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Welcome to CopFinder, a mobile application designed with real-time location tracking. Our app shows the nearest donuts shops around you as you move, along with some information about them. You can save your favorites shops and your favorites donuts and see them whenever you want.
Here are some snapshots of CopFinder in action:
Functional features:
- Shop tracker: Search for the nearest donut shops.
- Interactive Map: View marks and routes directly on the interactive map.
- Real-Time Location Tracking: Navigate our map with ease as our app tracks your location in real-time.
- User-Friendly Interface: Our app is designed for all ages, with a focus on ease of use.
Technical features:
- Persistence in shared preferences.
- Persistence in Room database.
- Cache.
- Firebase Realtime database.
- Firebase authentication.
- Maps: Openstreetmaps, with zoom function.
- Menu: BottomMenu, DrawerMenu, TabMenu.
- Implemented images with Glide.
- Security with location permissions.
- Sensors: GPS coordinates.
- Dark mode.
- API ()
- Recent shops visited
- Ratting system and comments
- Access to Google Maps
When you enter the app, the shops near you will appear, you can press the button next to it to open the map, and it will show you your location and where the shop is. You can sign up opening the drawer menu, pressing login and sign up, enter your credentials and you will be ready to access to new functions. You can logout and sign in with your google account or with an email. These new functions are the favorite shops and favorite donuts. You can access these two in the homepage, on the bottom menu. If you press the heart button in one of the shops near you, it will appear in the favorite shops function. If you enter the favorite donuts function, you will be able to select which donuts you like most.
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Join us and sweeten your life with CopFinder!