Release Note
ONNC framework
[New feature] ONNC supports new operators Clip, Max, Min, ReduceMean, and PRelu.
C Backend
[New feature] ONNC can compile models into C files.
[New feature] ONNC provides a library containing function implementation for 116 neural network operators defined in ONNX rel-1.3.0 specification.
[New feature] The ONNC library can call Intel MKLDNN library for accelerating the computation of convolution and Gemm (matrix multiplication) on Intel CPU.
Supported ONNX Operators
- Support
- Add
- AveragePool
- BatchNormalization
- Concat
- Conv
- Clip new
- Gemm
- GlobalAveragePool
- Identity
- Max new
- MaxPool
- Min new
- Mul
- PRelu new
- Relu
- ReduceMean new
- Reshape
- Softmax
- Sum
- Transpose (use in ShuffleNet)
- Unsqueeze
Supported ONNX Models
Model | NVDLA nv_full Backend | C Backend |
bvlc_alexnet | O | O |
bvlc_googlenet | O | O |
bvlc_reference_caffenet | O | O |
bvlc_reference_rcnn_ilsvrc13 | O | O |
densenet121 | O | O |
inception_v1 | O | O |
inception_v2 | O | O |
resnet50 | O | O |
shufflenet | O | O |
squeezenet | O | O |
vgg19 | O | O |
zfnet512 | O | O |
pytorch-alexnet | O | O |
pytorch-densenet121 | O | O |
pytorch-densenet161 | O | O |
pytorch-densenet169 | O | O |
pytorch-densenet201 | O | O |
pytorch-googlenet | O | O |
pytorch-inception_v3 | O | O |
pytorch-mnasnet0_5 | X | O |
pytorch-mnasnet1_0 | X | O |
pytorch-mobilenet_v2 | X | O |
pytorch-resnet101 | O | O |
pytorch-resnet152 | O | O |
pytorch-resnet18 | O | O |
pytorch-resnet34 | O | O |
pytorch-resnet50 | O | O |
pytorch-resnext101_32x8d | O | O |
pytorch-resnext50_32x4d | O | O |
pytorch-shufflenet_v2_x0_5 | X | O |
pytorch-shufflenet_v2_x1_0 | X | O |
pytorch-squeezenet1_0 | O | O |
pytorch-squeezenet1_1 | O | O |
pytorch-vgg11 | O | O |
pytorch-vgg11_bn | O | O |
pytorch-vgg13 | O | O |
pytorch-vgg13_bn | O | O |
pytorch-vgg16 | O | O |
pytorch-vgg16_bn | O | O |
pytorch-vgg19 | O | O |
pytorch-vgg19_bn | O | O |
pytorch-wide_resnet101_2 | O | O |
pytorch-wide_resnet50_2 | O | O |