The goal of this course is to introduce some of the most common services found in Amazon Web Services (AWS). More specifically we'll run a simple Spring Boot application on a virtual server, connect the application to a database and make the Spring Boot application reachable through a load balancer and with an external DNS name. Finally, we'll setup a deployment pipeline for the Spring Boot application.
- Project setup
- Deploy on EC2
- Connecting your application to a RDS instance
- Code Pipeline Preparations
- Create the CodePipeline
- Load balancing with Elastic Load Balancer
- Subdomain with Route53
- Labs with less instructions
- Create a new Git repository called
Don't forget to delete the repository when your done with the course. - Clone the template repository
$Â git clone --bare
$ cd cloud-computing-app.git
$ git push --mirror<your-name>.git
If you're using ssh to access Github, run:$ git push --mirror<your-name>.git
$ cd ..
$Â rm -rf cloud-computing-app.git
$Â git clone<your-name>.git
If you're using ssh to access Github, run:$ git clone<your-name>.git
$ cd aws-<your-name>
- Build the application
$ ./gradlew clean build
- Run the application
$ ./gradlew bootRun
Checkpoint 1 You can now go to http://localhost:8080/cloud-computing-template-app/ping
in your browser att receive a "pong".
If you're using IntelliJ, import the new project by: New Project --> From Existing Sources . Choose Gradle as build tool.
Change the name of the application in
2. $Â ./gradlew clean build
Checkpoint 2 Gradle should now have built the jar build/libs/<application-name>-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
. If you once again run the application as above in step 10, you should be able to go to http://localhost:8080/<application-name>/ping
in your browser att receive a "pong".
Create a new property file in src/resources/
for production environment:
with the following content:
# Datasource
# h2 settings
Checkpoint 3 Verify that you can run the application with the new production profile and production configuration. Build the application as before, then run the application with:
$ java -jar build/libs/<application-name>-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Note: Don't forget to always use Ireland as the region in AWS.
- Go to the Service -> EC2 -> Key pairs.
- Create a new key and download an ssh key. You will use this to connect to instances that you provision during this lab. The key should be called
- Choose an Instance Type
- Go to the Service -> EC2 -> Instances.
- Launch an EC2-instance using Amazon Linux on a t2.micro instance. Click Next: Configure Instance Details
- Configure Instance Details - Leave all fields as default
- Add Storage - Leave all fields as default
- Add Tags
- Key:
- Value
- Configure Security Group 1
- Security group name:
- Type: SSH
- Protocol: TCP
- Port Range:
- Source:
- Description:
SSH for admin
- Configure Security Group 2
- Type: Custom TCP
- Protocol: TCP
- Port Range:
(or whichever port your application is running) - Source:
- Description
- Review Instance Launch - Leave all fields as default
- Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair
- Choose an existing key pair
Checkpoint 4 You can now SSH to your EC2 instance with the key you've generated. The username is ec2-user. To ssh with a your key use the following command: ssh -i <path-to-your-pem-file> ec2-user@<public IP of the EC2 instance>
- Upload your jar to to the instance with scp.
- Install java with
yes | sudo yum install java-1.8.0
- Start the application by using the command
java -jar <application-name>.jar
Checkpoint 5 You can browse to http://<URL-of-your-ec2>:8080/<application-name>/ping
and get the response "pong"
Note: This section ("Local DB") is not mandatory and you could jump directly to "Cloud DB" if you want.
Install PostgreSQL on your local machine
Modify the content of server.port=8080 # Datasource spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/<db-name> spring.datasource.username=<username> spring.datasource.password=<password>
Checkpoint 6 You can now go to http://localhost:8080/<application-name>/reverse/omegapoint
in your browser att receive the following content:
"applicationName": "<your application name>",
"timeStamp": "<timestamp>",
"data": "tniopagemo"
Login to AWS. Go to RDS under "Database". Click on the orange button "Create database" and choose PostgreSQL.
Make the following choices:
- Choose use case
- Dev/Test
- Specify DB details
- DB engine version: PostgreSQL 9.6.2-R1
- DB instance class: db.t2.micro
- Allocated storage:
20 GB
- DB instance identifier:
- Master username:
- Master password:
- Configure advanced settings
- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Default VPC
- Public accessibility: Yes
- Databasename:
- Databaseport:
- Backup: No preference
- Monitoring: Disable
- Maintenance: Disable
- Maintenance window: No preference
On your RDS overview, choose "Instances" and collect the following info:
- Endpoint
- DB Name
- Username
- Password
Insert the information into
in your project:
# Datasource
Remember to configure the security group of your RDS instance so it allows inbound traffic from your EC2 instance.
Checkpoint 7 You should now be able to run java -jar <application-name>-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
on your ec2 instance and connect your application to the RDS instance. Confirm by going to http://<ec2-url>:8080/<application-name>/reverse/omegapoint
in your browser att receive the following content:
"applicationName": "<your application name>",
"timeStamp": "<timestamp>",
"data": "tniopagemo"
The goal in this lab is to automatically test and build using CodeBuild and deploy the application after every push to master. You will deploy using CodeDeploy which requires an agent application to be running on the EC2 instance. Therefore you will provision a new instance (using CloudFormation) and install the agent automatically.
- Terminate the EC2 instance you provisioned in the previous lab
- Download this CloudFormation template.
- Open the template in an editor. After line 233 we want to install Java 8 and uninstall Java 7 as we did with our previous instance. Add the following lines:
"yum install java-1.8.0 -y \n",
"yum remove java-1.7.0 -y \n",
- Go to the AWS service CloudFormation and click Create stack.
- Choose Upload a template to Amazon S3 and choose your modified template .json file
- Specify details and parameters
- Stack name:
- InstanceCount:
- InstanceType:
- KeyPairName:
- OperatingSystem:
- SSHLocation:
- TagKey:
- TagValue:
- Click Next, then Next again,
- Tick the checkbox I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources. and click Create.
Checkpoint 8 Make sure the template creation runs smooth and that your stack in CloudFormation gets the status CREATE_COMPLETE. Find the new EC2 instance and make sure you can SSH to it.
CodeBuild requires a buildspec.yml file to be in the root of your application:
version: 0.2
- echo Build started on `date`
- sh gradlew clean assemble
- appspec.yml
- 'build/libs/*.jar'
discard-paths: yes
CodeDeploy requires two files:
version: 0.0
os: linux
- source: <application-name>-<version>.jar
destination: /tmp
- location:
timeout: 500
runas: root
touch app.log
nohup java -jar /tmp/*.jar > app.log 2>&1 &
You may have to modify these files to fit your application.
Checkpoint 9 Push these files to your repository.
- Go to the service CodePipeline and click Create Pipeline
- Name it
and click next step - For Source provider chooce Github and click Connect to Github and authorize AWS to access your Github resources
- In Repository choose your application repository, then select the branch on which the version of the application that you want to deploy is (typiclly master). Then click next.
- Build
- Build provider:
AWS CodeBuild
- Configure your project -> Create a new build project
- Project Name:
- Environment: How to build
- Environment image:
Use an image managed by AWS CodeBuild
- Operating system:
- Runtime:
- Version: "aws/codebuild/java:openjdk-8"
- Build specification: "Use the buildspec.yml in the source code root directory"
- Environment image:
- AWS CodeBuild service role
- Select Create a service role in your account
- Role name: Leave as default
- Click Save build project
- After the build project is saved click Next step
Deployment provider: AWS CodeDeploy
- AWS CodeDeploy
- Click the link create a new one in AWS CodeDeploy
- Application name:
- Deployment group:
- Deployment type: In-place deployment
- Environment configuration
- Choose Amazon EC2 instances
- Key:
- Value:
make sure you see the EC2 instance created by the CloudFormation template in the Matching instances section - Do not tick the box Enable load balancing
- Deployment configuration
- Leave as default
- Service role
- Service role ARN: Select the role named
- Click create application
- Service role ARN: Select the role named
Go back to the pipeline tab
- AWS CodeDeploy
- Application name:
- Deployment group:
- Click Next step
- Role name:
- Click Next step
- Review your pipeline, then click Create pipeline
- Application name:
Checkpoint 10 At this point you should see your pipeline. Unless it starts automatically click Release change
. Make sure your source code is built and deployed successfully. If there are issues, resolve these before moving on.
- Go to EC2 -> Load Balancers and click Create Load Balancer
- Create an Application Load Balancer
- Basic Configuration
- Name:
- Scheme: internet-facing
- IP address type: ipv4
- Name:
- Listeners
- Leave as default
- Availability Zones
- VPC: Select whichever VPC is marked default
- Select all availability zones
- Click _Next: Configure Security Settings
- Conigure Security Settings
- Leave as defualt, click Next: Configure Security Groups
- Configure Security Groups
- Choose Select an existing seurity group
- Select the group previously created:
- Click Next: Configure Routing
- Configure Routing
- Target group: New target group
- Name:
- Protocol: HTTP
- Port: 8080 (or the custom port on which your application is running) Note that the security group of the EC2 might only allow port 80 by default and therefore require that you add a custom rule for inbound traffic if you are using a non-80 port.
- Target type: instance
- Healtch Checks
- Protocol: HTTP
- Path: any valid path where your application responds with
HTTP 200
- Advanced healthcheck settings
- Port: traffic port
- Healthy treshold: 2
- Unhealthy treshold: 2
- Timeout: 5
- Interval: 10
- Success codes: 200-299
- Click Next: Register Targets
- Register Targets
- Search for your EC2 instance in the Instances section
- Select your instance and click Add to registered
- Click Next: Review
- Review - Review your Load Balancer configuration and click Create
Checkpoint 10 Verify your ALB is working
- Go to EC2 -> Load Balancers and find your Load Balancer
- Wait until the state of the Load Balancer changes from provisioning to active
- Go to EC2 -> Target groups and find the target group containing your instance
- Click the Targets tab and verify that your instance has the status healthy. If properly configured it will take up to 20 seconds for the instance to pass its healthcheck.
- Browse to the DNS name of the Load Balancer (including request mapping) and verify that you reach your application
- Go to Route53 -> Hosted zones and click
- Click Create record set
- Creat record set
- Name: choose a subdomain (e.g.
- Type: A - IPv4 address
- Alias: Yes
- Alias target: select your ALB
- Routing policy: Simple
- Evaluate Targe Health: No
- Click: Save Record Set
Checkpoint 10 Verify that you reach your application using the subdomain
Make your application highly available by launching your EC2 instances from/in an auto scaling group.
High level outline
- Create an auto scaling group and launch configuration
- Configure CodeDeploy to deploy to the auto scaling group instead of the single EC2 instance used in the previous labs
- Configure the ALB to route to the EC2 instances in your auto scaling group.
Create a Lambda function with API Gateway replicating the behaviour of the Spring application used in previous labs.
Java is optional. Consider using the Serverless framework.
This lab could be finished by configuring weighted routing for your record set in Route53. Equal weights would send half the traffic to your EC2 instance, and half the traffic to your Lambda.