This is our standard traffic light implmentation. To install it you simply reference the Dll and add the web.config sections Add this to system.webServer/handlers
<add name="TrafficLights" path="TrafficLights.ashx" verb="*" type="Orc.TrafficLights.TrafficLightHandler, Orc.TrafficLights" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0" />
and add this to system.web/httpHandlers
<add verb="*" path="TrafficLights.ashx" type="Orc.TrafficLights.TrafficLightHandler, Orc.TrafficLights" />
from your class project, you can implement the abstract class BaseTrafficLightTest, which you can code to test what you want. for example a test which checks if umbraco can communicate with the Database.
Note: theses tests CAN throw exceptions as they are caught when executed. Meaning you test doesnt have to account for any exceptions as any uncaught exceptions will fail the test.
class UmbracoCanTalkToDbTest :BaseTrafficLightTest
public override void RunTest(ref Orc.TrafficLights.Models.TestResult result)
if (UmbracoContext.Current.Application.DatabaseContext.CanConnect)
result.Status = Orc.TrafficLights.Models.TestStatus.Pass;
result.Status = Orc.TrafficLights.Models.TestStatus.Failure;
public override string TestName
get { return "Test if Umbraco can talk to the database"; }
These tests are automatically found and wired in using reflection on the first hit of the TrafficLight.ashx page.
you can request TrafficLights.ashx?automatedCheck=yes and this will return a 500 or a 200 status code if any of the tests fail. This is for Server density monitoring where it looks at the status code