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Build Operation

CMSIS-Toolbox > Build Operation

This chapter explains the overall build process that of the CMSIS-Toolbox and how to add a new compiler toolchain.

Chapter Contents:

Build Process Overview

The section contains details of the build process. Refer to Overall Workflow for a high-level description of the build process.


  • The tool options --verbose and --debug enable detailed output about the build process for analysis.
  • Refer to the chapter Build Tools for more information on the command line syntax.

cbuild Build Invocation

The cbuild Build Invocation utility controls the overall build process. It has two operating modes:

  • build mode generates the application and is default command (no explicit command required).
  • setup mode generates the setup information for an IDE to populate dialogs, IntelliSense, and project outline views.

Details of the build mode

Without a specific cbuild command, the application is generated. The typical invocation is:

cbuild <name>.csolution.yml [--packs] [--context-set] [--update-rte] [--frozen-packs]

It generates the application program that is described with the <name>.csolution.yml project.

  • When option --packs is used, it downloads missing software packs using the cpackget Pack Manager.
  • It calls the csolution Project Manager to process the the <name>.csolution.yml project.
    • With option --update-rte new configuration files from software packs are updated and the RTE_Components.h file is recreated.
    • With option --context-set the file *.cbuild-set.yml specifies the context configuration of the application.
    • With option --frozen-packs the file *.cbuild-pack.yml is used as input to issue an error when a pack version changes.
  • The output are build information files with all relevant project information for the build process.
  • The option --toolchain can be used to explicitly select a compiler.


By default, the cbuild invocation does not update or change configuration files in the RTE Directory. Use the option --update-rte if this is required.

Details of the setup mode

The cbuild setup command prepares the data for an IDE environment. This command is called at start of an IDE or whenever a csolution project file is modified. The typical invocation is:

cbuild setup <name>.csolution.yml [--packs] [--context-set] [--update-rte] [--frozen-packs]

Typical IDE environments use a --context-set that specifies the context configuration of the application. For the application program that is described with the <name>.csolution.yml project these steps are executed:

The operation is further controlled by options:

  • The option --packs downloads missing software packs.
  • The option --context-set restricts the operation to the context-set selected by the file <name>.cbuild-set.yml. If this file is missing a file <name>.cbuild-set.yml with selection of the first target-type, the first build-type, and first project that is specified in the file <name>.csolution.yml is created.
  • The option --update-rte updates the configuration files of the application.
  • With the option --frozen-packs the file *.cbuild-pack.yml is used as input. An error is issued when a pack version changes.
  • The option --toolchain can be used to explicitly select a compiler.


The file compile_commands.json is generated by CMake with the option --target <context>-database and contains all source files of the context along with compiler options. It is used by the IntelliSense system of an IDE.

csolution Project Manager

The csolution Project Manager processes the csolution project files (in YAML format) and the *.pdsc metadata files of software packs and performs the following operations:

  • In the Project Area:
    • Generate build information files *.cbuild-idx.yml and *.cbuild.yml with all relevant project information for the build process.
  • In the RTE Directory:
  • In the base directory of the solution:
    • Generate the file *.cbuild-pack.yml that records all used software packs. With the option --frozen-packs this file is used as input.
    • With the option --context-set the file *.cbuild-set.yml specifies the context configuration of the application. When --context names are specified this file is updated with this selection.

The picture below outlines these operations.

Operation of csolution tool

cbuild2cmake Generate CMakeLists Files

The cbuild2cmake utility reads the build information files *.cbuild-idx.yml and *.cbuild.yml to get all relevant project information for the build process. It generates the following output files for CMake build system:

Output Directory/File Description
./<tmp-dir>/CMakeList.txt Describes the overall application build process with the current context configuration.
./<tmp-dir>/<context> Each context has a separate sub-directory with the following files:
./<tmp-dir>/<context>/CMakeList.txt Describes the build process for this context.
./<tmp-dir>/<context>/toolchain.cmake Describes the toolchain used for this context.
./<tmp-dir>/<context>/groups.cmake Contains all definitions and source files that related to file groups.
./<tmp-dir>/<context>/components.cmake Contains all definitions and source files that related to components.

CMake Invocation

The CMake build system is invoked with the following commands:

  • CMake configuration command defines build generator, source, and build directory with:

    cmake -G Ninja -S <tmpdir> -B <tmpdir> -Wnodev

  • CMake build command to build the application program for each context with:

    cmake --build <tmpdir> -j <n> --target <context>

  • CMake build command to generate the IntelliSense compile_commands.json (used by the command cbuild setup) for each context with:

    cmake --build <tmpdir> -j <n> --target <context>-database

Add Toolchain to CMSIS-Toolbox

The following section explains how to add a compiler toolchain to the CMSIS-Toolbox.


The section below describes the steps to add a new compiler toolchain to the CMSIS-Toolbox.

  1. Define a compiler_name for the new compiler toolchain, i.e. CLang.
  2. Add this compiler_name to the "CompilerType": in the schema file ./tools/projmgr/schemas/common.schema.json.
  3. Create a new CMake file in ./tools/buildmgr/cbuildgen/config with the naming convention compiler_name.<version>.cmake.
  4. Map with the file compiler_name.<version>.cmake. the CMake input variables to the CMake toolchain variables.
    • Use an existing *.cmake file, i.e. GCC.<version>.cmake as reference.

CMake Variables

The CMakeLists.txt file sets the following CMake input variables that should be processed by compiler_name.<version>.cmake.

CMake Variable Possible Values Description
BYTE_ORDER Little-endian, Big-endian Endian processor configuration
CPU DCoreEnum Processor core selection
FPU DfpuEnum Floating point unit support
DSP DdspEnum DSP instruction set support
TZ DtzEnum TrustZone support
SECURE DsecureEnum Software model selection
MVE DmveEnum MVE instruction set support
BRANCHPROT BRANCHPROT values [Branch protection
OPTIMIZE Optimize values Generic optimize levels for code generation
WARNINGS Warnings values Control warning level for compiler diagnostic
DEBUG Debug values Control the generation of debug information
DEFINES Define symbols List of symbol #define statements


The following table lists the possible values for the CMake variable BRANCHPROT.

Values Description
NO_BRANCHPROT Branch protection not used
BTI Using BTI (Branch Target ID)
BTI_SIGNRET Using BTI + Sign Return

The compiler_name.<version>.cmake sets the following CMake variables to specify the toolchain and select toolchain options.

CMake Variable Description
ASM_CPU, CC_CPU, CXX_CPU Device selection set according to the combination of device attributes (CPU, FPU, DSP, MVE, etc.)
AS_LEG_CPU, AS_ARM_CPU, AS_GNU_CPU Similar to the previous item but for assembly dialect variants (if applicable)
ASM_FLAGS, CC_FLAGS, CXX_FLAGS, LD_FLAGS Flags applicable to all modules of the given language
CC_SECURE, LD_SECURE Flags applicable only for secure projects
_PI Pre-include option
_ISYS system include option
LIB_PREFIX Generated library name prefix
LIB_SUFFIX Generated library name suffix
EXE_SUFFIX Generated executable name suffix
ELF2HEX Flags for ELF to HEX conversion
ELF2BIN Flags for ELF to BIN conversion
CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID CMake compiler identifier
CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION CMake compiler version

CMake Integration

The executes: node in the csolution project files allows to integrate other CMake projects or scripts.


The following CMakeLists.txt file integrates the FCARM file converter that is part of the MDK Middleware. The FCARM file converter reformats all web files into a single C-file which is then included and compiled into the project.

# CMakeLists.txt for calling FCARM
# Find input files in the input base directory and in its subfolders using recursive scanning
# Format arguments and generate a steering command file, overcoming any command line length limitation
# Call FCARM using the steering command file, generating the source file in the expected output  
# Configuration Step: ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -G <generator> -S <source directory> -B <build directory> -DINPUT_DIRECTORY=<input base directory> -DOUTPUT=<output source file>
# Build Step: ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build <build directory>
# <generator>: underlying generator build system, e.g. Ninja
# <source directory>: directory where this CMakeLists.txt resides
# <build directory>: directory for temp files
# <input base directory>: directory where input data is located
# <output source file>: path and filename of source file to be generated

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)

project("FCARM" NONE)


foreach(ITEM ${INPUT})
string(REPLACE ";" ",\n" FILES "${FILES}")



add_custom_target(FCARM ALL DEPENDS ${OUTPUT})
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUTPUT} DEPENDS ${INPUT}

Integration in a csolution project. In this case it is part of the *.csolution.yml, but it may be also part of *.cproject.yml file that uses the source file Web.c as input. The CMake build system checks for project dependencies and schedules the overall build process.


    - execute: Run-FCARM
      run: ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -G Ninja -S ${INPUT_0} -B ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fcarm-cmake -DINPUT_DIRECTORY=${INPUT_1} -DOUTPUT=${OUTPUT} && ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fcarm-cmake -- --quiet
        - fcarm-cmake    # CMake script directory
        - Web            # Input directory with "web files" for FCARM
        - project/Web.c  # Output file for FCARM

Generator Integration

The diagram below shows how a generator is integrated into the CMSIS build process. The data flow is exemplified on STM32CubeMX (Generator ID for this example is CubeMX). The information about the project is delivered to the generator using the Generator Information files (<csolution-name>.cbuild-gen-idx.yml and <context>.cbuild-gen.yml). This information provides CubeMX with the project context, such as selected board or device, and CPU mode such as TrustZone disabled/enabled.

Generator Integration

The utility cbridge gets as parameter the <csolution-name>.cbuild-gen-idx.yml and calls the generator. For the CubeMX generator example these files are created:

  • *.ioc CubeMX project file with current project settings
  • *.c/.h source files, i.e. for interfacing with drivers
  • <project-name>.cgen.yml (created by cbridge) provides the data for project import into the csolution build process.

Note: CubeMX itself does not have the required interfaces to the csolution project format. The utility cbridge converts the build information files into command-line options for CubeMX. cbridge also generates the <project-name>.cgen.yml based on the information generated by CubeMX.

Generator Start via component

A <component> element with a generator attribute in a *.PDSC file is used to start the generator. Typically this component is provided in a Device Family Pack (DFP) or a Board Support Pack (BSP).

Example component for CubeMX in DFP:

  <component generator="CubeMX" Cclass="Device" Cgroup="CubeMX" Cversion="0.9.0">
      <description>Configure device or board with STM32CubeMX</description>


No <generator> element in the *.PDSC file is required when the Global Generator Registry File is used. The generator="id" attribute of the <component> element in the *.PDSC file is the reference to the - id: list node in the global.generator.yml file.

Global Generator Registry File

For generators that have no <generator> element in the *.PDSC file, the global.generator.yml in the CMSIS-Toolbox ./etc directory contains is used. The generator: node in this YAML file registers the supported generators with the following keys:

generator: Content
- id: Required <generator-id> referred in the *.PDSC file
    download-url: Optional URL for downloading the generator
    run: Required Name and location of the utility that starts the generator
    path: Required Output directory of the generator. Contains the file *.cgen.yml.
  - id: CubeMX
    run: ../bin/cbridge
    path: $SolutionDir()$/STM32CubeMX/$TargetType$


  • The only argument to the run: command is the path to the Generator Information Index File. There are no configurable parameters for this utility. The invocation is:

    cbrige <csolution-name>.cbuild-gen-idx.yml