Optimize for several algorithms for compare images.
core.complane.PSNR(clip clip1, clip clip2, int opt, int cache)
The both input clips must be of GRAY colorFamily and their format must be exactly same. Both 8-16 int and float sample type are allowed. The res will be reserved into the frame props of output.
- Args:
: The clip you want to complete, the result have the same frame data and props (except the added by filter) as this clip.clip2
: The other clip.propname
(Default:"PlanePSNR"): The name of the PSNR score in frameprops you want to set.opt
: Optimize level:- 0: auto detect(default)
- 1: avx
- 2: avx2
: Whether the output should be cache or not. Disabling cache maybe imporove a little bit of performance. If you want to access them later, it's recommand to enable cache.- 0: disable
- 1: enable(default)
Get Version.
You can use the meson to build the plugin by youself:
# if built for windows, place VapourSynth.h and VSHelper.h under Complane.
CXX=clang++ meson build
ninja -C build
Or on the windows platform, you can also build it simply with the clang:
clang++.exe -c complane.cpp -o complane.o -g -Wall -fcolor-diagnostics --target=x86_64-w64-mingw -std=c++1z -I "\path\to\vapoursynth\include" -fno-exceptions
clang++.exe -c complane_avx2.cpp -o complane_avx2.o -g -Wall -fcolor-diagnostics --target=x86_64-w64-mingw -std=c++1z -I "\path\to\vapoursynth\include" -fno-exceptions -mavx2 -mfma
clang++.exe -c complane_avx.cpp -o complane_avx.o -g -Wall -fcolor-diagnostics --target=x86_64-w64-mingw -std=c++1z -I "\path\to\vapoursynth\include" -fno-exceptions -mavx -mfma
clang++.exe -o "\path\to\vapoursynth\vapoursynth64\plugins\complane.dll" complane.o complane_avx2.o complane_avx.o -g -Wall -static-libgcc -fcolor-diagnostics --target=x86_64-w64-mingw -std=c++1z -lstdc++ -shared -fno-exceptions
del complane.o -o complane_avx2.o complane_avx.o