Global Impurity Transport Code
For reference, please visit the archived copy of the GITR project - GITR_legacy
The GITR program takes background plasma profiles, equilibrium, geometry, and surface model and performs large scale simulation of plasma induced erosion, plasma transport of those impurities, sputtering, and redeposition.
The physics implemented in GITR is based on the trace-impurity assumption. i.e. The density of impurities created in the GITR code is negligible in its effect on the background plasma parameters.
Beginning from a set of initial conditions, the code steps each particle through a set of operators until certain conditions on the particles are reached (crossing a boundary or timing out). The operators acting on the particles are dependent on the prescribed fields and profiles of the background.
. Top Level: Top level build system file **CMakeLists.txt**, LICENSE file, (this file)
├── CMake ---> build system files
├── images ---> repo visuals for websites and presentations
├── examples ---> contains a post-processing example script
├── include ---> C++ header files
├── src ---> C++ source files
├── test_include ---> C++ unit test header files
└── test_src ---> C++ unit test source files
This is a straightforward option for compiling GITR. This build is recommended for using GITR on a local device.
Install Docker Desktop
Open Docker Desktop and log in – this will start the Docker Daemon running
From your GITR source directory, run
bash containers/
You should be inside a Docker container now, so
cd host
to navigate to the GITR source directory -
Run the following commands to build and make GITR from inside the container. These commands must be repeated each time you initiate the container.
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build
cd build
make -j 4
- Now GITR is built. You can run GITR by executing it from the directory above your input folder while still inside your container. We recommend copying your problem's input directory into
when using a Docker container.
This is a straightforward option for compiling GITR. This build is recommended for using GITR on a remote device, such as a NERSC computer.
Check that your remote device has podman by running
podman -v
. If your device does not have podman, we recommend using the Bare Metal Build below. -
podman pull stonecoldhughes/gitr:env_test
to download a binary container image to provide an environment containing all pre-configured GITR dependencies. GITR will later build and run inside this container. -
Open the GITR container from the GITR source directory with
bash containers/
You should be inside a podman container now, so
cd host
to navigate to the GITR source directory -
Run the following commands to build and make GITR from inside the container. These commands must be repeated each time you initiate the container.
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build
cd build
make -j 4
- Now GITR is built. You can run GITR by executing it from the directory above your input folder while still inside your container. We recommend copying your problem's input directory into
when using a Docker container.
This is a straightforward option for compiling GITR.
Install libconfig
Install netcdf
to ensure that it points to the appropriate lib and include directories of libconfig and netcdf -
If you are using a NERSC device or other shared high-performance computing resource:
module load cmake
module unload cray-hdf5-parallel
module swap PrgEnv-gnu PrgEnv-nvidia
module load nvidia/23.9
module load cray-hdf5
module load cray-netcdf
bash <path_to_GITR_directory> <path_to_GITR_build_directory>
to ensure that "Build files have been written" -
to ensure that you have "Built target GITR" -
Now GITR is built. You can run GITR by executing it from the directory above your input folder.
The GITR software relies on several other software installations to operate. These dependencies fall under system dependencies and 3rd-party dependencies. GITR's advanced build system downloads and builds all 3rd-party dependencies automatically, but this is not the case with system dependencies. These must all be installed by the user prior to attempting to build GITR. Numerous approaches are available to the user for installing/updating/managing system dependencies. An approach using the spack utility is briefly described below, loosely following
- Ensure that basic system dependencies like a working compiler are installed and discoverable on your system. If it is a blank system, you will need to install these with the native Ubuntu package manager apt:
apt install build-essential
At this time, HDF5 must also be installed as a system dependency with the native system package manager. It cannot be installed with spack.
apt install hdf5-hl
- Download spack:
- Instantiate spack in your environment. This can optionally be placed in your .bashrc file if you want it done automatically upon every login:
source ~/spack/share/spack/
- Direct spack to find a compiler to use:
spack compilers
This command should produce non-empty output. The discovered compilers will be listed.
- We may now begin using spack to install the rest of the system dependencies. Beginning with the newest version of gcc:
List packages matching gcc:
spack list gcc
List versions of package:
spack versions gcc
Install one (preferably the latest):
spack install gcc @11.2.0
spack load gcc@11.2.0
spack compiler find
You are building a literal compiler. Expect this to take a
- Next, we will use the compiler we just built to build the rest of the dependencies:
spack list cmake
spack versions cmake
spack install cmake @3.22.1 %gcc@11.2.0
- Optional: for CUDA support, similarly install CUDA:
spack list cuda
spack versions cuda
spack install cuda @11.5.1 %gcc@11.2.0
- Optional for blazingly fast source compilation, similarly install Ninja build system:
spack list ninja
spack versions ninja
spack install ninja @1.10.2 %gcc@11.2.0
- Now that these softwares are made available to spack, they must be loaded into the current environment so that they are discoverable in the current environment. List packages and load them:
spack find -x
spack find -x --loaded
spack load gcc
spack load cuda
spack load cmake
spack load ninja
spack find -x --loaded
This final command should print out all the loaded environments.
- If you do not have the Homebrew package manager, get it here at:
- For
to work, you may need to run the following:
source ~/.bashrc
- You must install HDF5:
brew install hdf5@1.12
- You must install CMake if you do not already have it:
brew install cmake
- You must install Ninja:
brew install ninja
- You may need to install m4 as well:
brew install m4
Configure build system with CMake. Physics operators can be activated via -D-style build-time options provided to CMake.
cmake -S /path/to/GITR -B /path/to/build -Doption_name
The list of options can be viewed in:
Once the project is configured, compile:
cd build
If using Unix Makefiles:
make -j
If using Ninja:
ninja -j 0
GITR expects to be run in a directory containing subdirectories input and output. The input directory must contain a file called gitrInput.cfg.
Navigate to this directory and run:
There are 32 options GITR expects to consume at runtime, in a block of the gitrInput.cfg file called:
A list of the required options and a brief description of each is provided:
- Binary option - turn on or off for surface modeling
- Binary option - turn on to collect energy/angle flux
- Ternary option for density histogram collection:
- 0: do not collect density histograms
- 2: create 2d histograms
- 3: create 3d histograms
- Ternary option for density histogram collection:
- Binary option, 0 or 1. Enabled by USESHEATHEFIELD
- binary variable
- 0: 3d off, 2d
- 1: 3d on, 3d
- binary variable
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
- description
The default configuration options in GITR are compatible with the input deck in: GITR_CPC_example.
Navigate to the user-created build directory and run:
Navigate to
. -
Pick a name for the test and add it to the CMake variable
if it can optionally use the GPU. Otherwise put it incpu_test_targets
. -
Create the actual unit test file - it must be named exactly the name you picked with .cpp at the end, and in the directory
. You must include:
#include "test_utils.hpp"
- Link any libraries your test needs. Do this in
- Include this file in your test file:
#include "test_data_filepath.hpp"
It contains preprocessor definitions for filepaths. This file is automatically generated by the build system. To use a data file in the tests, you will need to instruct the build system to create a new entry in that header file.
Copy your test file into
. -
Add the following lines anywhere after the macro definition in
generate_testing_file( "test_data/your_test_file.extension" ) set( YOUR_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINE_NAME ${destination_path})
- Navigate to
. Add a line:
Create a new issue under GitHub's Issues tab.
Search the GitHub discussions tab for existing threads or start a new one.
Fork this repository, branch off of dev, and open a merge request into dev.
Navigate to GITR/docs/
cmake version 3.13 or newer required
- Enabled by default, disable with -DGITR_USE_CUDA=0
- Requires existing installation. Set:
- -DCMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER=/path/to/nvcc