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Debugging with Vagrant and PhpStorm

Matthias Steffens edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 7 revisions

This guide shows how to enable step debugging with PhpStorm and Xdebug for a development environment running with Vagrant and VirtualBox.

Prerequisites and used versions

  • PhpStorm (2021.2.4) with installed and enabled Vagrant plugin. This plugin may be already installed & enabled. See PhpStorm > Preferences > Plugins.

  • Vagrant (2.2.19) and VirtualBox (6.1.32). On macOS, both can also be installed via the Homebrew package manager:

      brew install virtualbox
      brew install vagrant
  • A local development project configured and initialized for use with Vagrant. NOTE: the examples in this guide use PHP 7.2. If you're using a different version (e.g. PHP 7.1), substitute all string occurrences of 7.2 with, say, 7.1.

Vagrantfile additions

To install Xdebug for your Vagrant machine, open your project's Vagrantfile and edit it like this:

  1. Add this new script:

     $xdebug = <<SCRIPT
     apt-get -yq install php7.2-xdebug
     if ! grep "xdebug.mode=debug" /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/xdebug.ini > /dev/null; then
     	echo -e "xdebug.mode=debug\nxdebug.client_host=\nxdebug.client_port=9003" >> /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/xdebug.ini
  2. Add these lines to the $environment script:

     if ! grep "XDEBUG_SESSION=OPUS4" /home/vagrant/.bashrc > /dev/null; then
       echo "export XDEBUG_SESSION=OPUS4" >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
  3. Add this line to the Vagrant.configure ... block at the bottom of the Vagrantfile:

       config.vm.provision "Install Xdebug...", type: "shell", inline: $xdebug

To apply your changes, open a Terminal window with your project's root directory and force provisioning of your Vagrant machine:

vagrant provision

Check Xdebug installation

After provisioning has finished, connect to your Vagrant machine and check if Xdebug was installed correctly:

vagrant ssh
php -v

The PHP version info should now list Xdebug among the installed extensions:

PHP (cli) (built: Nov 19 2021 06:36:58) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies
    with Xdebug v3.1.2, Copyright (c) 2002-2021, by Derick Rethans

Also, in your Vagrant machine, the file /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/xdebug.ini should now contain the Xdebug settings for Vagrant:

PhpStorm configuration for Vagrant

Run PhpStorm with admin rights

Quit PhpStorm if it is running, then open it again from a Terminal window with admin rights:

sudo pstorm

This seems to be required so that PhpStorm can correctly query Vagrant's status without errors. Once PhpStorm has been configured, it can be opened again normally.

Vagrant executable

To ensure that PhpStorm knows about the path to the Vagrant executable, open PhpStorm > Preferences > Tools > Vagrant and enter the correct path for "Vagrant executable" and click OK. For example, on macOS, if you've installed Vagrant via Homebrew, enter /usr/local/bin/vagrant:


CLI interpreter

  1. Open PhpStorm > Preferences > PHP and click the ... button for "CLI interpreter".
  2. In the CLI Interpreters dialog that opens, click the + button in the top left.
  3. Choose From Docker, Vagrant, VM, WSL, Remote... from the popup menu.

In the dialog that opens (see picture below):

  1. Choose the Vagrant option.
  2. Enter these values:
    • Vagrant instance folder: Choose your project directory containing the project's Vagrantfile (it may be already pre-filled).
    • PHP interpreter path: Use the default value: /usr/bin/php

PhpStorm will display any errors in this dialog. If there are no errors, the Vagrant Host URL field will show an ssh:// URL (like ssh://vagrant@ Clicking that URL should display "Successfully connected to".


Finallly, click OK to save and dismiss the dialog. This will bring you back to the CLI Interpreters dialog which now looks like this:


Cick OK twice to save and dismiss the CLI Interpreters and Preferences dialogs.

Add a "PHP Remote Debug" configuration

Open Run > Edit Configurations…

  1. In the Run/Debug Configurations dialog that opens, click the + button in the top left.
  2. Choose PHP Remote Debug from the popup menu.
  3. Name: Enter a name for your new configuration, e.g. "Vagrant".
  4. Mark the checkbox next to Filter debug connection by IDE key.
  5. IDE key (session Id): Enter OPUS4.
  6. Server: Click the ... button.

In the dialog that opens (see picture below):

  1. If you don't have an "Unnamed" server entry yet, click the + button in the top left.
  2. Name: Enter a name for your new server entry, e.g. "Vagrant".
  3. Host: Enter the address that's returned in the output from running vagrant ssh in your project's directory (e.g.
  4. Port: Use the default value: 80
  5. Debugger: Select Xdebug.
  6. Mark the checkbox next to Use path mappings ….
  7. In the path list, find your project path under Project Files, click in the column Absolute path on the server and enter /vagrant

Finallly, click OK to save and dismiss the dialog. This will bring you back to the Run/Debug Configurations dialog which now looks like this:


Start debugging

PhpStorm toolbar

  1. Select Run/Debug Configuration popup menu: Make sure your Vagrant Debug configuration is selected.
  2. Click the green Debug 'Vagrant' button next to the popup menu and play button.

Add some breakpoint(s)

Add a breakpoint somewhere in your OPUS4 code, e.g. in a test function.

Start and connect to your Vagrant machine

If necessary, open a Terminal window with your project's root directory and start and connect to your Vagrant machine:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Run your OPUS4 test(s)

For example, to run a single test function from CollectionTest:

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter=testConstructorForExistingCollection tests/Opus/CollectionTest.php

This should open PhpStorm and break at your set breakpoint(s).

Stop debugging

To stop debugging again, click the red square Stop 'Vagrant' button.

