Assignment repo: messaging-app
Things to note:
Added automatic documentation for the entire project.
- How did I do this?
Added to more dev npm dependencies, 'gulp' and 'gulp-ngdocs'
As mentioned before gulp allows you to create tasks that are
important in your software development. Check the
file I created one task in particular. This task simply grabs the files that match./app/js/**/*.js
, and passes them through thengdocs
package, finally I save my documentation in the./docs
gulp.task("docs",function(){ return gulp.src(["./app/js/**/*.js"]) .pipe(gulp_ngdocs.process()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./docs')); });
- How do I run documentation?
gulp docs
- How do I check the documentation?
Navigate to the
folder and start a server there usinghttp-server
Please provide documentation for your own projects
- How did I do this?
Added to more dev npm dependencies, 'gulp' and 'gulp-ngdocs'
As mentioned before gulp allows you to create tasks that are
important in your software development. Check the
Added a search bar text as example. Now we can filter conversations by name.
Sorted conversations by lastMessage date. Changed the event listener to a 'prepop' event. Now the conversations are sorted by their lastMessage date.
Please add a search bar to your messages and sort the list of conversations