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OpenCashDAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization template on Bitcoin Cash blockchain


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OpenCashDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) template for the Bitcoin Cash Blockchain. It is designed to empower stakeholders/token holders to influence the project's direction. It serves as a proposal and voting platform enabling token holders to vote on various proposals to modify the project's functionality.

  • 1 DAO, ∞ projects: A single DAO can control multiple projects.
  • Proposals and Voting by stakeholders: Anyone can submit proposals and stakeholders/token holders can vote on them.
  • Project Upgradability: Projects can be dynamically updated through community-approved proposals, allowing for the addition, removal, or replacement of functionalities.

Table of Contents

  1. DAO contracts
  2. Upgradable Project
  3. Cashtokens
  4. License

DAO contracts

DAO is a system of 4 contracts where the is the main contract that is part of every transaction that happens in the DAO.

The Controller contract functions as the control and storage hub for the DAO. It holds DAO's AuthorizedThreadNFTs, MintingNFTs, VoteProposalNFTs, and TimeProposalNFTs.


  • daoCategory: The category of the DAO NFTs.

Transaction Structure:

# Inputs Outputs
0 AuthorizedThreadNFT NFT with authorized contract's locking bytecode as commitment from self AuthorizedThreadNFT back to self
1 Any UTXO from Authorized contract UTXO back to Authorized contract

Anyone can submit new proposals to the DAO, which can have one of three intentions: to add, remove, or replace functionality. Once a proposal is submitted, a timer starts (voteWindow), and the proposal is open for voting. The proposal remains open for a set period, after which it can be executed. Based on the number of votes, the proposal is either passed or failed. If a proposal passes (voteThreshold is met), it can be executed by anyone, implementing the new changes to the project. While the DAO's contracts are static, the projects it controls are upgradable in nature.

The proposal requires a commitmentDeposit to prevent spam and ensure serious commitment from the proposal creator. Also reducing the risk of vote splitting. It requires a commitment from the creator to ensure that the proposal is widely accepted and socially agreed upon, else they will lose the commitment deposit.

If the proposal passes, the creator gets back the commitment deposit. If the proposal fails, the BCH is sent to anyone who calls the completeOrFail function of the contract.


  • minCommitmentDeposit: The minimum amount of satoshis the creator has to commit to the proposal.

There are 3 functions in the SubmitProposal contract:

  1. add This function allows anyone to submit a proposal to add new authorizedThreadNFTs to the Project Coordinator.


  • proposalScriptHash: 32 bytes scriptHash of the new contract to be included in the project.
  • threadCount: 2 bytes thread count represents the number of authorizedThreadNFTs to be added to the project.

Transaction Structure:

# Inputs Outputs
0 AuthorizedThreadNFT from AuthorizedThreadNFT back to
1 Any input from this contract Input1 back to this contract without any change
2 ProposalCounterNFT from ProposalCounterNFT back to
3 Funding UTXO VoteProposalNFT to
4 TimeProposalNFT to
5 OP_RETURN with the proposal data
6 Change pure BCH
  1. remove This function allows anyone to submit a proposal to remove authorizedThreadNFTs from the Project Coordinator. In order to remove the threads, an existing thread should be used as the input.

Transaction Structure:

# Inputs Outputs
0 AuthorizedThreadNFT from AuthorizedThreadNFT back to
1 Any input from this contract Input1 back to this contract without any change
2 ProposalCounterNFT from ProposalCounterNFT back to
3 AuthorizedThreadNFT from the Project Contract AuthorizedThreadNFT back to the Project Contract
4 VoteProposalNFT to
5 Funding UTXO TimeProposalNFT to
6 OP_RETURN with the proposal data
7 Change pure BCH
  1. replace This function allows anyone to submit a proposal to replace authorizedThreadNFTs in the Project. In order to replace the threads, an existing thread should be used as the input.


  • proposalScriptHash: 32 bytes scriptHash of the new contract to be included in the project. The proposalId of the contract to be replaced is taken from the authorizedThreadNFT included in the input.

Transaction Structure:

# Inputs Outputs
0 AuthorizedThreadNFT from AuthorizedThreadNFT back to
1 Any input from this contract Input1 back to this contract without any change
2 ProposalCounterNFT from ProposalCounterNFT back to
3 AuthorizedThreadNFT from the Project Contract AuthorizedThreadNFT back to the Project Contract
4 Funding UTXO VoteProposalNFT to
5 TimeProposalNFT to
6 OP_RETURN with the proposal data
7 Change pure BCH

Token holders cast their votes on proposals by submitting their token amount to the proposalNFT. In exchange, they receive a VoteNFT, which they can later use to reclaim their tokens. Voters have the flexibility to retract their votes at any time, regardless of the proposal deadline.

There are 2 functions in the Voting contract:

  1. vote This function allows anyone to cast their vote on a proposal.


  • voteAmount: The amount of tokens to be committed to the proposal.

Transaction Structure:

# Inputs Outputs
0 AuthorizedThreadNFT from AuthorizedThreadNFT back to
1 Any input from this contract Input1 back to this contract without any change
2 VoteMintingNFT from VoteMintingNFT back to
3 VoteProposalNFT from VoteProposalNFT back to with token amount (Equal to voteAmount)
4 Utxo to cast vote with token amount VoteNFT of Vote to the locking bytecode of the voter
5 Funding UTXO Change token amount
6 Change BCH
  1. retract The Retract Voting contract allows anyone to retract their vote from a proposal.

Note: When the proposal is being executed, the votes are temporarily locked in the timeProposalNFT so the votes can't be retracted during the execution.

Transaction Structure:

# Inputs Outputs
0 AuthorizedThreadNFT from AuthorizedThreadNFT back to
1 Any input from this contract Input1 back to this contract without any change
2 VoteProposalNFT from VoteProposalNFT back to (minus the token amount in the receiptNFT)
3 VoteNFT used to cast vote token amount to the voteNFT provider
4 Funding UTXO Change pure BCH

The ExecuteProposal contract allows anyone to execute a proposal. The contract ensures that the proposal is valid and updates the project's authorizedThreadNFTs accordingly.


  • voteThreshold: The minimum number of votes required for the proposal to pass.
  • voteWindow: The minimum time window during which votes can be cast.
  • projectCategory: The category of the project for which the proposal is being applied. [reversed]
  • projectLockingBytecode: The locking bytecode of the project for which the proposal is being applied.

There are two functions in the ExecuteProposal contract:

  1. execute This function is responsible for executing the proposal. Since the proposal can be of three types, the function behaves differently based on the type of proposalNFT used in the transaction. Below are the details of the function for each type of proposalNFT.

Transaction Structure:

# Inputs Outputs
0 DAO Contract's authorizedThreadNFT from DAO Contract's authorizedThreadNFT back to
1 Any input from this contract Input1 back to this contract without any change
2 VoteProposalNFT from VoteProposalNFT back to
3 TimeProposalNFT from TimeProposalNFT back to
4 Funding UTXO Change UTXO


# Inputs Outputs
5 Minting NFT of the Upgradable Project from Minting NFT of the Upgradable Project back to
6 New authorizedThreadNFT to the Project Controller


# Inputs Outputs
5 authorizedThreadNFT to the Project Controller


# Inputs Outputs
5 Minting NFT of the Upgradable Project from Minting NFT of the Upgradable Project back to
6 authorizedThreadNFT to the Project Controller New authorizedThreadNFT to the Project Controller
  1. completeOrFail This function burns the timeProposalNFT and makes the proposalNFT immutable. It ensures that the proposalNFT has the votes and commitment deposit is sent to the correct party. This function is called under two circumstances:
    • When the voteThreshold is not met, anyone can call this function and claim the commitment deposit.
    • When the proposal is executed, and all the threads are minted or removed already. At this stage, the timeProposalNFT has all the votes and commitment deposit.

Transaction Structure:

# Inputs Outputs
0 DAO Contract's authorizedThreadNFT from DAO Contract's authorizedThreadNFT back to
1 Any input from this contract Input1 back to this contract without any change
2 VoteProposalNFT from VoteProposalNFT back to
3 TimeProposalNFT from Commitment deposit to the creator
4 Funding UTXO Change BCH

Upgradable Project

The DAO is responsible for changing the project's functionality. It does so by managing the AuthorizedThreadNFTs that exist within the project's coordinator contract.

In order for a contract to be upgradable and compatible with the DAO, it must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. AuthorizedThreadNFT: The project must hold an AuthorizedThreadNFT with the following commitment pattern:
  • category: projectCategory
  • commitment: 39 bytes < proposalID >< threadCount >< scriptHash >
  1. useAuthorizedThread: It must have a function useAuthorizedThread that can only be called when used with the DAO's This function lets the DAO remove or replace the project's authorizedThreadNFTs.

Transaction Structure:

# Inputs Outputs
0 DAO Contract's authorizedThreadNFT from
  1. call: It must have a function call that lets the project use the authorizedThreadNFTs with other contracts.

Transaction Structure:

# Inputs Outputs
0 Project's authorizedThreadNFT from Project's authorizedThreadNFT back to
1 Any UTXO from Authorized contract UTXO back to Authorized contract


The contracts talk to each other through cashtokens.


  • [DAO] AuthorizedThreadNFT: These are immutable NFTs that control the transaction's execution flow of the DAO. These NFTs exist as UTXOs in the contract.

    • category: daoCategory
    • commitment: 35 bytes
    • capability: immutable
    • Allocates 1 thread.
    • exists in the contract
  • [Project] AuthorizedThreadNFT: These immutable NFTs reside within the project's coordinator contract and are responsible for managing the project's transaction execution flow. The DAO has the authority to create, remove, or replace these NFTs within the coordinator contract, enabling the project to upgrade itself. To be compatible with the DAO, a project must hold an AuthorizedThreadNFT with the following commitment pattern:

    • category: projectCategory
    • commitment: 38 bytes < 4 bytes proposalID >< 2 bytes threadCount >< 32 bytes proposedScriptHash >
    • capability: immutable
    • exists in the project's coordinator contract


  • ProposalCounterNFT: This NFT is used to create new proposals for users to vote on. Since each proposal should be unique, the commitment of this NFT holds can't as a counter which increments by 1 for each new proposal.
    • category: daoCategory
    • commitment: 4 bytes
    • capability: minting
    • 1 thread/UTXO
    • exists in the contract
  • VoteMintingNFT: This NFT is used to create NFT receipts for new votes, the minted immutable NFT is sent to the voter, that can be used to retract their vote.
    • category: daoCategory
    • commitment: 0 bytes
    • capability: minting
    • x threads/UTXOs
    • exists in the contract
  • ProjectThreadMintingNFT: This NFT is used to mint or replace the project's authorizedThreadNFTs.
    • category: projectCategory
    • commitment: 0 bytes
    • capability: minting
    • x threads/UTXOs
    • exists in the contract


  • TimeProposalNFT: An immutable NFT used to manage the timing of proposals, this NFT is created when a new proposal is created. Initially, it's used as a timer for the proposal and holds the commitment deposit, but once the proposal is executed, it's used to lock the proposalNFT's votes and commitment deposit until the proposal is executed.

    • category: daoCategory
    • commitment: 29 bytes
    • capability: immutable
    • 1 thread/UTXO for each proposal
    • exists in the contract
  • VoteProposalNFT: This NFT holds all the votes for a proposal, whenever a user votes on a proposal, the vote amount is added to this NFT. This NFT has a different commitment pattern depending on the type of proposal.

    • If the proposal is to add a new contract to the project, then the nftCommitment must be of 40 bytes and holds the following information:
      • category: daoCategory
      • capability: mutable
      • commitment: 40 bytes <ProposalID (4 bytes), ThreadLeft (2 bytes), ThreadCount (2 bytes), ProposedScriptHash (32 bytes)>
    • If the proposal is a remove proposal, then the nftCommitment must be of 6 bytes and holds the following information:
      • category: daoCategory
      • commitment: 6 bytes <ProposalID (4 bytes), ThreadLeft (2 bytes)>
      • capability: mutable
    • If the proposal is a replace proposal, then the nftCommitment must be of 36 bytes and holds the following information:
      • category: daoCategory
      • commitment: 38 bytes <ProposalID (4 bytes), ThreadLeft (2 bytes), ProposedScriptHash (32 bytes)>
      • capability: mutable
    • exists in the contract

Once the proposal is eligible to be passed, the proposal is executed. During this process, the threadLeft is decremented by 1 for each thread that is minted, removed, or replaced until it reaches 0, at which point the proposal is fully executed.

During the proposal execution, the votes and commitment deposit are locked in the timeProposalNFT.

Once all the threadsLeft reach 0, the voteProposalNFT is turned immutable, the timeProposalNFT is burned and the votes and commitment deposit are returned to the proposalNFT allowing the votes to take back their tokens.


Each vote cast on a proposal results in the issuance of a VoteNFT.

  • category: daoCategory
  • commitment: 12 bytes < ProposalID (4 bytes), VoteAmount (8 bytes) >
  • capability: immutable
  • exists with the voter


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


OpenCashDAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization template on Bitcoin Cash blockchain







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