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The navigation system created for public transport.

About  •  Features  •  Getting Started  •  Dependencies  •  Contact  •  Licence


Öffis is a hybrid app for Android iOS and web that provides help travelling with public transport. Therefore, it offers more functions than a simple route planner. With this app travelling is as easy as by car. Enter the goal and get started.


  • new features will be added soon

Getting started

  1. Clone the repo:

     git clone
  2. Install NPM packages (stick to the order because backend depends on vrr_client):

     cd /vrr_client
     npm install
     cd /backend
     npm install
     cd /frontend
     npm install
  3. Get Nest.js CLI:

    npm i -g @nestjs/cli
  4. Get Ionic CLI:

    npm install -g @ionic/cli
  5. Run the project in your IDE


Needed dependencies will be listed here:

  • install Node.js Version 18
  • Docker

Importing and using the database

  1. Make sure to delete the current database in the .localdev folder if it exists.
  2. Remove all files fro mthe schema folder.
  3. Download the latest dump from
  4. Place the dump in the schema folder.
  5. Run docker-compose up to start the database.

Updating the generated Client

To update the frontends client for the backends api use the ./ script. This script will require you to have docker installed. It will use the backend/swagger-spec.json as input.


After that the client will be updated and you can commit the changes.


Open a discussion and tag core-team (@Oeffis/core-team).


See LICENSE file for more information or visit .