This paper introduces DilatedUNet, which combines a Dilated Transformer block with the U-Net architecture for accurate and fast medical image segmentation. Image patches are transformed into tokens and fed into the U-shaped encoder-decoder architecture, with skip-connections for local-global semantic feature learning. The encoder uses a hierarchical Dilated Transformer with a combination of Neighborhood Attention and Dilated Neighborhood Attention Transformer to extract local and sparse global attention
Figure 1. The overall architecture of Dilated-Unet.@article{saadati2023dilated,
title={Dilated-UNet: A Fast and Accurate Medical Image Segmentation Approach using a Dilated Transformer and U-Net Architecture},
author={Saadati, Davoud and Manzari, Omid Nejati and Mirzakuchaki, Sattar},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.11450},