is an easy-to-use and efficient tool to estimate infectious
diseases parameters (seroprevalence and force of infection) using
serological data. The current version is based on the book “Modeling
Infectious Disease Parameters Based on Serological and Social Contact
Data – A Modern Statistical Perspective” by Hens et al., 2012
You can install the development version of serosv with:
# install.packages("devtools")
contains 15 built-in serological datasets as provided by Hens
et al., 2012
Simply call the name to load a dataset, for example:
rubella <- rubella_uk_1986_1987
The following methods are available to estimate seroprevalence and force of infection.
Parametric approaches:
- Polynomial models:
- Muench’s model
- Griffiths’ model
- Grenfell and Anderson’s model
- Nonlinear models:
- Farrington’s model
- Weibull model
- Fractional polynomial models
Nonparametric approaches:
- Local estimation by polynomials
Semiparametric approaches:
Penalized splines:
Penalized likelihood framework
Generalized Linear Mixed Model framework
Hierarchical Bayesian approaches:
Hierarchical Farrington model
Hierarchical log-logistic model
Load the rubella in UK dataset.
#> Warning: package 'serosv' was built under R version 4.3.3
Find the power for the best second degree fractional polynomial with monotonicity constraint and a logit link function. The power appears to be (-0.9,-0.9).
rubella <- rubella_uk_1986_1987
best_2d_mn <- find_best_fp_powers(
rubella$age, rubella$pos, rubella$tot,
p=seq(-2,3,0.1), mc = T, degree=2, link="logit"
#> $p
#> [1] -0.9 -0.9
#> $deviance
#> [1] 37.57966
#> $model
#> Call: glm(formula = as.formula(formulate(p_cur)), family = binomial(link = link))
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) I(age^-0.9)
#> 4.342 -4.696
#> I(I(age^-0.9) * log(age))
#> -9.845
#> Degrees of Freedom: 43 Total (i.e. Null); 41 Residual
#> Null Deviance: 1369
#> Residual Deviance: 37.58 AIC: 210.1
Finally, fit the second degree fractional polynomial.
fpmd <- fp_model(
rubella$age, rubella$pos, rubella$tot,
p=c(-0.9, -0.9), link="logit")