Author: Nicholas O'Kelley
Maintain a slim configuration to aid development without introducing more friction to the workflow inside Neovim.
Neovim release v0.9
- Note: I build from source and install with a DEB package.
If you wish to utilize the
) portion of the Telescope pluginripgrep (rg)
pip install pynvim
Assuming you have the extra bits installed, the rest will be a breeze.
git clone ~/.config/nvim
Then follow the next sequence of steps:
- Open Neovim and wait for the installs to finish
- Exit Neovim
- Resume as normal
- Get healthy via:
The key mappings are bootstrapped from within the lua/config/keys.lua
. If you
wish to remove, simply comment out or delete the line.
If you wish to add a mapping, it is made easy with a utilities function in the format:, mapping, command, opts)
The basic modes include {'n': normal, 'i': insert, 'v': visual}. The mapping
is the
keys you will press to get the action, and command
is the command that would execute once
the mapping is made.
I like projects with fun names and was originally trying to find a way to include
. This then shifted to the fun play on the initials OD
become Odinvim