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The CLI progress bar.

@opentf/std - An Extensive JavaScript Standard Library, please review and give feedback.


  • Single & Multi progress bar

  • Custom bar colors

  • Multiple sizes


npm install @opentf/cli-pbar
yarn add @opentf/cli-pbar
pnpm add @opentf/cli-pbar
bun add @opentf/cli-pbar


new ProgressBar(options?: Options)


Single progress bar.

import { ProgressBar } from '@opentf/cli-pbar';

const pBar = new ProgressBar();
pBar.start({ total: 100 });
pBar.update({ value: 50 });
pBar.update({ value: 100 });

Multi progress bar.

import { ProgressBar } from '@opentf/cli-pbar';

const multiPBar = new ProgressBar();
const b1 = multiPBar.add({ total: 100 });
const b2 = multiPBar.add({ total: 100 });
const b3 = multiPBar.add({ total: 100 });
b1.update({ value: 23 });
b3.update({ value: 35 });
b2.update({ value: 17 });



Name Type Default Description
stream NodeJS.WriteStream process.stderr The stream to use.
width number 30 The size of the progress bar.
prefix string '' The string to be prefixed progress bar.
suffix string '' The string to be suffixed progress bar.
color string 'g' The color to render the completed progress bar.
The default color is green.
It uses @opentf/cli-styles for colors.
You can also use the rgb & hex color modes, please refer the supported color keys here.
bgColor string 'gr' The color to render the incomplete progress bar.
The default color is grey.
It uses @opentf/cli-styles for colors.
You can also use the rgb & hex color modes, please refer the supported color keys here.
size string 'DEFAULT' The size of the progress bar to render.
Available sizes:
autoClear boolean false If true, then it auto-clears the progress bar after the stop method is called.

Instance methods:

start(obj?: Partial<Bar>): void

After the method is called, the progress bar starts rendering.


Name Type Default Description
total number NaN The total value for the progress bar.
value number NaN The current value of the progress bar.
prefix string '' The string to be prefixed progress bar.
suffix string '' The string to be suffixed progress bar.
color string 'g' The color to render the completed progress bar.
The default color is green.
It uses @opentf/cli-styles for colors.
You can also use the rgb & hex color modes, please refer the supported color keys here.
bgColor string 'gr' The color to render the incomplete progress bar.
The default color is grey.
It uses @opentf/cli-styles for colors.
You can also use the rgb & hex color modes, please refer the supported color keys here.
size string 'DEFAULT' The size of the progress bar.
Available sizes:
progress boolean true If false, it does not render a progress bar, making it useful to add an empty line or text without displaying a progress bar.

add(obj: Partial<Bar>): { update: (obj: Partial<Bar>) => void }

In multi-progress bars, it appends a progress bar to the container and returns an object with a method to update it.

update(obj: Partial<Bar>): void

In updates the current progress bar instance.

stop(msg?: string): void

Stops the current progress bar instance with the current state and optionally clears the progress bar when autoClear is true.

You can also pass msg text to be displayed after the instance stops.



Copyright (c) 2021, Thanga Ganapathy (MIT License).