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CMSIS Solution Project File Format

CMSIS-Toolbox > CMSIS Solution Project File Format

The following chapter explains the CMSIS Solution Project File Format (short form csolution project files), the YAML files that describe the software of an embedded application.

Table of Contents

Name Conventions

Filename Extensions

The csolution Project Manager recognizes the categories of files based on the filename extension in the YAML input files as shown in the table below.

File Extension Category Description
.c, .C sourceC C source file
.cpp, .c++, .C++, .cxx, .cc, .CC sourceCpp C++ source file
.h,.hpp header Header file
.asm, .s, .S sourceAsm Assembly source file
.ld, .scf, .sct, .icf linkerScript Linker Script file
.a, .lib library Library file
.o object Object file
.txt, .md, .pdf, .htm, .html doc Documentation
.scvd other Software Component View Description for CMSIS-View

pack: Name Conventions

The csolution Project Manager uses the following syntax to specify the pack: names in the *.yml files.

[vendor ::] pack-name [@version]         # If specified, with exact version
[vendor ::] pack-name [@>=version]       # If specified, with version equal or higher
[vendor ::] pack-name [@^version]        # If specified, with version equal or higher but same major version
[vendor ::] pack-name [@~version]        # If specified, with version equal or higher but same major and minor version
Element Description
vendor Optional Vendor name of the software pack.
pack-name Required Name of the software pack; wildcards (*, ?) can be used.
@version Optional Software pack version number must exactly match, i.e. @1.2.3
@>=version Optional Automatically update to any version higher or equal.
@^version Optional Automatically update minor/patch version, i.e. @^1.2.3 uses releases from 1.2.3 to < 2.0.0.
@~version Optional Automatically update patch version, i.e. @^1.2.3 uses releases from 1.2.3 to < 1.3.0.


  • When no version is specified, the csolution Project Manager only loads the latests installed version of a software pack. This also applies when wildcards are used in the pack-name.
  • Use cpackget to download and install new pack versions.


- pack:   ARM::CMSIS@5.9.0                  # 'CMSIS' Pack (with version 5.5.0)
- pack:   MDK-Middleware@>=7.13.0           # 'MDK-Middleware` latest installed version 7.13.0 or higher 
- pack:   MDK-Middleware@^7.13.0            # 'MDK-Middleware' latest installed version 7.13.0 or higher but lower then 8.0.0
- pack:   Keil::TFM                         # 'TFM' Software Pack from vendor Keil, latest installed version
- pack:   AWS                               # All latest versions of Software Packs from vendor 'AWS'
- pack:   Keil::STM*                        # All latest versions of Software Packs that start with 'STM' from vendor 'Keil'
- pack:   MDK-Middleware@>=8.0.0-0          # `MDK-Middleware` version 8.0.0 or higher including development versions

component: Name Conventions

The csolution Project Manager uses the following syntax to specify the component: names in the *.yml files.

[Cvendor::] Cclass [&Cbundle] :Cgroup [:Csub] [&Cvariant] [@[>=]Cversion]

Components are defined using the Open-CMSIS-Pack - <component> element. Several parts of a component are optional. For example it is possible to just define a component using Cclass and Cgroup name. All elements of a component name are summarized in the following table.

Element Description
Cvendor Optional Name of the component vendor as defined in <components> element or by the package vendor of the software pack.
Cclass Required Component class name as defined in <components> element of the software pack.
Cbundle Optional Bundle name of the component class as defined in <bundle> element of the software pack.
Cgroup Required Component group name as defined in <components> element of the software pack.
Csub Optional Component sub-group name as defined in <components> element of the software pack.
Cvariant Optional Component sub-group name as defined in <components> element of the software pack.
Cversion Optional Version number of the component, with @1.2.3 that must exactly match, or @>=1.2.3 that allows any version higher or equal.

Partly defined components

A component can be partly defined in csolution project files (*.cproject.yml, *.clayer.yml, *.genlayer.yml) by omitting Cvendor, Cvariant, and Cversion, even when this are part of the components element of the software pack. The component select algorithm resolves this to a fully defined component by:

  • when a partly specified component resolves to several possible choices, the tool selects:
    • (a) the default Cvariant of the component as defined in the PDSC file.
    • (b) the component with the higher Cversion value.
    • (c) and error message is issued when two identical components are defined by multiple vendors and Cvendor is not specified.
  • the partly specified component is extended by:
    • version information from the software pack.
    • default variant definition from the software pack.

The fully resolved component name is shown in the *.cbuild.yml output file.

Multiple component definitions are rejected

  • If a component is added more then once in the csolution project files and an error is issued.
  • An attempt to select multiple variants (using Cvariant) of a component results in an error.


- component: CMSIS:CORE                               # CMSIS Core component (vendor selected by `csolution` ARM)
- component: ARM::CMSIS:CORE                          # CMSIS Core component from vendor ARM (any version)
- component: ARM::CMSIS:CORE@5.5.0                    # CMSIS Core component from vendor ARM (with version 5.5.0)
- component: ARM::CMSIS:CORE@>=5.5.0                  # CMSIS Core component from vendor ARM (with version 5.5.0 or higher)

- component: Device:Startup                           # Device Startup component from any vendor

- component: CMSIS:RTOS2:Keil RTX5                    # CMSIS RTOS2 Keil RTX5 component with default variant (any version)
- component: ARM::CMSIS:RTOS2:Keil RTX5&Source@5.5.3  # CMSIS RTOS2 Keil RTX5 component with variant 'Source' and version 5.5.3

- component: Keil::USB&MDK-Pro:CORE&Release@6.15.1    # USB CORE component from bundle MDK-Pro in variant 'Release' and version 6.15.1

device: Name Conventions

The device specifies multiple attributes about the target that ranges from the processor architecture to Flash algorithms used for device programming. The following syntax is used to specify a device: value in the *.yml files.

[ [ Dvendor:: ] Dname] [:Pname]
Element Description
Dvendor Optional Name (without enum field) of the device vendor defined in <devices><family> element of the software pack.
Dname Optional Device name (Dname attribute) or when used the variant name (Dvariant attribute) as defined in the <devices> element.
Pname Optional Processor identifier (Pname attribute) as defined in the <devices> element.


  • All elements of a device name are optional which allows to supply additional information, such as the :Pname at different stages of the project. However the Dname itself is a mandatory element and must be specified in context of the various project files.
  • Dvendor:: must be used in combination with the Dname.


device: NXP::LPC1768                       # The LPC1788 device from NXP
device: LPC1788                            # The LPC1788 device (vendor is evaluated from DFP)
device: LPC55S69JEV98                      # Device name (exact name as defined in the DFP)
device: LPC55S69JEV98:cm33_core0           # Device name (exact name as defined in the DFP) with Pname specified
device: :cm33_core0                        # Pname added to a previously defined device name (or a device derived from a board)

board: Name Conventions

Evaluation Boards define indirectly a device via the related BSP. The following syntax is used to specify a board: value in the *.yml files.

[vendor::] board_name [:revision] 
Element Description
vendor Optional Name of the board vendor defined in <boards><board> element of the board support pack (BSP).
Bname Required Board name (name attribute) as defined in the <board> element of the BSP.
revision Optional Board revision (revision attribute) as defined in the <board> element of the BSP.


When a board: is specified, the device: specification can be omitted, however it is possible to overwrite the device setting in the BSP with an explicit device: setting.


board: Keil::MCB54110                             # The Keil MCB54110 board (with device NXP::LPC54114J256BD64) 
board: LPCXpresso55S28                            # The LPCXpresso55S28 board
board: STMicroelectronics::NUCLEO-L476RG:Rev.C    # A board with revision specification

context: Name Conventions

A context: name combines project-name, built-type, and target-type and is used on various places in the CMSIS-Toolbox. The following syntax is used to specify a context: name.

Element Description
project-name Optional Project name of a project (base name of the *.cproject.yml file).
.build-type Optional The build-type name that is currently processed (specified with - type: name).
+target-type Optional The target-type name that is currently processed (specified with - type: name).


The .build-type and +target-type name allows letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), dash ('-'), and underscore ('_'); the maximum length is 32 characters.

  • When project-name is omitted, the project-name is the base name of the *.cproject.yml file.
  • When .build-type is omitted, it matches with any possible .build-type.
  • When +target-type is omitted, it matches with any possible +target-type.

By default, the specified - type: name of build-types: and target-types: nodes in the *.csolution.yml file are directly mapped to the context name. Using the context-map: node it is possible to assign a different .build-type and/or +target-type mapping for a specific project-name.


Show the different possible context settings of a *.csolution.yml file.

AWS_MQTT_MutualAuth_SW_Framework>csolution list contexts -s Demo.csolution.yml

The context name is also used in for-context: and not-for-context: nodes that allow to include or exclude items depending on the context. In many cases the project-name can be omitted as the context name is within a specific *.cproject.yml file or applied to a specific *.cproject.yml file.

Access Sequences

The following access sequences allow to use arguments from the CMSIS Project Manager as arguments of the various *.yml files in the key values for define:, define-asm:, add-path:, misc:, files:, and executes:. The access sequences can refer in a different project and provide therefore a method to describe project dependencies.

Access Sequence Description
Target Access to target and build related settings
$Bname$ Bname of the selected board as specified in the board: node.
$Dname$ Dname of the selected device as specified in the device: node.
$Pname$ Pname of the selected device as specified in the device: node.
$BuildType$ Build-type name of the currently processed project.
$TargetType$ Target-type name of the currently processed project.
$Compiler$ Compiler name of the compiler used in this project context as specified in the compiler: node.
YML Input Access to YML Input Directories and Files
$Solution$ Solution name (base name of the *.csolution.yml file).
$SolutionDir()$ Path to the directory of the current processed csolution.yml file.
$Project$ Project name of the current processed cproject.yml file.
$ProjectDir(context)$ Path to the directory of a related cproject.yml file.
Output Access to Output Directories and Files
$OutDir(context)$ Path to the output directory of a related project that is defined in the *.csolution.yml file.
$bin(context)$ Path and filename of the binary output file generated by the related context.
$cmse-lib(context)$ Path and filename of the object file with secure gateways of a TrustZone application generated by the related context.
$elf(context)$ Path and filename of the ELF/DWARF output file generated by the related context.
$hex(context)$ Path and filename of the HEX output file generated by the related context.
$lib(context)$ Path and filename of the library file of the related context.
Pack Access to Pack Directories and Files
$Bpack$ Path to the pack that defines the selected board (BSP).
$Dpack$ Path to the pack that defines the selected device (DFP).
$Pack(vendor::name)$ Path to a specific pack. Example: $Pack(NXP::K32L3A60_DFP)$.

For a context the project-name, .build-type, and +target-type are optional. An access sequence that specifies only project-name uses the context that is currently processed. It is important that the project is part of the context-set in the build process. is used. Example: $ProjectDir()$ is the directory of the current processed cproject.yml file. When


This example uses the following build-type, target-type, and projects definitions.

    - type: Board               # target-type: Board
      board: NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q    # specifies board

    - type: Production-HW       # target-type: Production-HW
      device: STM32L5X          # specifies device
    - type: Debug               # build-type: Debug
      optimize: none
      debug: on

    - type: Release             # build-type: Release
      optimize: size

    - project: ./bootloader/Bootloader.cproject.yml           # relative path
    - project: /MyDevelopmentTree/security/TFM.cproject.yml   # absolute path
    - project: ./application/MQTT_AWS.cproject.yml            # relative path

The project: /application/MQTT_AWS.cproject.yml may use access sequences to reference files or directories in other projects that belong to the same csolution project.

For example, these references are possible in the file MQTT_AWS.cproject.yml.

    - file: $cmse-lib(TFM)$                         # use symbol output file of TFM Project

The example above uses the build-type and target-type of the processed context for the project TFM. With a context-set you may mix different build-types for an application. Note that it is important to build both projects in the same build process.

cbuild iot-product.csolution.yml --context-set --context TFM.Release+Board --context MQTT_AWS.Debug+Board 

The example below uses from the TFM project always build-type: Debug and the target-type: Production-HW.

    - file: `$cmse-lib(TFM.Release+Production-HW)$` # use symbol output file of TFM Project

The example below uses the build-type: Debug and the target-type of the current processed context is used.

    - execute: GenImage
      run: gen_image %input% -o %output%
        - $elf(TFM.Debug)$
        - $elf(Bootloader.Release)$
        - $OutDir(TFM.Debug)$

The example below creates a define that uses the device name.

  - group:  "Main File Group"
      - $Dname$                           # Generate a #define 'device-name' for this file group


The variables: node defines are key/value pairs that can be used to refer to *.clayer.yml files. The key is the name of the variable and can be used in the following nodes: layers:, define:, define-asm:, add-path:, add-path-asm:, misc:, files:, and executes:

Using variables that are defined in the *.csolution.yml file, a *.cproject.yml file requires no modifications when new target-types: are introduced. The required layers: could be instead specified in the *.csolution.yml file using a new node variables:.



    - type: NXP Board
      board: IMXRT1050-EVKB
        - Socket-Layer: ./Socket/FreeRTOS+TCP/Socket.clayer.yml
        - Board-Layer:  ./Board/IMXRT1050-EVKB/Board.clayer.yml
    - type: ST Board
      board: B-U585I-IOT02A
        - Socket-Layer: ./Socket/WiFi/Socket.clayer.yml
        - Board-Layer:  ./Board/B-U585I-IOT02A/Board.clayer.yml


    - layer: $Socket-Layer$
      type: Socket
    - layer: $Board-Layer$      # no `*.clayer.yml` specified. Compatible layers are listed
      type: Board               # layer of type `Board` is expected

Order of List Nodes

The key/value pairs in a list node can be in any order. The two following list nodes are logically identical. This might be confusing for yml files that are generated by an IDE.

    - type: Release         # build-type name
      optimize: size        # optimize for size
      debug: off            # generate no debug information for the release build
    - debug: off            # generate no debug information for the release build
      optimize: size        # optimize for size
      type: Release         # build-type name

Project File Structure

The table below explains the top-level elements in each of the different *.yml input files that define the overall application.

Keyword Description
default: Start of cdefault.yml file that is used to setup the compiler along with some compiler-specific controls.
solution: Start of *.csolution.yml file that collects related projects along with build-types: and target-types:.
project: Start of *.cproject.yml file that defines files, components, and layers which can be independently translated to a binary image or library.
layer: Start of *.clayer.yml file that contains pre-configured software components along with source files.


When cdefault: is specified in the *.csolution.yml file, the csolution Project Manager uses a file with the name cdefault.yml to setup the compiler with specific default controls. The search order for this file is:

The default: node is the start of a cdefault.yml file and contains the following.

default: Content
   misc: Optional Literal tool-specific controls. Refer to Build Overview - cdefault.yml for an example.


The compiler: selection in cdefault.yml has been deprecated in CMSIS-Toolbox 2.6.0.


The solution: node is the start of a *.csolution.yml file that collects related projects as described in the section "Project setup for related projects".

solution: Content
    created-by: Optional Identifies the tool that created this solution.
    created-for: Optional Specifies the tool for building this solution, i.e. CMSIS-Toolbox@2.5.0
    description: Optional Brief description text of this solution.
    select-compiler: Optional Lists the possible compiler selection that this project is tested with.
    cdefault: Optional When specified, the cdefault.yml file is used to setup compiler specific controls.
    compiler: Optional Overall toolchain selection for this solution.
    language-C: Optional Set the language standard for C source file compilation.
    language-CPP: Optional Set the language standard for C++ source file compilation.
    output-dirs: Optional Control the output directories for the build output.
    generators: Optional Control the directory structure for generator output.
    packs: Optional Defines local packs and/or scope of packs that are used.
    target-types: Required List of target-types that define the target system (device or board).
    build-types: Optional List of build-types (i.e. Release, Debug, Test).
    projects: Required List of projects that belong to the solution.
    executes: Optional Additional pre or post build steps using external tools.


  created-for: cmsis-toolbox@2.0  # minimum CMSIS-Toolbox version required for project build
  cdefault:                       # use default setup of toolchain specific controls.
  compiler: GCC                   # overwrite compiler definition in 'cdefaults.yml'

    - pack: ST                    # add ST packs in 'cdefaults.yml'

  build-types:                    # additional build types
    - type: Test                  # build-type: Test
      optimize: none
      debug: on
      packs:                      # with explicit pack specification
        - pack: ST::TestSW
          path: ./MyDev/TestSW    

    - type: Board                 # target-type: Board
      board: NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q

    - type: Production-HW         # target-type: Production-HW
      device: STM32U5X            # specifies device
    - project: ./blinky/Bootloader.cproject.yml
    - project: /security/TFM.cproject.yml
    - project: /application/MQTT_AWS.cproject.yml


The project: node is the start of a *.cproject.yml file and can contain the following:

project: Content
    description: Optional Brief description text of this project.
    output: Optional Configure the generated output files.
    generators: Optional Control the directory structure for generator output.
    rte: Optional Control the directory structure for RTE (run-time environment) files.
    packs: Optional Defines packs that are required for this project.
    language-C: Optional Set the language standard for C source file compilation.
    language-CPP: Optional Set the language standard for C++ source file compilation.
    optimize: Optional Optimize level for code generation.
    linker: Optional Instructions for the linker.
    debug: Optional Generation of debug information.
    define: Optional Define symbol settings for C/C++ code generation.
    define-asm: Optional Define symbol settings for Assembler code generation.
    undefine: Optional Remove preprocessor (#define) symbols.
    add-path: Optional Additional include file paths.
    del-path: Optional Remove specific include file paths.
    misc: Optional Literal tool-specific controls.
    device: Optional Device setting (specify processor core).
    processor: Optional Processor specific settings.
    groups: Required List of source file groups along with source files.
    components: Optional List of software components used.
    layers: Optional List of software layers that belong to the project.
    connections: Optional List of consumed and provided resources.
    executes: Optional Additional pre or post build steps using external tools.


    - compiler: AC6                          # specify misc controls for Arm Compiler 6
      C: [-fshort-enums, -fshort-wchar]      # set options for C files
    - $OutDir(Secure)$                       # add the path to the secure project's output directory
    - component: Startup                     # Add startup component
    - component: CMSIS CORE
    - component: Keil RTX5 Library_NS
    - group: Non-secure Code                 # Create group
        - file: main_ns.c                    # Add files to group
        - file: $Source(Secure)$interface.h
        - file: $Output(Secure)$_CMSE_Lib.o


The layer: node is the start of a *.clayer.yml file and defines a Software Layer. It can contain the following nodes:

layer: Content
    type: Optional Layer type for combining layers; used to identify compatible layers.
    description: Optional Brief description text of the layer.
    language-C: Optional Set the language standard for C source file compilation.
    language-CPP: Optional Set the language standard for C++ source file compilation.
    optimize: Optional Optimize level for code generation.
    debug: Optional Generation of debug information.
    warnings: Optional Control generation of compiler diagnostics.
    define: Optional Define symbol settings for C/C++ code generation.
    define-asm: Optional Define symbol settings for Assembler code generation.
    undefine: Optional Remove define symbol settings for code generation.
    add-path: Optional Additional include file paths.
    del-path: Optional Remove specific include file paths.
    misc: Optional Literal tool-specific controls.
    generators: Optional Control the directory structure for generator output.
    packs: Optional Defines packs that are required for this layer.
    for-device: Optional Device information, used for consistency check (device selection is in *.csolution.yml).
    for-board: Optional Board information, used for consistency check (board selection is in *.csolution.yml).
    connections: Optional List of consumed and provided resources.
    processor: Optional Processor specific settings.
    linker: Optional Instructions for the linker.
    groups: Optional List of source file groups along with source files.
    components: Optional List of software components used.


  type: Board
  description: Setup with Ethernet and WiFi interface
    trustzone: secure        # set processor to secure
    - component: Startup
    - component: CMSIS CORE
    - group: Secure Code
        - file: main_s.c
    - group: CMSE
        - file: interface.c
        - file: interface.h
        - file: tz_context.c

Directory Control

The following nodes control the directory structure for the application.


Allows to control the directory structure for build output files and temporary files.


  • This control is only possible at csolution.yml level.
  • CMake manages the temporary directory of all projects therefore tmpdir: does not support access sequences.
output-dirs: Content
    outdir: Optional Specifies the directory for the build output files (ELF, binary, MAP files).
    tmpdir: Optional Specifies the directory for the interim temporary files.
    intdir: Optional Legacy node, applied instead of tmpdir: when using cbuild with option --cbuildgen.

The default setting for the output-dirs: are:

  tmpdir:  tmp                          # All projects use the same temporary directory
  outdir:  $SolutionDir()$/out/$TargetType$/$BuildType$

With the tool option --output an prefix top-level directory can be added. The effective outdir: with the command below is: MyOut/out/$TargetType$/$BuildType$.

cbuild <name>.csolution.yml --output MyOut


  tmpdir: ./tmp2                         # relative path to csolution.yml file
  outdir: ./out/$Project$/$TargetType$   # $BuildType$ no longer part of the outdir    


Allows to control the directory structure for generator output files.

When no explicit generators: is specified, the csolution Project Manager uses as path:

  • The workingDir defined in the generators element of the PDSC file.
  • When no workingDir is defined the default directory $ProjectDir()$/generated/<generator-id> is used; <generator-id> is defined by the id in the generators element of the PDSC file.

The generators: node can be added at various levels of the *.yml input files. The following order is used:

  1. Use generators: specification of the *.clayer.yml input file, if not exist:
  2. Use generators: specification of the *.cproject.yml input file, if not exist:
  3. Use generators: specification of the *.csolution.yml input file.


  • Only relative paths are permitted to support portablity of projects.
  • The location of the *.yml file that contains the generators: node is the reference for relative paths.
generators: Content
    base-dir: Optional Base directory for unspecified generators; default: $ProjectDir()$/generated.
    options: Optional Specific generator options; allows explicit directory configuration for a generator.


The base directory is extended for each generator with /<generator-id>; <generator-id> is defined by the id in the generators element of the PDSC file.

generators: - options:

options: Content
- generator: Optional Identifier of the generator tool, specified with id in the generators element of the PDSC file.
    path: Optional Specifies the directory for generated files. Relative paths used location of *.cproject.yml or *.clayer.yml file as base directory.
    name: Optional Specifies the base name of the generator import file (added in CMSIS-Toolbox 2.4.0); typically used for a board layer.
    map: Optional Mapping of the csolution project to a generator specific run-time context name (added in CMSIS-Toolbox 2.4.0).


  base-dir: $SolutionDir()$/MyGenerators      # Path for all generators extended by '/<generator-id>'

  - generator: CubeMX                         # for the generator id `CubeMX` use this path
    path:  ./CubeFiles                        # relative path to generated files and the generator import file
    name: MyConf                              # results in generator import file ./CubeFiles/MyConf.cgen.yml
    map: Boot                                 # Map this project part to the CubeMX run-time context Boot


Allows to control the directory structure for RTE (run-time environment) files.


  • This control is only possible at *.cproject.yml level.
  • Only relative paths are permitted to support portablity of projects.
  • The location of the *.cproject.yml file is the reference for relative paths.
rte: Content
    base-dir: Optional Base directory for unspecified generators; default: $ProjectDir()$/RTE.
  base-dir: $TargetType$/RTE      # Path extended with target-type, results in `$ProjectDir()$/$TargetType$/RTE`

Toolchain Options

Toolchain options may be used at various places such as:

  • solution: level to specify options for a collection of related projects.
  • project: level to specify options for a project.


Lists the compilers that this csolution project is tested with. This information is used by the cbuild setup command to determine possible compiler choices. The actual compiler to be used is selected with the compiler: node.


select-compiler: Content
- compiler: Required Specifies a supported compiler.


  created-for: cmsis-toolbox@2.5  # minimum CMSIS-Toolbox version required for project build
  select-compiler:                # list tested compilers that can be selected
    - compiler: GCC               # GCC is supported
    - compiler: AC6@6.22          # AC6 is supported, version number is an hint on what was tested


Selects the compiler toolchain used for code generation. It can be applied in *.csolution.yml files. Optionally the compiler can have a version number specification.

Compiler Name Supported Compiler
AC6 Arm Compiler version 6
GCC GCC Compiler
IAR IAR Compiler
CLANG CLANG Compiler based on LLVM technlogy


compiler: GCC              # Select GCC Compiler
compiler: AC6@6.18.0       # Select Arm Compiler version 6.18.0


The linker: node specifies an explicit Linker Script and/or memory regions header file. It can be applied in *.cproject.yml and *.clayer.yml files. Refer to Linker Script Management for detailed information.

linker: Content
- regions: Optional Path and file name of <regions_file>.h, used to generate a Linker Script.
   script: Optional Explicit file name of the Linker Script, overrules files provided with file: or components.
   auto: Optional Request automatic Linker Script generation.
   define: Optional Define symbol settings for the linker script file preprocessor.
   for-compiler: Optional Include Linker Script for the specified toolchain.
   for-context: Optional Include Linker Script for a list of build and target type names.
   not-for-context: Optional Exclude Linker Script for a list of build and target type names.


  • The linker: node must have at least regions:, script:, auto:, or define:.
  • If no script: file is specified, compiler specific Linker Script template files are used.
  • A Linker Script file is preprocessed when regions: or a define: is or the file extension is *.src.
  • If both auto: and script: is specified a warning is issued and automatic Linker Script generation is performed and the specified script: is ignored.


  - script:   MyLinker.scf.src   # linker script file
    regions:  MyRegions.h        # pre-processed using header file
  - regions:  MyRegions.h        # Default linker script is used and pre-processed using header file
  - script:   MyLinker.scf.src   # linker script file, not pre-processed
    for-compiler: AC6            # for Arm Compiler 6 

  - script:   MyLinker.ld        # linker script file, not pre-processed
    for-compiler: CLANG          # for CLANG LLVM based compiler
  - script:   MyLinker.scf.src   # linker script file
    for-compiler: AC6            # for Arm Compiler 6
    regions:  MyRegions.h        # pre-processed using header file

  - script:   MyLinker.ld.src    # linker script file
    for-compiler: CLANG          # for CLANG LLVM based compiler
    regions:  MyRegions.h        # pre-processed using header file
    define:                      # with define setting 
      - Setup: 1                 # define with value


Configure the generated output files.

output: Content
    base-name: Optional Specify a common base name for all output files.
    type: Optional A list of output types for code generation (see list below).
type: Description
- lib Library or archive. Note: GCC uses the prefix lib in the base name for archive files.
- elf Executable in ELF format. The file extension is toolchain specific.
- hex Intel HEX file in HEX-386 format.
- bin Binary image.

The default setting for output: is:

  base-name: $Project$   # used the base name of the `cproject.yml` file.
  type: elf              # Generate executeable file.


output:                  # configure output files
  base-name: MyProject   # used for all output files, including linker map file.
  - elf                  # Generate executeable file.
  - hex                  # generate a HEX file 
  - bin                  # generate a BIN file 

Generate a library:

output:                  # configure output files
  type: lib              # Generate library file.

Translation Control

The following translation control options may be used at various places such as:

  • solution: level to specify options for a collection of related projects
  • project: level to specify options for a project
  • groups: level to specify options for a specify source file group
  • files: level to specify options for a specify source file


  • The keys define:, define-asm:, add-path:, add-path-asm:, del-path:, and misc: are additive.
  • All other keys can only be defined once at the level of solution:, project:, setup:, layer:, build-types:. or target-types:. However, it is possible to overwrite these keys at the level of group:, file:, or component:, for example it is possible to translate a file group with a different optimize level.


Set the language standard for C source file compilation.

Value Select C Language Standard
c90 compile C source files as defined in C90 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1990).
gnu90 same as c90 but with additional GNU extensions.
c99 (default) compile C source files as defined in C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999).
gnu99 same as c99 but with additional GNU extensions.
c11 compile C source files as defined in C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011).
gnu11 same as c11 but with additional GNU extensions.
c17 compile C source files as defined in C17 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2017). Experimental compiler feature new in CMSIS-Toolbox 2.6.0.
c23 compile C source files as defined in C23 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2023). Experimental compiler feature new in CMSIS-Toolbox 2.6.0.


Set the language standard for C++ source file compilation.

Value Select C++ Language Standard
c++98 compile C++ source files as defined in C++98 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:1998).
gnu++98 same as c++98 but with additional GNU extensions.
c++03 compile C++ source files as defined in C++03 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2003).
gnu++03 same as c++03 but with additional GNU extensions.
c++11 compile C++ source files as defined in C++11 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2011).
gnu++11 same as c++11 but with additional GNU extensions.
c++14 (default) compile C++ source files as defined in C++14 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2014).
gnu++14 same as c++14 but with additional GNU extensions.
c++17 compile C++ source files as defined in C++17 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2014).
gnu++17 same as c++17 but with additional GNU extensions.
c++20 compile C++ source files as defined in C++20 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2020).
gnu++20 same as c++20 but with additional GNU extensions.


Generic optimize levels for code generation.

Value Code Generation
balanced Balanced optimization
size Optimized for code size
speed Optimized for execution speed
debug Optimize for debug experience
none No optimization


  • When optimize: is not specified, the default optimize setting of the compiler is used.


  - group:  "Main File Group"
    optimize: none          # optimize this file group for debug illusion
      - file: file1a.c
      - file: file1b.c


Control the generation of debug information.

Value Code Generation
on Generate debug information (default)
off Generate no debug information


    - type: Release
      optimize: size        # optimize for size
      debug: off            # generate no debug information for the release build


Control warning level for compiler diagnostics.

Value Control diagnostic messages (warnings)
on Generate warning messages
all Enable all compiler warning messages (compiler option -Wall)
off No warning messages generated


Contains a list of symbol #define statements that are passed via the command line to the development tools for C, C++ source files, or the linker script file preprocessor.

define: Content
    - <symbol-name> #define symbol passed via command line
    - <symbol-name>: <value> #define symbol with value passed via command line
    - <symbol-name>: \"<string>\" #define symbol with string value passed via command line


This control only applies to C and C++ source files (or to the linker script preprocessor). For assembler source files use the define-asm: node.


define:                    # Start a list of define statements
  - TestValue: 12          # add symbol 'TestValue' with value 12
  - TestMode               # add symbol 'TestMode'


Contains a list of symbol #define statements that are passed via the command line to the development tools for Assembler source files.

define-asm: Content
    - <symbol-name> #define symbol passed via command line
    - <symbol-name>: <value> #define symbol with value passed via command line
    - <symbol-name>: \"<string>\" #define symbol with string value passed via command line


define-asm:                # Start a list of define statements for Assembler source code
  - AsmValue: 12           # add symbol 'AsmValue' with value 12


Remove symbol #define statements from the command line of the development tools.

undefine: Content
   - <symbol-name> Remove #define symbol


  - group:  "Main File Group"
      - TestValue           # remove define symbol `TestValue` for this file group
      - file: file1a.c
         - TestMode         # remove define symbol `TestMode` for this file
      - file: file1b.c


Add include paths to the command line of the development tools for C and C++ source files.

add-path: Content
    - <path-name> Named path to be added


This control only applies to C and C++ source files. For assembler source files use the add-path-asm: node.


    - for-compiler: AC6
      C: [-fshort-enums, -fshort-wchar]
    - for-compiler: GCC
      C: [-fshort-enums, -fshort-wchar]

    - $OutDir(Secure)$                   # add path to secure project's output directory


Add include paths to the command line of the development tools for assembly source files.

add-path-asm: Content
    - <path-name> Named path to be added


This control only applies to assembler source files. For C and C++ source files use the add-path: node.


    - .\MyAsmIncludes                    # add path to assembler include filessecure project's output directory


Remove include paths (that are defined at the cproject level) from the command line of the development tools.

del-paths: Content
    - <path-name> Named path to be removed; * for all


    - type: CM3
      device: ARMCM3
        - /path/solution/to-be-removed


Add miscellaneous literal tool-specific controls that are directly passed to the individual tools depending on the file type.

misc: Content
- for-compiler: Optional Name of the toolchain that the literal control string applies to.
    C-CPP: Optional Applies to *.c and *.cpp files (added before C and CPP:).
    C: Optional Applies to *.c files only.
    CPP: Optional Applies to *.cpp files only.
    ASM: Optional Applies to assembler source files only.
    Link: Optional Applies to the linker (added before Link-C: or Link-CPP:).
    Link-C: Optional Applies to the linker; added when no C++ files are part of the project.
    Link-CPP: Optional Applies to the linker; added when C++ files are part of the project.
    Library: Optional Set libraries to the correct position in the linker command line (for GCC).


    - type: Debug
        - for-compiler: AC6
            - -O1
            - -g
        - for-compiler: GCC
            - -Og

    - type: Release
      compiler: AC6
        - C:
          - -O3

    - type: GCC-LibDebug
      compiler: GCC
        - Library:
          - -lm
          - -lc
          - -lgcc
          - -lnosys

Project Setups

The setups: node can be used to create setups that are specific to a compiler, target-type, and/or built-type.


The setups: node collects a list of setup: notes. For each context, only one setup will be selected.

The result is a setup: that collects various toolchain options and that is valid for all files and components in the project. It is however possible to change that setup: settings on a group: or file: level.

setups: Content
- setup: Required Description of the setup
    for-context: Optional Include group for a list of build and target types.
    not-for-context: Optional Exclude group for a list of build and target types.
    for-compiler: Optional Include group for a list of compilers.
    output: Optional Configure the generated output files.
    language-C: Optional Set the language standard for C source file compilation.
    language-CPP: Optional Set the language standard for C++ source file compilation.
    optimize: Optional Optimize level for code generation.
    debug: Optional Generation of debug information.
    warnings: Optional Control generation of compiler diagnostics.
    define: Optional Define symbol settings for C/C++ code generation.
    define-asm: Optional Define symbol settings for Assembler code generation.
    undefine: Optional Remove define symbol settings for code generation.
    add-path: Optional Additional include file paths for C/C++ source files.
    add-path-asm: Optional Additional include file paths for assembly source files.
    del-path: Optional Remove specific include file paths.
    linker: Optional Remove specific include file paths.
    misc: Optional Literal tool-specific controls.
    processor: Optional Processor configuration.
    - setup: Arm Compiler 6 project setup
      for-compiler: AC6
        - script: my-project.sct
        - test: 12

   - setup: GCC project setup
     for-compiler: GCC
       - script:
       - test: 11

Pack Selection

The packs: node can be specified in the *.csolution.yml file allows you to:

  • Reduce the scope of software packs that are available for projects.
  • Add specific software packs optional with a version specification.
  • Provide a path to a local installation of a software pack that is for example project specific or under development.

The Pack Name Conventions are used to specify the name of the software packs. The pack: definition may be specific to a context that specifies target-types: and/or build-types: or provide a local path to a development repository of a software pack.


  • By default, the csolution Project Manager only loads the latest version of the installed software packs. It is however possible to request specific versions using the - pack: node.

  • An attempt to add two different versions of the same software pack results in an error.


The packs: node is the start of a pack selection.

packs: Content
    - pack: Explicit pack specification (additive)


The pack: list allows to add specific software packs, optional with a version specification.

pack: Content
    path: Explicit path name that stores the software pack. This can be a relative path to your project workspace.
    for-context: Include pack for a list of build and target types.
    not-for-context: Exclude pack for a list of build and target types.


  • When an explicit path: to the pack is specified, an explicit pack version cannot be specified as the path directly specifies the pack to include.


packs:                                  # start section that specifics software packs
  - pack: AWS                           # use packs from AWS
  - pack: NXP::*K32L*                   # use packs from NXP relating to K32L series (would match K32L3A60_DFP + FRDM-K32L3A6_BSP)
  - pack: ARM                           # use packs from Arm

  - pack: Keil::Arm_Compiler            # add latest version of Keil::Arm_Compiler pack
  - pack: Keil::MDK-Middleware@7.13.0   # add Keil::MDK-Middleware pack at version 7.13.0
  - pack: ARM::CMSIS-FreeRTOS@~10.4.0   # add CMSIS-FreeRTOS with version 10.4.x or higher but lower than 10.5.0
  - pack: ARM::CMSIS-FreeRTOS@^10.4.0   # add CMSIS-FreeRTOS with version 10.4.x or higher but lower than 11.0.0

  - pack: NXP::K32L3A60_DFP             # add pack for NXP device 
    path: ./local/NXP/K32L3A60_DFP      # with path to the pack (local copy, repo, etc.)

  - pack: AWS::coreHTTP                 # add pack
    path: ./development/AWS/coreHTTP    # with path to development source directory
    for-context: +DevTest               # pack is only used for target-type "DevTest"

Target Selection


Specifies a unique board name, optionally with vendor that must be defined in software packs. This information is used to define the device: along with basic toolchain settings.


Specifies a unique device name, optionally with vendor that must be defined in software packs. This information is used to define the device: along with basic toolchain settings.

A device: is derived from the board: setting, but an explicit device: setting overrules the board: device.

If device: specifies a device with a multi-core processor, and no explicit pname for the processor core selection is specified, the default pname of the device is used.

At the level of a cproject.yml file, only the pname can be specified as the device itself is selected at the level of a csolution.yml file.

Processor Attributes


The processor: keyword specifies the usage of processor features for this project.

processor: Content
    fpu: Select usage of FPU instructions: dp (double precision) | sp (single precision) | off (disabled).
    dsp: Select usage of SIMD instructions: on (enabled) | off (disabled).
    mve: Select usage of M-Profile vector extension: fp (floating point and integer instructions) | int (integer instructions) | off (disabled).
    trustzone: Select TrustZone mode: secure | secure-only | non-secure | off.
    branch-protection: Select Branch Protection mode: bti (branch target identification) | bti-signret (branch target identification and pointer authentication) | off (disabled).

The default setting enables the available features of the device. For example fpu: dp is selected for devices that offer double precision floating point hardware.

For trustzone: the possible settings are:

trustzone: Description
off TrustZone disabled, classic Cortex-M programmers model. Default for devices with configurable TrustZone feature.
non-secure Non-secure mode. Default for devices with enabled TrustZone feature.
secure Secure mode with veneers for non-secure calls. Related options to generate cmse library are enabled.
secure-only Secure mode without veneers for non-secure calls. No cmse library generated (new in CMSIS-Toolbox 2.6.0).


    trustzone: secure
    fpu: off             # do not use FPU instructions
    mve: off             # do not use vector instructions.  


A context is an enviroment setup for a project that is composed of:

  • project-name that is the base name of the *.cproject.yml file.
  • .build-type that defines typically build specific settings such as for debug, release, or test.
  • +target-type that defines typically target specific settings such as device, board, or usage of processor features.


  • The context name is used througout the build process and is reflected in directory names. Even when there is not a fixed limit, keep identifiers short. Recommended is less than 32 characters for the context name.
  • Blank characters (' ') in the context name are not permitted by CMake.

The section Project setup for multiple targets and test builds explains the overall concept of target-types and build-types. These target-types and build-types are defined in the *.csolution.yml that defines the overall application for a system.

The settings of the target-types: are processed first; then the settings of the build-types: that potentially overwrite the target-types: settings.


The target-types: node may include toolchain options, target selection, and processor attributes:

target-types: Content
- type: Required The target-type identifier that is used to create the context name.
    compiler: Optional Toolchain selection.
    language-C: Optional Set the language standard for C source file compilation.
    language-CPP: Optional Set the language standard for C++ source file compilation.
    optimize: Optional Optimize level for code generation.
    debug: Optional Generation of debug information.
    warnings: Optional Control Generation of debug information.
    define: Optional Define symbol settings for C/C++ code generation.
    define-asm: Optional Define symbol settings for Assembler code generation.
    undefine: Optional Remove preprocessor (#define) symbols.
    add-path: Optional Additional include file paths for C/C++ source files.
    add-path-asm: Optional Additional include file paths for assembly source files.
    del-path: Optional Remove specific include file paths.
    misc: Optional Literal tool-specific controls.
    board: see Note Board specification.
    device: see Note Device specification.
    processor: Optional Processor specific settings.
    context-map: Optional Use different target-types: for specific projects.
    variables: Optional Variables that can be used to define project components.


Either device: or board: is required.


The build-types: node may include toolchain options:

build-types: Content
- type: Required The build-type identifier that is used to create the context name.
    compiler: Optional Toolchain selection.
    language-C: Optional Set the language standard for C source file compilation.
    language-CPP: Optional Set the language standard for C++ source file compilation.
    optimize: Optional Optimize level for code generation.
    debug: Optional Generation of debug information.
    define: Optional Define symbol settings for C/C++ code generation.
    define-asm: Optional Define symbol settings for Assembler code generation.
    undefine: Optional Remove preprocessor (#define) symbols.
    add-path: Optional Additional include file paths for C/C++ source files.
    add-path-asm: Optional Additional include file paths for assembly source files.
    del-path: Optional Remove specific include file paths.
    misc: Optional Literal tool-specific controls.
    context-map: Optional Use different build-types: for specific projects.
    variables: Optional Variables that can be used to define project components.


  - type: Board                  # target-type name, used in context with: +Board
    board: NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q       # board specifies indirectly also the device

  - type: Production-HW          # target-type name, used in context with: +Production-HW
    device: STM32L552RC          # specifies device
  - type: Debug                  # build-type name, used in context with: .Debug
    optimize: none               # specifies code optimization level
    debug: debug                 # generates debug information

  - type: Test                   # build-type name, used in context with: .Test
    optimize: size
    debug: on

The board:, device:, and processor: settings are used to configure the code translation for the toolchain. These settings are processed in the following order:

  1. board: relates to a BSP software pack that defines board parameters, including the mounted device. If board: is not specified, a device: must be specified.
  2. device: defines the target device. If board: is specified, the device: setting can be used to overwrite the device or specify the processor core used.
  3. processor: overwrites default settings for code generation, such as endianess, TrustZone mode, or disable Floating Point code generation.


  - type: Production-HW
    board: NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q    # hardware is similar to a board (to use related software layers)
    device: STM32L552RC       # but uses a slightly different device
      trustzone: off          # TrustZone disabled for this project
  - type: Production-HW
    board: FRDM-K32L3A6       # NXP board with K32L3A6 device
    device: :cm0plus          # use the Cortex-M0+ processor


The context-map: node allows for a specific project-name the remapping of target-types: and/or build-types: to a different context: which enables:

  • Integrating an existing *.cproject.yml file in a different *.csolution.yml file that uses different build-types: and/or target-types: for the overall application.
  • Defines how different *.cproject.yml files of a *.csolution.yml are to the binary image of the final target (needs reflection in cbuild-idx.yml).

The context-map: node lists a remapping of the context-name for a project-name and specific target-types: and build-types:.

context-map: Content
    - <context-name> Required Specify an alternative context-name for a project.

For the context-map: it is required to specify the <project-name> as part of the context-name. This project will use a different .build-type and/or +target-type as applied in the context-name. This remapping of the context applies for the specific type in the build-types: or target-types: list.

Example 1:

This application combines two projects for a multi-processor device, but the project HelloCM7 requires a different setting for the build-type name Release as this enables different settings within the *.cproject.yml file.

    - type: DualCore
      device: MyDualCoreDevice

    - type: Release                        # When applying build-type name 'release':
        - HelloCM7.flex_release            # project HelloCM7 uses build-type name "flex_release" instead of "release"
    - project: ./CM7/HelloCM7.cproject.yml
    - project: ./CM4/HelloCM4.cproject.yml

Example 2:

The following example uses three projects Demo, TFM and Boot. The project TFM should be always build using the context TFM.Release+LibMode. For the target-type name Board, the Boot project requires the +Flash target, but any build-type could be used.

    - type: Board                          # When applying target-type: 'Board':
        - TFM.Release+LibMode              # for project TFM use build-type: Release, target-type: LibMode
        - Boot+Flash                       # for project Boot use target-type: Flash
      board: B-U585I-IOT02A
    - type: AVH                            # When applying target-type: 'AVH':
        - context: TFM.Release+LibMode     # for project TFM use build-type: Release, target-type: LibMode
      device: ARM::SSE-300-MPS3

    - project: ./App/Demo.cproject.yml
    - project: ./Security/TFM.cproject.yml
    - project: ./Loader/Boot.cproject.yml

Conditional Build

It is possible to include or exclude items of a list node in the build process.


for-context and not-for-context are mutually exclusive, only one occurrence can be specified for a list node.


Depending on a compiler toolchain it is possible to include list nodes in the build process.


for-compiler: AC6@6.16               # add item for Arm Compiler version 6.16 only      

for-compiler: GCC                    # for GCC Compiler (any version)


A context list that adds a list-node for specific target-type and/or build-type names.


A context list that removes a list-node for specific target-types: and/or build-types:.

Context List

It is also possible to provide a context list with:

  - [.build-type][+target-type]
  - [.build-type][+target-type]


  - .Test                            # add item for build-type: Test (any target-type)

for-context:                         # add item
  - .Debug                           # for build-type: Debug and 
  - .Release+Production-HW           # build-type: Release / target-type: Production-HW

not-for-context:  +Virtual           # remove item for target-type: Virtual (any build-type)
not-for-context:  .Release+Virtual   # remove item for build-type: Release with target-type: Virtual


The keyword for-context: and not-for-context: can be used for the following list nodes:

List Node Description
- project: At projects: level it is possible to control inclusion of project.
- layer: At layers: level it is possible to control inclusion of a software layer.

The keyword for-context:, not-for-context:, and for-compiler: can be applied to the following list nodes:

List Node Description
- component: At components: level it is possible to control inclusion of a software component.
- group: At groups: level it is possible to control inclusion of a file group.
- setup: At setups: level it is define toolchain specific options that apply to the whole project.
- file: At files: level it is possible to control inclusion of a file.

The inclusion of a list node is processed with this hierarchy from top to bottom:

project --> layer --> component/group --> file

In other words, the restrictions specified by for-context: or not-for-context for a list node are applied to it child nodes. Child list nodes inherit the restrictions from their parent.


With for-context: and not-for-context: the project-name of a context cannot be applied. The context name must therefore start with . to refer the build-type: or + to refer the target-type:.

Regular Expressions

With for-context: and not-for-context: a regular expression can be used to refer to multiple context names. When a context name starts with the character \ the regular expression expansion is enabled. The character \ itself is not part of the sequence.


The following project is only included when the build-type: of a context contains Test.

    - Debug-Test:         # Debug build with Test functionality 
    - Test-Release:       # Release build with Test functionality 
    - Debug:
    - Release:
  project: Test.cproject.yml
    - for-context: \.*Test*`

Multiple Projects

The section Project setup for related projects describes the organization of multiple projects. The file *.csolution.yml describes the relationship of this projects and may also re-map target-types: and build-types: for this projects using context-map:.


The YAML structure of the section projects: is:

projects: Content
- project: Required Path to the project file.
    for-context: Optional Include project for a list of build and target types.
    not-for-context: Optional Exclude project for a list of build and target types.


This example uses two projects that are build in parallel using the same build-type: and target-type:. Such a setup is typical for multi-processor systems.

    - project: ./CM0/CM0.cproject.yml      # include project for Cortex-M0 processor
    - project: ./CM4/CM4.cproject.yml      # include project for Cortex-M4 processor

This example uses multiple projects, but with additional controls.

    - project: ./CM0/CM0.cproject.yml      # specify cproject.yml file
      for-context: +CM0-Addon                 # build only when 'target-type: CM0-Addon' is selected
      for-compiler: GCC                    # build only when 'compiler: GCC'  is selected
      define:                              # add additional defines during build process
        - test: 12

    - project: ./CM0/CM0.cproject.yml      # specify cproject.yml file
      for-context: +CM0-Addon                 # specify use case
      for-compiler: AC6                    # build only when 'compiler: AC6'  is selected
      define:                              # add additional defines during build process
        - test: 9

    - project: ./Debug/Debug.cproject.yml  # specify cproject.yml file
      not-for-context: .Release               # generated for any 'build-type:' except 'Release'

Source File Management

Keyword Used in files Description
groups: *.cproject.yml, *.clayer.yml Start of a list that adds source groups and files to a project or layer.
layers: *.cproject.yml Start of a list that adds software layers to a project.
components: *.cproject.yml, *.clayer.yml Start of a list that adds software components to a project or layer.


The groups: keyword specifies a list that adds source groups and files to a project or layer:

groups: Content
- group: Required Name of the group.
    for-context: Optional Include group for a list of build and target types.
    not-for-context: Optional Exclude group for a list of build and target types.
    for-compiler: Optional Include group for a list of compilers.
    language-C: Optional Set the language standard for C source file compilation.
    language-CPP: Optional Set the language standard for C++ source file compilation.
    optimize: Optional Optimize level for code generation.
    debug: Optional Generation of debug information.
    warnings: Optional Control generation of compiler diagnostics.
    define: Optional Define symbol settings for C/C++ code generation.
    define-asm: Optional Define symbol settings for Assembler code generation.
    undefine: Optional Remove define symbol settings for code generation.
    add-path: Optional Additional include file paths for C/C++ source files.
    add-path-asm: Optional Additional include file paths for assembly source files.
    del-path: Optional Remove specific include file paths.
    misc: Optional Literal tool-specific controls.
    groups: Optional Start a nested list of groups.
    files: Optional Start a list of files.


See files: section.


Add source files to a project.

files: Content
- file: Required Name of the file.
    for-context: Optional Include file for a list of build and target types.
    not-for-context: Optional Exclude file for a list of build and target types.
    for-compiler: Optional Include file for a list of compilers.
    category: Optional Explicit file category to overwrite filename extension assignment.
    language-C: Optional Set the language standard for C source file compilation.
    language-CPP: Optional Set the language standard for C++ source file compilation.
    optimize: Optional Optimize level for code generation.
    debug: Optional Generation of debug information.
    warnings: Optional Control generation of compiler diagnostics.
    define: Optional Define symbol settings for C/C++ code generation.
    define-asm: Optional Define symbol settings for Assembler code generation.
    undefine: Optional Remove define symbol settings for code generation.
    add-path: Optional Additional include file paths for C/C++ source files.
    add-path-asm: Optional Additional include file paths for assembly source files.
    del-path: Optional Remove specific include file paths.
    misc: Optional Literal tool-specific controls.


It is also possible to specify a Linker Script. Files with the extension .sct, .scf, .ld, and .icf are recognized as Linker Script files.


Add source files to a project or a software layer. Used in *.cproject.yml and *.clayer.yml files.

  - group:  "Main File Group"
    not-for-context:                     # includes this group not for the following: 
      - .Release+Virtual                 # build-type 'Release' and target-type 'Virtual'
      - .Test-DSP+Virtual                # build-type 'Test-DSP' and target-type 'Virtual'
      - +Board                           # target-type 'Board'
      - file: file1a.c
      - file: file1b.c
          - a: 1
          - b
        optimize: size

  - group: "Other File Group"
      - file: file2a.c
        for-context: +Virtual               # include this file only for target-type 'Virtual'
          - test: 2
      - file: file2a.c
        not-for-context: +Virtual           # include this file not for target-type 'Virtual'
      - file: file2b.c

  - group: "Nested Group"
      - group: Subgroup1
          - file: file-sub1-1.c
          - file: file-sub1-2.c
      - group: Subgroup2
          - file: file-sub2-1.c
          - file: file-sub2-2.c

It is also possible to include a file group for a specific compiler using for-compiler: or a specific target-type and/or build-type using for-context: or not-for-context:.

  - group:  "Main File Group"
    for-compiler: AC6                    # includes this group only for Arm Compiler 6
      - file: file1a.c
      - file: file2a.c

  - group:  "Main File Group"
    for-compiler: GCC                    # includes this group only for GCC Compiler
      - file: file1b.c
      - file: file2b.c

Using category: allows to specify pre-include files that are project-wide or related only to the group:.

  • A global pre-include file is added to the compiler command line for all modules of the whole project (globally).

     - group:  "Main File Group"
         - file: SystemDefinitions.h
           category: preIncludeGlobal
  • A local pre-include file is added to the compiler command line for all modules of a group (locally).

     - group:  "Group 2"
         - file: MyDefinitions.h
           category: preIncludeLocal


Add a software layer to a project. Used in *.cproject.yml files.

layers: Content
- layer: Optional Path to the *.clayer.yml file that defines the layer.
    type: Optional Refers to an expected layer type.
    for-context: Optional Include layer for a list of build and target types.
    not-for-context: Optional Exclude layer for a list of build and target types.


    # Socket
    - layer: ./Socket/FreeRTOS+TCP/Socket.clayer.yml
        - +IP-Stack
    - layer: ./Socket/WiFi/Socket.clayer.yml
        - +WiFi
    - layer: ./Socket/VSocket/Socket.clayer.yml
        - +AVH

    # Board
    - layer: ./Board/IMXRT1050-EVKB/Board.clayer.yml
        - +IP-Stack
        # - +WiFi
    - layer: ./Board/B-U585I-IOT02A/Board.clayer.yml
        - +WiFi
    - layer: ./Board/AVH_MPS3_Corstone-300/Board.clayer.yml
        - +AVH

layer: - type:

The layer: - type: is used in combination with the meta-data of the connections: to check the list of available *.clayer.yml files for matching layers. Instead of an explicit layer: node that specifies a *.clayer.yml file, the type: is used to search for matching layers with the csolution command list layers.


    - type: Socket              # search for matching layers of type `Socket`

    - type: Board               # search for matching layers of type `Board`

When combined with variables: it is possible to define the required *.clayer.yml files at the level of the *.csolution.yml file. Refer to variables: for an example.


Add software components to a project or a software layer. Used in *.cproject.yml and *.clayer.yml files.

components: Content
- component: Required Name of the software component.
    for-context: Optional Include component for a list of build and target types.
    not-for-context: Optional Exclude component for a list of build and target types.
    language-C: Optional Set the language standard for C source file compilation.
    language-CPP: Optional Set the language standard for C++ source file compilation.
    optimize: Optional Optimize level for code generation.
    debug: Optional Generation of debug information.
    warnings: Optional Control generation of compiler diagnostics.
    define: Optional Define symbol settings for C/C++ code generation.
    define-asm: Optional Define symbol settings for Assembler code generation.
    undefine: Optional Remove define symbol settings for code generation.
    add-path: Optional Additional include file paths for C/C++ source files.
    add-path-asm: Optional Additional include file paths for assembly source files.
    del-path: Optional Remove specific include file paths.
    misc: Optional Literal tool-specific controls.
    instances: Optional Add multiple instances of component configuration files (default: 1)


    - component: ARM::CMSIS:RTOS2:FreeRTOS&Cortex-M

    - component: ARM::RTOS&FreeRTOS:Config&CMSIS RTOS2
    - component: ARM::RTOS&FreeRTOS:Core&Cortex-M
    - component: ARM::RTOS&FreeRTOS:Event Groups
    - component: ARM::RTOS&FreeRTOS:Heap&Heap_5
    - component: ARM::RTOS&FreeRTOS:Stream Buffer
    - component: ARM::RTOS&FreeRTOS:Timers

    - component: ARM::Security:mbed TLS
        - MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE: "aws_mbedtls_config.h"
    - component: AWS::FreeRTOS:backoffAlgorithm
    - component: AWS::FreeRTOS:coreMQTT
    - component: AWS::FreeRTOS:coreMQTT Agent
    - component: AWS::FreeRTOS:corePKCS11&Custom
        - MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE: "aws_mbedtls_config.h"


The name format for a software component is described under Name Conventions - Component Name Conventions.


Allows to add multiple instances of a component and actually applies to configuration files. For detailed description refer to Open-CMSIS-Pack specification - Component Instances


    - component: USB:Device
      instances: 2

If the user selects multiple instances of the same component, all files with attribute config in the *.PDSC file will be copied multiple times to the project. The name of the component (for example config_mylib.h) will get a postfix _n whereby n is the instance number starting with 0.

  • Instance 0: config_usb_device_0.h
  • Instance 1: config_usb_device_1.h

The availability of instances in a project can be made public in the RTE_Components.h file. The existing way to extend the %Instance% with the instance number n.

Pre/Post build steps

The CMSIS-Toolbox supports pre-build and post-build steps that utilize external tools or scripts. Such external commands can be used for various tasks such as:

  • pre-process source files.
  • add checksums to a binary file.
  • combine multiple ELF files into a single image.
  • add a timestamp to an image (always: ensures execution in every build).
  • sign images for a boot laoder.


Execute an external command for pre or post build steps used in *.csolution.yml and *.cproject.yml files. The input: and output: files are used for dependency checking and schedule the execution (as pre-build or post-build step) during the build process of an application (option --context is not used).

Other CMake Build scripts may be integrated into the overall build process using the executes: node. Refer to Build Operation - CMake Integration for an example that utilizes a file converter for web site images.

The structure of the executes: node is:

executes: Content
- execute: Required The identifier is used as CMake target name and must not contain spaces and special characters; recommended is less then 32 characters.
    run: Required Command string with name of the program or script (optionally with path) along with argument string.
    always: Optional When present, the build step always runs and bypasses check for outdated output: files.
    input: Optional A list of input files (may contain Access Sequences).
    output: Optional A list of output files (may contain Access Sequences).
    for-context: Optional Run command for a list of build and target types (only supported in *.cproject.yml).
    not-for-context: Optional Exclude run command for a list of build and target types (only supported in *.cproject.yml).

The run: command string uses these sequences to access input files and output files:

run: command file access Description
$input$ List of all input files separated by semicolon (;) character.
$input(<n>)$ Input file in the list with index <n>; first item is <n>=0.
$output$ List of all output files separated by semicolon (;) character.
$output(<n>)$ Output file in the list with index <n>; first item is <n>=0.

The run: command string also accepts these access sequences: $Bname$, $Dname$, $Pname$, $BuildType$, $TargetType$, $Compiler$, $Solution$, $Project$. It does not accept access sequences that reference directories or files as this bypasses the project dependency check. Instead use the input: list to pass files or directories.


  • The execute: node is processed by the CMake build system. The order of execution depends on $input$ and $output files and is evaluated by CMake.

  • The execute: node is processed only for an application build when no --context option is specified. The option --context-set can be used.

  • CMake uses Linux-style path names with / characters, it does not accept the Windows-style \ characters in the run: node to specify the location of an executeable tool.

  • CMake provides several builtin command-line tools (copy, checksum, etc.) that run on every Host OS. Consider using these command-line tools instead of Windows or Linux specific commands. Use CMake -E help to list the available commands.

  • The base directory for execution is not controlled by the CMSIS-Toolbox and typically the tmp directory. The commands specified by run: should be in the path of the Host OS or the path/tool should be passed using an $input(<n>)$ argument.

  • At the *.csolution.yml level for-context: and not-for-context: is not evaluated.


The tool gen_image combines multiple input images. It is called with the list of elf files that are created by the various projects. It runs when cbuild executes a solution build (option --context is not used).

solution:                                     # executed as part of a complete solution build
    - execute: GenImage                       # generate final download image
      run: gen_image $input$ -o $output$ --sign    # command string
        - $elf(Application)$                  # combine these project parts
        - $elf(TFM)$
        - $elf(Bootloader)$
        - $SolutionDir()$/$Solution$.out      # output file name

The Windows batch file KeyGen.bat converts a input file keyfile.txt to a C source file. combines multiple input images. It is called with the list of elf files that are created by the various projects. It runs when cbuild executes a solution build (option --context is not used).

project:                                      # executed as part of a project build
    - execute: Generate Encryption Keys
      run: $input(1)$ $input(0)$ -o $output$
      always:                                 # always generate the keyfile.c as it has a timestamp
        - $ProjectDir()$/keyfile.txt          # contains the key in text format
        - $SolutionDir()$/KeyGen.bat
        - $ProjectDir()$/keyfile.c            # output as C source file that is part of this project

The builtin CMake command-line tool copy is used to copy the ELF output file.

project:                       # executed as part of a project build
    - execute: copy-elf
      run: ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy $input$ $output$
        - $elf()$
        - $OutDir()$/Project.out
      for-context: .Release

Refer to Build Operation - CMake Integration for examples that integrate CMake scripts.


The connections: node contains meta-data that describes the compatiblity of *.cproject.yml and *.clayer.yml project parts. The connections: node lists functionality (drivers, pins, and other software or hardware resources). The node consumes: lists required functionality; the node provides: is the implemented functionality of that project part.

This enables reference applications that work across a range of different hardware targets where:

  • The *.cproject.yml file of the reference application lists with the connections: node the required functionality with consumes:.

  • The *.clayer.yml project part lists with the connections: node the implemented functionality with provides:.

This works across multiple levels, which means that a *.clayer.yml file could also require other functionality using consumes:.

The connections: node is used to identify compatible software layers. These software layers could be stored in CMSIS software packs using the following structure:

  • A reference application described in a *.cproject.yml file could be provided in a git repository. This reference application uses software layers that are provided in CMSIS software packs.

  • A CMSIS Board Support Pack (BSP) contains a configured board layer desribed in a *.clayer.yml file. This software layer is pre-configured for a range of use-cases and provides drivers for I2C and SPI interfaces along with pin definitions and provisions for an Ardunio shield.

  • For a sensor, a CMSIS software pack contains the sensor middleware and software layer (*.clayer.yml) that describes the hardware of the Ardunio sensor shield. This shield can be applied to many different hardware boards that provide an Ardunio shield connector.

This connections: node enables therefore software reuse in multiple ways:

  • The board layer can be used by many different reference applications, as the provided: functionlity enables a wide range of use cases.

  • The sensor hardware shield along with the middleware can be used across many different boards that provide an Ardunio shield connector along with board layer support.

The structure of the connections: node is:

connections: Description
- connect: Required Lists specific functionality with a brief verbal description


The connect: node describes one or more functionalities that belong together.

connect: Description
set: Optional Specifies a value that identifies a configuration option
info: Optional Verbal desription displayed when this connect is selected
provides: Optional List of functionality (key/value pairs) that are provided
consumes: Optional List of functionality (key/value pairs) that are required

The behaviour of the connect: node depends on the usage in csolution project files.

  • In a cproject.yml file the connect: node is always active.
  • In a clayer.yml file the connect: node is only active if one or more key listed under provides: is listed under consumes: in other active connect: nodes. It is also active by default if the connect: node has no provides: node.


In the example below the connect for:

  • Sensor Communication Interface is only active when the SENSOR_I2C is in the consumes: list of other active connect nodes.
  • Sensor Interrupt is only active when the SENSOR_INT is in the consumes: list of other active connect nodes.
  • Core Functionality is always active as it has not provides: list.
  type: Shield

    - connect: Sensor Communication Interface
        - SENSOR_I2C
        - ARDUINO_UNO_I2C
    - connect: Sensor Interrupt
        - SENSOR_INT
        - ARDUINO_UNO_D2
    - connect: Core Functionality
        - CMSIS-RTOS2


Some hardware boards have configuration settings (DIP switch or jumper) that configure interfaces. These settings have impact to the functionality (for example hardware interfaces). With set: the possible configration options are considered when evaluating compatible *.cproject.yml and *.clayer.yml project parts. The csolution Project Manager iterates the connect: node with a set: as described below:

  • For each config-id only one connect: node with a select value is active at a time. Each possible select value is checked for a matching configuration.

  • When project parts have a matching configuration, the set: value along with the info: is shown to the user. This allows the user to enable the correct hardware options.

Refer to Example: Sensor Shield for a usage example.


A user-defined key/value pair list of functionality that is implemented or provided by a project: or layer:.

The csolution Project Manager combines all the key/value pairs that listed under provides: and matches it with the key/value pairs that are listed under consumes:. For key/value pairs listed under provides: the following rules exist for a match with consumes: key/value pair:

  • It is possible to omit the value. It matches with an identical key listed in consumes:
  • A value is interpreted as number. Depending on the value prefix, this number must be:
    • when consumes: value is a plain number, identical with this value.
    • when consumes: value is prefixed with +, higher or equal then this value or the sum of all values in multiple consumes: nodes.


A user-defined key/value pair list of functionality that is requried or consumed by a project: or layer:.

For key/value pairs listed under consumed: the following rules exist:

  • When no value is specified, it matches with any value of an identical key listed under provides:.
  • A value is interpreted as number. This number must be identical in the provides: value pair.
  • A value that is prefixed with + is interpreted as a number that is added together in case that the same key is listed multiple times under consumes:. The sum of this value must be lower or equal to the value upper limit of the provides: key.

Example: Board

This connections: node of a board layer describes the available interfaces. The WiFi interface requires a CMSIS-RTOS2 function.

  connections:                          # describes functionality of a board layer
    - connect: WiFi interface
        - CMSIS-Driver WiFi:
        - CMSIS-RTOS2:

    - connect: SPI and UART interface
        - CMSIS-Driver SPI:
        - CMSIS-Driver UART:

Example: Simple Project

This shows a the connections: node of a complete application project that is composed of two software layers.


    - connect: all resources
        - RTOS2:          # implements RTOS2 API interface
        - IoT_Socket:     # requires IoT_Socket interface
        - STDOUT:         # requires STDOUT interface
        - Heap:  +30000   # requires additional 30000 bytes memory heap
    - layer: MySocket.clayer.yml
    - layer: MyBoard.clayer.yml


    - connect:
        - RTOS2:          # requires RTOS2 API interface
        - VSocket:        # requires VSocket interface
        - Heap: +20000    # requires additional 20000 bytes memory heap
        - IoT_Socket:     # provides IoT_Socket interface


    - connect:
        - RTOS2:
        - VSocket:
        - STDOUT:
        - Heap:  65536

Example: Sensor Shield

This sensor shield layer provides a set of interfaces that are configurable.

    - connect: I2C Interface 'Std'
      set:  comm.I2C-Std
      info: JP1=Off  JP2=Off
        - Sensor_I2C:
        - Ardunio_Uno_I2C:

    - connect: I2C Interface 'Alt'
      set:  comm.I2C-Alt
      info: JP1=On  JP2=Off
        - Sensor_I2C:
        - Ardunio_Uno_I2C-Alt:

    - connect: SPI Interface 'Alt'
      set:  comm.SPI
      info: JP2=On
        - Sensor_SPI:
        - Ardunio_Uno_SPI:

    - connect: Sensor Interrupt INT0
      set:  SensorIRQ.0
      info: JP3=Off
        - Sensor_IRQ:
        - Ardunio_Uno_D2:

    - connect: Sensor Interrupt INT1
      set:  SensorIRQ.1
      info: JP3=On
        - Sensor_IRQ:
        - Ardunio_Uno_D3: