This repository is created to get your hands dirty with various deployment strategies in a very simplistic fashion.
Corrently this repository, contains 2 branch
- v1
- v2
To see how to validate v1 & v2 codebase simply execute the Makefile
make build
make run
Deployment strategies that we would like you to cover are
- Recreate
- Rolling
- Blue/Green
- Canary
To just focus on Deployment strategies, we recommend that you pre-create all these things
- Nginx AMI of v1 codebase (You can use Packer to create AMI)
- Nginx AMI of v2 codebase (You can use Packer to create AMI)
- ALB with with listener rule 80 (You can use AWS CLI to create ALB & listener rule)
- An empty default web tg (You can use AWS CLI to create web-tg)
- Release Strategy for Java Web based projects
- Provisioning Infra and Deployments In AWS : Using Packer, Terraform and Jenkins
- A Detailed Guide to Canary Deployments!
- Canary vs Blue-Green Deployment- Which one should you choose?
- When not to think of Canary Deployment?
- Deployment Strategies: 6 Explained in Depth