- Supports all formats that calibre supports (that would be: epub, fb2, oeb, lit, lrf, mobi, pdb, pml, rb, pdf, snb, tcr, and txt)
- Downloads interlinked articles
- and adds links to them in the ebook
- Downloads images
- Caches articles, so that they are not loaded twice.
- A (hopefully) friendly API
Before running, install calibre and point Path_to_ebook_convert in lw2ebook.rb to wherever ebook-convert is on your machine.
To convert http://lesswrong.com/lw/4g/eliezer\_yudkowsky\_facts/ to an epub:
ruby lw2ebook.rb epub http://lesswrong.com/lw/4g/eliezer_yudkowsky_facts/
To convert the Zombies sequence into a mobi:
Add the URLs mentioned here to urls.txt then run:
ruby sequence.rb mobi "Zombies"