Prometheus is an opensource monitoring solution that gathers time series based numerical data. It is a project which was started by Google’s ex-employees at SoundCloud.
To monitor your services and infra with prometheus your service need to expose an endpoint in the form of port or url. For ex:- {{ localhost:9090 }}. The endpoint is HTTP interface that exposes the metrics.
This role is compatible with Linux Hardened OS
Date | Version | Description | Changed By |
Feb 2019 | v0.0.1 | Initial Draft | Abhishek Dubey |
July 2020 | v0.1.0 | Added Service Discovery Feature | Mahesh Kumar |
April 2022 | v0.1.0 | Added ec2 sd configs plugin | Varghese Kurian |
There is no particular requirment for running this role. As this role is platform independent for centos 6 or 7 and ubuntu 14, 16 & 18. The only dependency for centos 6 is libselinux python and we have included that as well. The basic requirments are:-
- Centos/Ubuntu Server
- Python should be installed on the target server so that ansible can perform task
- libselinux-python should be available on Centos 6 so that ansible can connect to it
# defaults file for prometheus
prometheus_version: "2.3.2"
prometheus_ip: ""
prometheus_port: "9090"
base_download_url: ""
user_name: "prometheus"
group_name: "prometheus"
prometheus_binary_path: "/usr/local/bin"
# please enter telegraf or node_exporter
agent_discovery: "no"
agent: "telegraf"
tgraf_port: "9273"
node_exporter_port: "9100"
env: prod
# please enter ec2 config details to enable
enable_ec2_sd_configs: "no"
aws_region: us-east-1
filter_tag_key: NodeExporter #Tag-Key to filter EC2 nodes
filter_tag_value: Enable #Tag-Value to filter EC2 nodes
You can define any prometheus version that you want to install on your server.
Variable | Default Value | Possible Values | Description |
prometheus_version | "2.3.2" | Any Version | Prometheus will be downloaded from github releases, so you have to define version |
prometheus_ip | "" | IP of the server on which prometheus will expose its UI |
Variable | Default Value | Possible Values | Description |
prometheus_port | "9090" | Prometheus Service Port | Port no. of server on which prometheus should listen |
base_download_url | "" | Base url of Prometheus's Download link | Base url of prometheus release |
user_name | prometheus | Any User | Prometheus User Name |
group_name | prometheus | Any Group | Promtheus Group Name |
prometheus_binary_path | "/usr/loca/bin" | Any Path | Path to Copy Prometheus Binary |
agent_discovery | "no" | "yes"/"no" | Enable of Disable Agent Discovery, Agent Discovery added all the agents in Promtheus Configuration |
agent | "telegraf" | "telegraf"/"node_exporter" | Which agent you are using to get metrics. Supported Values are "node_exporter" and "telegraf" |
env | "prod" | Any Enviornment Name | Enviornment, in which you agents are running |
tgraf_port | "9273" | telegraf service port | if you are using telegraf, Port no. of telegraf on which telegraf is listening |
node_exporter_port | "9100" | Node Exporter Service Port | if Node Exporter is using as agent, Port no. of telegraf on which telegraf is listening |
Enable_ec2_sd_configs | "yes" | yes or no | If you want to enable the ec2 plugin service then it should be yes |
Filter_tag_key | NodeExporter | Can be any name | Tag should be exporter name for better understanding |
Filter_tag_value | Enable | Can be any Bulien value | value should be bulien other than that ec2 plugin will no support |
- If Service Discovery is Enable, install one of telgraf and node exporter agent on each node, which must be added in prometheus targets.
Directory structure:-
├── defaults
│ └── main.yml
├── handlers
│ └── main.yml
├── hosts
├── site.yml
├── tasks
│ ├── debian.yml
│ ├── main.yml
│ └── redhat.yml
└── templates
├── prometheus.init.j2
├── prometheus.service.j2
└── prometheus.yml.j2
Here is an example for the main playbook
- hosts: prometheus
user: test-user
become: true
- prometheus
For inventory you can create a host file in which you can define your server ip, For example:-
Here is an example for the main playbook. Following Playbook Gather Facts of each Node, where agents is installed. Because of Gather Facts, Ansible Controller storing ip address of each host and adding it in promtheus configuration.
- name: Gather Facts of Agent Nodes
hosts: agents
gather_facts: true
tasks: []
- hosts: prometheus
user: test-user
become: true
- prometheus
For inventory you can create a host file in which you can define your server ip, For example:-
You can simply use this role by using this command
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
Dynamic discovery support
- Azure
This role is written and maintained by Abhishek Dubey. If you have any queries and sugesstion, please feel free to reach.