This is a set of Grafana dashboards for database and system monitoring using Prometheus datasource. The dashboards rely on the small patch applied on Grafana (see below).
- Amazon RDS OS metrics (CloudWatch datasource)
- Cross Server Graphs
- Disk Performance
- Disk Space
- MongoDB Cluster Summary
- MongoDB Overview
- MongoDB ReplSet
- MongoDB RocksDB
- MongoDB WiredTiger
- MySQL InnoDB Metrics
- MySQL InnoDB Metrics Advanced
- MySQL MyISAM Metrics
- MySQL Overview
- MySQL Performance Schema
- MySQL Query Response Time
- MySQL Replication
- MySQL Table Statistics
- MySQL TokuDB Graphs
- MySQL User Statistics
- PXC/Galera Cluster Overview
- PXC/Galera Graphs
- Prometheus
- ProxySQL Overview
- Summary Dashboard
- System Overview
- Trends Dashboard
These dashboards are also a part of Percona Monitoring and Management project.
Live demo is available at
The datasource should be named Prometheus
so it is automatically picked up by the graphs.
The dashboards use built-in instance
label to filter on individual hosts.
It is recommended you give the good names to your instances. Here is some example:
- job_name: prometheus
- targets: ['localhost:9090']
instance: prometheus
- job_name: linux
- targets: ['']
instance: db1
- job_name: mysql
- targets: ['']
instance: db1
How you name jobs is not important. However, "Prometheus" dashboard assumes the job name is prometheus
Here is the minimal set of options for the exporters:
- node_exporter:
- mysqld_exporter:
-collect.binlog_size=true -collect.info_schema.processlist=true
- mongodb_exporter: the defaults are fine.
Enable JSON dashboards by uncommenting those lines in grafana.ini
enabled = true
path = /var/lib/grafana/dashboards
If you wish you may import the individual dashboards via UI and ignore this and the next two steps.
git clone
cp -r grafana-dashboards/dashboards /var/lib/grafana/
service grafana-server restart
It is important to apply the following small patch on your Grafana installation in order to use the interval template variable to get the good zoomable graphs.
The fix is simply to allow a variable in Step
field of graph editor page.
For more information, take a look at PR#5839.
Grafana 2.6.0:
sed -i 's/step_input:""/; s/ HH:MM/ HH:mm/; s/,function(c)/,"templateSrv",function(c,g)/; s/,c.panel.scopedVars)/' /usr/share/grafana/public/app/plugins/datasource/prometheus/query_ctrl.js
sed -i 's/h=a.interval/h=g.replace(a.interval, c.scopedVars)/' /usr/share/grafana/public/app/plugins/datasource/prometheus/datasource.js
Grafana 3.x:
sed -i 's/expr=\(.\)\.replace(\(.\)\.expr,\(.\)\.scopedVars\(.*\)var \(.\)=\(.\)\.interval/expr=\1.replace(\2.expr,\3.scopedVars\4var \5=\1.replace(\6.interval, \3.scopedVars)/' /usr/share/grafana/public/app/plugins/datasource/prometheus/datasource.js
sed -i 's/,range_input/.replace(\/"{\/g,"\\"").replace(\/}"\/g,"\\""),range_input/; s/step_input:""/' /usr/share/grafana/public/app/plugins/datasource/prometheus/query_ctrl.js
Grafana 4.x (unreleased):
There won't be a need to apply this patch.
Those changes are idempotent and do not break anything.
Simply copy the new dashboards to /var/lib/grafana/dashboards
and restart Grafana or re-import them.
Here is some sample graphs.