An ansible role to install nginx. We are using nginx hardening as well in this role.
Date | Version | Description | Changed By |
April '30 | v.1.0 | Initial Draft | Kavit Narwal |
- CentOS:7
- CentOS:6
- Ubuntu:bionic
- Ubuntu:xenial
No pre-requirment need for this ansible roles.
We are using below mention default variables for nginx configuration.
Variables | Default Values |
nginx_port | 80 |
nginx_root_dir | /etc/nginx |
nginx_config_conf_dir | /etc/nginx/conf.d |
nginx_default_conf | /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf |
nginx_service_name | nginx |
We are using below mention variables for nginx hardening.
- nginx_client_body_buffer_size
- nginx_remove_default_site
- nginx_client_max_body_size
- nginx_keepalive_timeout
- nginx_server_tokens
- nginx_client_header_buffer_size
- nginx_large_client_header_buffers
- nginx_client_body_timeout
- nginx_client_header_timeout
- nginx_send_timeout
- nginx_limit_conn_zone
- nginx_limit_conn
- nginx_add_header
- nginx_ssl_protocols
- nginx_ssl_ciphers
- nginx_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers
- nginx_dh_param
- nginx_dh_size
Define above mention variables value as per your requirments. Otherwise it will take default value.
An inventory should look like this for nginx setup:-
[nginx] ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_user=centos
Here is an example playbook:-
- hosts: nginx
- role: osm_nginx
become: yes
For using this role you have to execute playbook only
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml