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#Spark SQL HBase Connector

##----------------Note: This Project is Deprecated--------------- ##--------------And This Project is Not Maintained---------------

Spark SQL HBase Connector aim to query HBase Table by using Spark SQL.

It leverages the functionality of Spark SQL 1.2+ external datasource API .

该项目仅供参考,学习之用,未经正式测试,并跟最新代码相比是 out of date 的。 Spark1.2发布之后,Spark SQL支持了External Datasource API,我们才能方便的编写扩展来使Spark SQL能支持更多的外部数据源。

##Using SQL Resiger HBase Table

###1.Query by Spark SQL

One Column and Multiple Columns Scan.

Recommended way is to always put the rowkey at the first column in schema. And we use :key represent the rowkey in hbase.

sparksql_table_schema: is the table will register to spark sql.
hbase_table_name: a real hbase table name in hbase.
hbase_table_schema: the columns want's to query in hbase table hbase_table_name you provided.

Note: sparksql_table_schema and hbase_table_schema should be a mapping relation, should have same column number and index.

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext  
val sqlContext  = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext._

val hbaseDDL = s"""
      |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE hbase_people
      |USING com.shengli.spark.hbase
      |OPTIONS (
      |  sparksql_table_schema   '(row_key string, name string, age int, job string)',
      |  hbase_table_name    'people',
      |  hbase_table_schema '(:key , profile:name , profile:age , career:job )'

sql("select row_key,name,age,job from hbase_people").collect()

Let's see the result:


scala> sql("select row_key,name,age,job from hbase_people").collect()
14/12/27 02:24:22 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Job 0 finished: collect at SparkPlan.scala:81, took 1.576415 s
res1: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([rowkey001,Sheng,Li,25,software engineer], [rowkey002,Li,Lei,26,teacher], [rowkey003,Jim Green,24,english teacher], [rowkey004,Lucy,23,doctor], [rowkey005,HanMeiMei,18,student])



scala> sql("select avg(age) from hbase_people").collect()
14/12/27 02:26:55 INFO scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl: Removed TaskSet 2.0, whose tasks have all completed, from pool 
14/12/27 02:26:55 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Job 1 finished: collect at SparkPlan.scala:81, took 0.459760 s
res2: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([23.2])


scala> sql("select count(1) from hbase_people").collect()
res3: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([5])

Support RowKey Range Scan

If you need a range data from a hbase table, you can specify row_range in OPTIONS. We only need start rowkey is rowkey003 and end rowkey is rowkey005

 val hbaseDDL = s"""
       |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE hbase_people
       |USING com.shengli.spark.hbase
       |OPTIONS (
       |  sparksql_table_schema   '(row_key string, name string, age int, job string)',
       |  hbase_table_name    'people',
       |  hbase_table_schema '(:key , profile:name , profile:age , career:job )',
       |  row_range  'rowkey003->rowkey005'

By using RowKey Range Scan, the result of the query only return:

res2: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([rowkey003,Jim Green,24,english teacher], [rowkey004,Lucy,23,doctor])

And the count is:

scala> sql("select count(1) from hbase_people").collect()
res3: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([2])

###2. Query by SQLContext API

Firstly, import import com.shengli.spark.hbase._ Secondly, use sqlContext.hbaseTable API to generate a SchemaRDD The sqlContext.hbaseTable API need serveral parameters.

Common Way:

If you do common Scan, you just pass three parameters below:

   sqlContext.hbaseTable(sparksqlTableSchema: String, hbaseTableName: String, hbaseTableSchema: String) 
scala> import com.shengli.spark.hbase._
import com.shengli.spark.hbase._

scala> val hbaseSchema = sqlContext.hbaseTable("(row_key string, name string, age int, job string)","people","(:key , profile:name , profile:age , career:job )")
14/12/27 02:30:55 INFO spark.SparkContext: Created broadcast 4 from newAPIHadoopRDD at HBaseRelation.scala:158
hbaseSchema: org.apache.spark.sql.SchemaRDD = 
SchemaRDD[16] at RDD at SchemaRDD.scala:108
== Query Plan ==
== Physical Plan ==
PhysicalRDD [row_key#15,name#16,age#17,job#18], MapPartitionsRDD[19] at map at HBaseRelation.scala:166

We've got a hbaseSchema so that we can query it with DSL or register it as a temp table query with sql, do whatever you like:

res1: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([rowkey001], [rowkey002], [rowkey003], [rowkey004], [rowkey005])

RowKey Range Scan:

RowKey Range Scan need pass a row_range which format is starRow->endRow to let the connector know:

sqlContext.hbaseTable(sparksqlTableSchema: String, hbaseTableName: String, hbaseTableSchema: String, rowRange: String)
scala> import com.shengli.spark.hbase._
import com.shengli.spark.hbase._

scala> val hbaseSchema = sqlContext.hbaseTable("(row_key string, name string, age int, job string)","people","(:key , profile:name , profile:age , career:job )","rowkey002->rowkey004")
hbaseSchema: org.apache.spark.sql.SchemaRDD = 
SchemaRDD[9] at RDD at SchemaRDD.scala:108
== Query Plan ==
== Physical Plan ==
PhysicalRDD [row_key#8,name#9,age#10,job#11], MapPartitionsRDD[12] at map at HBaseRelation.scala:174

res0: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([rowkey002], [rowkey003])

##HBase Data

Let's take look at the HBase Table named person

The schema of the table person:

column family: profile, career

coloumns:profile:name, profile:age,carrer:job

1.8.7-p357 :024 > scan 'people'
ROW                                  COLUMN+CELL                                                                                               
 rowkey001                           column=career:job, timestamp=1419517844784, value=software engineer                                       
 rowkey001                           column=profile:age, timestamp=1419517844665, value=25                                                     
 rowkey001                           column=profile:name, timestamp=1419517844501, value=Sheng,Li                                              
 rowkey002                           column=career:job, timestamp=1419517844813, value=teacher                                                 
 rowkey002                           column=profile:age, timestamp=1419517844687, value=26                                                     
 rowkey002                           column=profile:name, timestamp=1419517844544, value=Li,Lei                                                
 rowkey003                           column=career:job, timestamp=1419517844832, value=english teacher                                         
 rowkey003                           column=profile:age, timestamp=1419517844704, value=24                                                     
 rowkey003                           column=profile:name, timestamp=1419517844568, value=Jim Green                                             
 rowkey004                           column=career:job, timestamp=1419517844853, value=doctor                                                  
 rowkey004                           column=profile:age, timestamp=1419517844724, value=23                                                     
 rowkey004                           column=profile:name, timestamp=1419517844589, value=Lucy                                                  
 rowkey005                           column=career:job, timestamp=1419517845664, value=student                                                 
 rowkey005                           column=profile:age, timestamp=1419517844744, value=18                                                     
 rowkey005                           column=profile:name, timestamp=1419517844606, value=HanMeiMei                                             
5 row(s) in 0.0260 seconds



In the root directory, use sbt package to package the lib.


1. hbase-site.xml

You need place hbase-site.xml under the spark classpath. Also need to configure it correctly first. Below is my hbase-site.xml:



You can simply do it with ln -s ~/software/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml ~/git_repos/spark

2. Add hbase related libs into spark classpath

Below is how I start the spark shell:
Add hbase related libs into spark classpath to make sure spark can access hbase with spark api first.

bin/spark-shell --master spark:// --jars /Users/shengli/software/hbase/lib/hbase-client-0.98.8-hadoop2.jar,/Users/shengli/software/hbase/lib/hbase-server-0.98.8-hadoop2.jar,/Users/shengli/software/hbase/lib/hbase-common-0.98.8-hadoop2.jar,/Users/shengli/software/hbase/lib/hbase-protocol-0.98.8-hadoop2.jar,/Users/shengli/software/hbase/lib/protobuf-java-2.5.0.jar,/Users/shengli/software/hbase/lib/htrace-core-2.04.jar,/Users/shengli/git_repos/spark-sql-hbase/target/scala-2.10/spark-sql-hbase_2.10-0.1.jar --driver-java-options ""

3. class not found issues

The below provides the mapping of the classes and their respective jars

| Class Name |	Jar Name       |
| TableSplit |	hbase-server.jar |
| HTable |	hbase-client.jar |
| MasterProtos |	hbase-protocol.jar |
| org.cloudera.htrace.Trace |	htrace-core-2.01.jar |