ShopEZ is a simple, intuitive Android shopping app built with Jetpack Compose. It demonstrates modern Android development practices and provides a smooth shopping experience for users.
- Browse a list of products
- Add products to cart
- View and modify cart contents
- Checkout process
- Order confirmation
Kotlin Jetpack Compose Android Architecture Components (ViewModel, StateFlow) Kotlin Coroutines
Clone the repository: Copygit clone
Open the project in Android Studio Arctic Fox or later. Sync the project with Gradle files. Run the app on an emulator or physical device.
ui/products: Contains composables and ViewModel for the product listing screen. ui/checkout: Contains composables for the checkout screen. ui/navigation: Handles app navigation. data: Contains data models and repository. utils: Utility classes and functions.
Launch the app to view the product list. Click on "Add to Cart" for desired products. Navigate to the cart using the bottom navigation. Adjust quantities or remove items in the cart. Proceed to checkout and place the order. View the order confirmation screen.
This app uses a fake store API for demonstration purposes. In a production environment, replace the API calls with your actual backend service. Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
Jetpack Compose Documentation Android Developer Guides Fake Store API