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@andrew-at-octopus andrew-at-octopus released this 11 Aug 08:27
· 36 commits to master since this release

This contains a breaking change for Halibut.

Service interfaces may not include any property that is a Task or Object, or has a Task or Object as part of a sub-class. This is to ensure that all types included in the messages used in halibut (both request and response) are of a known type.

Classes implementing IServiceFactory must now also provide a list of the registered service types - which enables restricting transmission to known interface methods and types.

The delegate on the ISecureClient.ExecuteTransaction method is now named.

The IConnectionFactory.EstablishNewConnection method now takes a delegate to create a MessageExchangeProtocol class (there is an extension method on IServiceFactory with a default implementation)

(Please skip this version and go to 4.4.4)