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Rebol-MiniAudio CI


MiniAudio extension for Rebol3 (version 3.14.1 and higher)


audio: import miniaudio

;; list all available devices:
print audio/get-devices

;; init a playback device (first available)...
;; keep the reference to the device handle, else it will be released by GC!
device: audio/init-playback 1

;; load a sound for later use...
sound: audio/load %assets/zblunk_02.wav

;; play a looping sound...
drums: audio/play/loop %assets/drumloop.wav

;; list resources linked with the playback device...
print ["Available sounds:" mold device/resources]

;; work in Rebol as usually, the audio has own thread
wait 0:0:1

;; stop the music with a fade 5 seconds...
audio/stop/fade :drums 0:0:5

;; wait for the sound to fade out...
wait 5

;; play already loaded sound...
audio/play :sound
wait 1

sound/pan: -1.0
audio/play :device/resources/1
wait 1

Using a data-source node...

a: 0
b: PI
with audio [
    probe wave: make-waveform-node type_sine 0.5 440.0
    print ["amplitude:" wave/amplitude "frequency:" wave/frequency]
    probe sound: play/fade wave 0:0:3 ;; start playing with a fade..
    ;; modify the wave's parameters while playing...
    loop 500 [
        a: a + 0.01
        b: b + 0.006
        wave/frequency: 440.0 + (220.0 * ((sin a) * cos b))
        wait 0.01                                                                                            
    stop/fade sound 0:0:2

    loop 400 [
        a: a + 0.02
        b: b + 0.003
        wave/frequency: 440.0 + (220.0 * ((sin a) * cos b))
        wait 0.005                                                                                            

Release the playback device (and all resources)

release device

Extension commands:


Retrive playback/capture device names

init-playback :index

Initialize a playback device

  • index [integer!]
  • /pause Don't start it automatically
  • /channels The number of channels to use for playback
  • number [integer!] When set to 0 the device's native channel count will be used
  • /period Hint for making up the device's entire buffer
  • size [integer!] The desired size of a period in milliseconds
  • /callback On-data callback (two args.. buffer frames, and engine total frames)
  • context [object!] The function's context
  • word [word!] The function's name

load :sound

Loads a file and returns sound's handle

  • sound [file!]
  • /group Group of sounds which have their own effect processing and volume control
  • node [handle!] ma-group handle

play :sound

Loads a file (if not already loaded) and starts playing it. Returns a sound handle.

  • sound [file! handle!] Source file or a ma-sound handle
  • /stream Do not load the entire sound into memory
  • /loop Turn looping on
  • /volume
  • vol [percent! decimal!]
  • /fade
  • in [integer! time!] PCM frames or time
  • /group Group of sounds which have their own effect processing and volume control
  • node [handle!] ma-group handle

pause :sound

Pause sound playback

  • sound [handle!]

start :handle

Start sound or device playback

  • handle [handle!] ma-sound or ma-engine handle
  • /loop Turn looping on (only for sounds)
  • /seek Starting position
  • frames [integer! time!] PCM frames or time
  • /fade Fade in the sound
  • in [integer! time!] PCM frames or time
  • /at Absolute engine time when the sound should be started
  • time [integer! time!] PCM frames or time

stop :handle

Stop sound or device playback

  • handle [handle!] ma-sound or ma-engine handle
  • /fade
  • out [integer! time!] PCM frames or time (only for sounds)

fade :sound :frames :start :end

Fade sound volume

  • sound [handle!]
  • frames [integer! time!]
  • start [percent! decimal!]
  • end [percent! decimal!]

seek :sound :frames

Seek to specified position

  • sound [handle!]
  • frames [integer! time!]
  • /relative Relative to the current sound position

make-noise-node :type :amplitude

Creates a noise node for generating random noise

  • type [integer!] The type of noise to generate (0 - 2)
  • amplitude [decimal!] The peak amplitude of the noise
  • /seed Optional random seed
  • val [integer!]
  • /format The sample format (default is 2 = signed 16bit float)
  • frm [integer!] Value betweem 1 - 5

make-waveform-node :type :amplitude :frequency

Creates a sound waveform node

  • type [integer!] The type of waveform to generate (0 - 3)
  • amplitude [decimal!] The peak amplitude of the waveform
  • frequency [decimal!] The frequency of the waveform in Hertz (Hz)
  • /format The sample format (default is 2 = signed 16bit float)
  • frm [integer!] Value betweem 1 - 5

make-delay-node :delay :decay

Creates a delay (echo) sound node

  • delay [decimal! integer! time!] The time before the echo is heard. Seconds, PCM frames or time.
  • decay [decimal! percent!] Feedback decay (0.0 - 1.0). Affects how quickly or gradually the echoes fade away. 0 means no feedback.
  • /dry The mix level of the dry (original) sound
  • d [decimal! percent!]
  • /wet The mix level of the wet (delayed) sound
  • w [decimal! percent!]


Creates a sound group node

volume :sound :volume

Set the volume

  • sound [handle!]
  • volume [percent! decimal!]

volume? :sound

Get the volume

  • sound [handle!]

pan :sound :pan

Set the pan

  • sound [handle!]
  • pan [decimal!]

pan? :sound

Get the pan

  • sound [handle!]

pitch :sound :pitch

Set the pitch

  • sound [handle!]
  • pitch [decimal!]

pitch? :sound

Get the pitch

  • sound [handle!]

looping :sound :value

Set the looping

  • sound [handle!]
  • value [logic!]

looping? :sound

Get the looping

  • sound [handle!]

end? :sound

Return true if sound ended

  • sound [handle!]

Used handles and its getters / setters

MA-SOUND - MiniAudio sound object

;Refinement       Gets                Sets                          Description
/volume           decimal!            [integer! decimal! percent!]  "Sound volume"
/pan              decimal!            decimal!                      "Stereo panning (from -1.0 to 1.0)"
/pitch            decimal!            decimal!                      "Sound pitch"
/position         pair!               pair!                         "Sound position (x and y for now) relative to the listener"
/cursor           integer!            [integer! time!]              "Sound playback position in PCM frames"
/time             time!               time!                         "Sound playback position as time"
/duration         time!               none                          "Sound duration in time"
/frames           integer!            none                          "Sound length in PCM frames"
/sample-rate      integer!            none                          "Number of samples per second"
/spatialize       logic!              logic!                        "3D spatialization state"
/is-looping       logic!              logic!                        "Whether sound is looping"
/is-playing       logic!              logic!                        "Whether sound is playing"
/at-end           logic!              none                          "Whether sound is at end"
/start            integer!            [integer! time!]              "Absolute timer when the sound should be started (frames or time)"
/stop             integer!            [integer! time!]              "Absolute timer when the sound should be stopped (frames or time)"
/x                decimal!            [integer! decimal!]           "Sound X position"
/y                decimal!            [integer! decimal!]           "Sound Y position"
/z                decimal!            [integer! decimal!]           "Sound Z position"
/source           [file! handle!]     none                          "Sound source as a loaded file or data source node"
/outputs          integer!            none                          "Number of output buses"
/output           handle!             [handle! none!]               "Output bus node"

MA-GROUP - MiniAudio sound group

;Refinement       Gets                Sets                          Description
/volume           decimal!            [integer! decimal! percent!]  "Sound volume"
/pan              decimal!            decimal!                      "Stereo panning (from -1.0 to 1.0)"
/pitch            decimal!            decimal!                      "Sound group pitch"
/position         pair!               pair!                         "Sound group position (x and y for now) relative to the listener"
/time             time!               time!                         "Sound group playback position as time"
/duration         time!               none                          "Sound group duration in time"
/sample-rate      integer!            none                          "Number of samples per second"
/spatialize       logic!              logic!                        "3D spatialization state"
/is-playing       logic!              logic!                        "Whether sound is playing"
/start            integer!            [integer! time!]              "Absolute timer when the sound should be started (frames or time)"
/stop             integer!            [integer! time!]              "Absolute timer when the sound should be stopped (frames or time)"
/x                decimal!            [integer! decimal!]           "Sound group X position"
/y                decimal!            [integer! decimal!]           "Sound group Y position"
/z                decimal!            [integer! decimal!]           "Sound group Z position"
/outputs          integer!            none                          "Number of output buses"
/output           handle!             [handle! none!]               "Output bus node"
/resources        block!              none                          "Used group resources (sounds, nodes..)"

MA-ENGINE - MiniAudio device engine

;Refinement       Gets                Sets                          Description
/volume           decimal!            [integer! decimal! percent!]  "Global volume"
/cursor           integer!            [integer! time!]              "Engine playback position in PCM frames"
/time             time!               time!                         "Engine playback position as time"
/resources        block!              none                          "Used engine resources (sounds, nodes..)"
/channels         integer!            none                          "Number of output channels"
/sample-rate      integer!            none                          "Ouput device sample rate per second"
/gain-db          decimal!            [integer! decimal!]           "The amplification factor in decibels"

MA-NOISE - MiniAudio noise generator

;Refinement       Gets                Sets                          Description
/amplitude        decimal!            decimal!                      "Maximum value of the noise signal"
/format           word!               none                          "f32, s16, s24, s32, u8"
/type             word!               none                          "white, pink or brownian"

MA-WAWEFORM - MiniAudio sine, square, triangle and sawtooth waveforms generator

;Refinement       Gets                Sets                          Description
/amplitude        decimal!            decimal!                      "Signal amplitude"
/frequency        decimal!            decimal!                      "Signal frequency in hertzs"
/format           word!               none                          "f32, s16, s24, s32, u8"
/type             word!               none                          "sine, square, triangle or sawtooth"

MA-DELAY - MiniAudio delay node

;Refinement       Gets                Sets                          Description
/delay            integer!            none                          "PCM frames"
/decay            decimal!            [decimal! percent!]           "Value between 0.0 and 1.0"
/dry              decimal!            [decimal! percent!]           "The mix level of the dry (original) sound"
/wet              decimal!            [decimal! percent!]           "The mix level of the wet (delayed) sound"

Other extension values:

;; Waveform types
type_sine:     0
type_square:   1
type_triangle: 2
type_sawtooth: 3

;; Sample data formats
format_u8:     1
format_s16:    2  ; Seems to be the most widely supported format.
format_s24:    3  ; Tightly packed. 3 bytes per sample.
format_s32:    4
format_f32:    5

white-noise: does [play noise-node 0 0.5]