // 1004 because this another sector ^__^
System types is: String, Number, Boolean, Data, Set Actually we can use custom types:
import Model from './model.js'
class Color {
constructor(r, g, b) {
this.r = r
this.g = g
this.b = b
// convert to db document
toJSON() {
return {
r: this.r,
g: this.g,
b: this.b
// restore from db document
static fromJSON(json) {
return new Color(json.r, json.g, json.b)
class User extends Model {
static schema = {
name: String,
color: Color
(async function () {
var user = await User.add({
name: 'Ашот',
color: new Color(0, 255, 0)
user.color instanceof Color //true
schema = {
age: Number,
age: {$type: Number},
age: {$type: Number, min:0, max:100}
======= String
schema = {
name: String,
name: {$type: String},
name: {$type: String, min:3, max:20, test:/^\w+$/}
======= Set
schema = {
tags: Set,
tags: {$type: Set},
tags: {$type: Set, set: ['soviet', 'movies']}