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Merge pull request fsharp#249 from jdh30/SetAndMapPerformanceTests
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Set and map performance tests
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dsyme committed Jan 30, 2014
2 parents 4176c2c + 7e6a2f6 commit 2b1c958
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,159 additions and 0 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions tests/perf/MapSet/MapSet.sln
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web
Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "MapSet", "MapSet\MapSet.fsproj", "{0EBC2550-A239-4FA2-96B3-D32130224109}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{0EBC2550-A239-4FA2-96B3-D32130224109}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{0EBC2550-A239-4FA2-96B3-D32130224109}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{0EBC2550-A239-4FA2-96B3-D32130224109}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{0EBC2550-A239-4FA2-96B3-D32130224109}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions tests/perf/MapSet/MapSet/App.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" />
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="FSharp.Core" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions tests/perf/MapSet/MapSet/Charts.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
// TODO: Filter out zeroes because they cause FSharp.Charting to crash
// when using a log scale.

#r "System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization"
#I "../packages/FSharp.Charting.0.90.5/lib/net40/"
#r "FSharp.Charting"

#load "NeighborShells.fs"
#load "PrimsMinimumSpanningTree.fs"
#load "SlidingMedian.fs"
#load "KnightsTour.fs"
#load "LZW.fs"
#load "TopologicalSort.fs"
#load "Types.fs"
#load "Run.fs"
#load "IO.fs"

open FSharp.Charting
open Types

open System.Windows.Forms
open FSharp.Charting.ChartTypes

let Show (c:GenericChart) =
use cc = new ChartControl(c)
cc.Dock <- DockStyle.Fill
use f = new Form()
f.Size <- System.Drawing.Size(1280, 720) // 720p
f.Controls.Add cc
f.ShowDialog() |> ignore

let Save filename (c:GenericChart) =
use cc = new ChartControl(c)
cc.Dock <- DockStyle.Fill
use f = new Form()
f.Size <- System.Drawing.Size(800, 600)
f.Controls.Add cc
f.Load |> Event.add (fun _ -> c.SaveChartAs(filename, ChartImageFormat.Png); f.Close()) // yay
//Application.Run f

/// Charts for each benchmark.
type AllCharts = AllBenchmarks<ChartTypes.GenericChart, ChartTypes.GenericChart>

let chartMapResults name (results: (string * SeriesData) seq) =
[ for name, series in results ->
Chart.Line(series, Name=name) ])
.WithXAxis(Log=true, Title="Number of key-value pairs in Map", Max=1e6)
.WithYAxis(Log=true, Title="Key-value pairs per second", Min=1e4, Max=1e9)

let chartSetResults name (results: (string * SeriesData) seq) =
[ for name, series in results ->
Chart.Line(series, Name=name) ])
.WithXAxis(Log=true, Title="Cardinality", Max=1e6)
.WithYAxis(Log=true, Title="Elements per second", Min=1e4, Max=1e9)

let chartSetTheoreticOp name (results: (string * SeriesData) seq) =
[ for name, series in results ->
Chart.Line(series, Name=name) ])
.WithTitle(Text="Set "+name+" performance")
.WithXAxis(Log=true, Title="Elements", Max=1e6)
.WithYAxis(Log=true, Title="Operations per second")

let chartMapSpeedups name (results: (string * SeriesData) seq) =
[ for name, series in results ->
Chart.Line(series, Name=name) ])
.WithXAxis(Log=true, Title="Number of key-value pairs in Map", Max=1e6)

let chartSetSpeedups name (results: (string * SeriesData) seq) =
[ for name, series in results ->
Chart.Line(series, Name=name) ])
.WithXAxis(Log=true, Title="Cardinality", Max=1e6)

let chartSetTheoreticSpeedup name (results: (string * SeriesData) seq) =
[ for name, series in results ->
Chart.Line(series, Name=name) ])
.WithTitle(Text="Set "+name+" speedup")
.WithXAxis(Log=true, Title="Elements", Max=1e6)

let createCharts (allResults: AllResults) =
{ IntMap = chartMapResults "Map<int> performance" allResults.IntMap
StringMap = chartMapResults "Map<string> performance" allResults.StringMap
PairMap = chartMapResults "Map<int * int> map performance" allResults.PairMap

IntSet = chartSetResults "Set<int> performance" allResults.IntSet
StringSet = chartSetResults "Set<string> performance" allResults.StringSet
PairSet = chartSetResults "Set<int * int> performance" allResults.PairSet

SetUnion = chartSetTheoreticOp "union" allResults.SetUnion
SetIntersection = chartSetTheoreticOp "intersection" allResults.SetIntersection
SetDifference = chartSetTheoreticOp "difference" allResults.SetDifference

Tasks = Chart.Column(allResults.Tasks, Title="Set and Map task performance").WithYAxis(Title="Time (s)") }

let createSpeedupCharts (allResults: AllResults) =
{ IntMap = chartMapSpeedups "Map<int> speedup" allResults.IntMap
StringMap = chartMapSpeedups "Map<string> speedup" allResults.StringMap
PairMap = chartMapSpeedups "Map<int * int> map speedup" allResults.PairMap

IntSet = chartSetSpeedups "Set<int> speedup" allResults.IntSet
StringSet = chartSetSpeedups "Set<string> speedup" allResults.StringSet
PairSet = chartSetSpeedups "Set<int * int> speedup" allResults.PairSet

SetUnion = chartSetTheoreticSpeedup "union" allResults.SetUnion
SetIntersection = chartSetTheoreticSpeedup "intersection" allResults.SetIntersection
SetDifference = chartSetTheoreticSpeedup "difference" allResults.SetDifference

Tasks = Chart.Column(allResults.Tasks, Title="Set and Map task performance").WithYAxis(Title="Speedup") }

let checkNames = false

let compareResults (originalResults: AllResults) (newResults: AllResults) : AllResults =
let seriesSpeedup (name1, series1) (name2, series2) =
if checkNames && name1 <> name2 then
failwithf "Series name mismatch: '%s' <> '%s'" name1 name2
[ for (size1, time1), (size2, time2) in series1 series2 ->
if checkNames && size1 <> size2 then
failwithf "Size mismatch: %d <> %d" size1 size2
size1, time2 / time1 ]
let taskSpeedup (name1, time1) (name2, time2) =
if checkNames && name1 <> name2 then
failwithf "Task name mismatch: '%s' <> '%s'" name1 name2
name1, time2 / time1
let trends = originalResults.Trends newResults.Trends
|> (fun ((name1, trend1), (name2, trend2)) ->
if checkNames && name1 <> name2 then
failwithf "Trend name mismatch: '%s' <> '%s'" name1 name2
name1, List.map2 seriesSpeedup trend1 trend2)
let tasks = List.map2 taskSpeedup originalResults.Tasks newResults.Tasks
allBenchmarksOf trends tasks

let showAndSaveSpeedups path originalResults newResults =
let speedups = compareResults originalResults newResults
for filename, chart in seqOf(createSpeedupCharts speedups) do
Save (System.IO.Path.Combine[|path; filename+".png"|]) chart
//let format = ChartTypes.ChartImageFormat.Png
//chart.SaveChartAs(System.IO.Path.Combine[|path; filename+".png"|], format)

let show results =
for _, chart in seqOf(createCharts results) do
Show chart

let showAndSave path results =
for filename, chart in seqOf(createCharts results) do
Save (System.IO.Path.Combine[|path; filename+".png"|]) chart
let format = ChartTypes.ChartImageFormat.Png
chart.SaveChartAs(System.IO.Path.Combine[|path; filename+".png"|], format)
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions tests/perf/MapSet/MapSet/IO.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// FIXME: This file format sucks. Let's use grids in CSV instead.

/// Load and save benchmark results.
module IO

open Types

let saveResults path series =
let lines =
[ for name, seriesData in series do
yield name
for size, time in seriesData do
yield sprintf "%d %f" size time ]
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(path, lines)

let saveTaskResults path tasks =
let lines =
[ for name, time in tasks do
yield sprintf "%s %f" name time ]
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(path, lines)

let save dir (allResults: AllResults) =
let path filename = System.IO.Path.Combine[|__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__; dir; filename+".csv"|]
for name, results in allResults.Trends do
saveResults (path(string name)) results
saveTaskResults (path "Tasks") allResults.Tasks

let isAlpha c =
('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z')

let loadTrend path filename =
let path = System.IO.Path.Combine[|path; filename+".csv"|]
let lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines path
let length =
Seq.skip 1 lines
|> Seq.findIndex (fun line -> line.Length > 0 && isAlpha line.[0])
|> (+) 1
[ for i in 0..lines.Length/length-1 ->
[ for line in lines.[length*i+1..length*(i+1)-1] ->
let numbers = line.Split ' '
int numbers.[0], float numbers.[1] ] ]

let loadTasks path filename =
let path = System.IO.Path.Combine[|path; filename+".csv"|]
[ for line in System.IO.File.ReadLines path ->
match line.Split ' ' with
| [|name; time|] -> name, float time
| _ -> failwith "Invalid tasks benchmark format" ]

let load dir : AllResults =
let trends =
[ for name in [ "IntMap"; "StringMap"; "PairMap";
"IntSet"; "StringSet"; "PairSet";
"SetUnion"; "SetIntersection"; "SetDifference" ] ->
name, loadTrend dir name ]
let tasks = loadTasks dir "Tasks"
allBenchmarksOf trends tasks
{ IntMap = loadTrend dir "IntMap"
StringMap = loadTrend dir "StringMap"
PairMap = loadTrend dir "PairMap"
IntSet = loadTrend dir "IntSet"
StringSet = loadTrend dir "StringSet"
PairSet = loadTrend dir "PairSet"
SetUnion = loadTrend dir "SetUnion"
SetIntersection = loadTrend dir "SetIntersection"
SetDifference = loadTrend dir "SetDifference"
Tasks = loadTasks dir "Tasks" }

let pathFromSourceDirectory path =
yield! path|]
|> System.IO.Path.Combine
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions tests/perf/MapSet/MapSet/KnightsTour.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
/// Find the first knight's tour (if any) on a board of a given
/// size.
/// 74% in Set.contains, 5% in Set.remove.
/// Heavy use of backtracking.
/// Most garbage is short lived.
module KnightsTour

// Takes ~10s.
let problemSize = 292

/// A 2D integer coordinate as a value type.
type Posn =
val x : byte
val y : byte
new(x, y) = {x=x; y=y}
new(x: int, y: int) = {x=byte x; y=byte y}
static member (+) (a: Posn, b: Posn) = Posn(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y)

/// The eight moves of a knight.
let moves f a =
|> f (Posn(-1, 2))
|> f (Posn(1, 2))
|> f (Posn(2, 1))
|> f (Posn(2, -1))
|> f (Posn(1, -2))
|> f (Posn(-1, -2))
|> f (Posn(-2, -1))
|> f (Posn(-2, 1))

/// Recursively search for a valid knight's tour, yielding
/// solutions as they are found.
let rec search free ps xy =
seq { if Set.isEmpty free then
yield ps
let freedom xy dxy a =
if Set.contains (xy + dxy) free then a+1 else a
let aux dxy t =
let p = xy + dxy
if Set.contains p free then (moves (freedom p) 0, p)::t else t
for _, p in List.sort (moves aux []) do
yield! search (Set.remove p free) (p::ps) p }

let isSolvable n =
let p = Posn(1, 1)
let free =
[ for x in 1..n do
for y in 1..n do
if Posn(x, y) <> p then yield Posn(x, y) ]
search free [p] p
|> Seq.isEmpty
|> not

let run() =
let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let _ =
seq { for n in 1..10 do
let p = Posn(1, 1)

let free =
[ for x in 1..n do
for y in 1..n do
if Posn(x, y) <> p then yield Posn(x, y) ]

yield! search free [p] p }
|> Seq.truncate problemSize
|> Seq.length
// Real: 00:00:09.714, CPU: 00:00:09.687, GC gen0: 375, gen1: 14, gen2: 0

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