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Okke Harsta edited this page Mar 6, 2020 · 3 revisions

SP Dashboard

The IdP Dashboard has an API endpoint to be called by the SP Dashboard when an SURFconext responsible contactperson needs to be invited to connect his / hers IdP to a Service.

The endpoint does the following:

  • create an Link Invitation Request in Jira
  • send an email to all SAB contactpersons for the IdP and all administrative IdP contactpersons with a link to accept the connect invitation
  • return the Jira key

The following request body parameters are required:

  • idpEntityId - the entity ID of the IdP
  • spEntityId - the entity ID of the SP
  • ownName - the name of the SP responsible person (e.g. logged in user)
  • ownEmail - the email of the SP responsible person (e.g. logged in user)
  • typeMetaData - either saml20_sp or oidc10_rp

An example cURL showing all parameters:

curl -u 'admin:secret' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d '{"idpEntityId":"http://mock-idp","spEntityId":"http://mock-sp","ownName":"John Doe","ownEmail":"","typeMetaData":"saml20_sp"}' 'http://localhost:8280/spDashboard/api/serviceConnectionRequest'

The endpoint is secured with Basic Authentication. See the private Ansible gitlab project for username / password.

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