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What is this repository for?

  • Refurnish skills on flask REST API (Python), Unittest, CI/CD, Docker

How do I get set up?

  • Prerequisites

    • pip3
    • python3
  • Set up [Skip and move to Docker Support / Direct Run in Docker Container for run-only]

    • Clone the repo git clone
    • Go to repo dir cd python-ci-cd
    • Create python virtual environment named penv(or any other name) python3 -m venv penv
    • Activate the environment source penv/bin/activate
    • Install project requirements pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    • Setting the path environment variable export PYTHONPATH=src
    • Run app (will be running on http://localhost:3000/) python3 src/
  • Testing

    • Run tests coverage run --source=src -m pytest -v tests
    • Get report coverage report -m
    • Exit python virtual environment deactivate
  • Docker Set Up (local machine build and run)

    • Install docker engine from and launch the app.
    • Use buildx to enable multi platform support docker buildx create --use
    • Build docker image and push to docker hub (required docker hub account)
      docker buildx build --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t <docker_hub_user_name>/<image_file_name>:<tag_name> .
    • Pull a version (if any) from docker hub docker pull <docker_hub_user_name>/<image_file_name>:<tag_name>
    • Run docker in container
      docker container run -d -p <desired_local_machine_port>:<in_project_exposed_port> <docker_hub_user_name>/<image_file_name>:<tag_name>
    • List all active docker containers docker ps
    • Start docker container docker start <first_3_char_of_container_id> or <container_name>
    • Start docker container docker stop <first_3_char_of_container_id> or <container_name>
  • Docker Support / Direct Run in Docker Container

    • Install docker engine
    • Get the preferred version from docker hub docker pull ofarmash/handsensor-flask:<tag_name>
    • Run docker in container
      docker container run -d -p <desired_local_machine_port>:<in_project_exposed_port> ofarmash/handsensor-flask:<tag_name>
  • Continuous Integration (CI)

    • workflows/python-app.yml - To automatically check build set up and run test cases upon a new push
    • workflows/docker-image.yml - To automatically build and push docker image to docker hub upon completion of python-app.yml workflow
  • Continuous Delivery (CD)

    • TBA

Contribution guidelines

  • flask-api, unnitest, CI/CD, python

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin