An ansible role to install and configure elasticsearch standalone setup.
Date | Version | Description | Changed By |
June '15 | v0.1 | Initial Draft | Sudipt Sharma |
- Redhat : 7
- CentOS : 7
- Ubuntu : 14/16/18/20
- Amazon Linux
- Java 1.8 or higher
- python
Variables | Default Values | Description |
elasticsearch_version | "6.8.22" | Elasticsearch version you want to install |
cluster_name | es-stanalone | Name of the Elasticsearch cluster |
es_jvm_dump | /var/lib/elasticsearch/heap | Path for jvm dump |
data_path | /var/lib/elasticsearch | Place to store Elasticsearch content |
log_path | /var/log/elasticsearch | Place to store Elasticsearch log |
http_port | 9200 | elasticsearch http port |
tcp_port | 9300 | elasticsearch tcp port |
nproc_limit | 4096 | It is the limit of number of processes for elasticsearch user |
swapness | 1 | It defines how much RAM content will be copied to swap |
An inventory for elasticsearch setup should look like this:-
[elastichost] ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_user=opstree
- Here is an example playbook:-
- hosts: es
- { role: osm_elasticSearch }
- ansible-playbook elastic.yml
You can check whether elasticsearch is responding or not by performing curl request to configured port on elasticsearch ip
- Sumit Anand