Author: Alicia Lycan, Amber Kim, Eric Cobb Version: 1.0.0
A basic full stack application for a book list which will render books from a PostgreSQL database. Then add functionality to the book list application for viewing a single book's details and adding a new book the to database. This includes client-side routing using PageJS, a CSS hamburger menu, and CSS styling.
To run this app, clone down both repos into the same folder and connect with your servers.
This app uses these technologies: PostgreSql, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Node.js, Heroku, Express, NPM, HTML, and CSS.
01-06-2018 5:32pm - project mvp 01-11-2018 11:33pm - functionality & base styling added
01-11-2018 9:30pm - project mvp (lab 12) 01-13-2018 11:40am - routing changes
Thanks to JB Tellez, James Billard, Madeline Stevens, Michael Treat for all your help!
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