It is a utility for reading, writing, and interpreting data that is not always byte-aligned. This module provides a Reader and Writer bitstream implementation.
Suppose you have a binary file with the following format:
- First 6 bits is an unsigned integer for the major version
- following 7 bits is padded 0's
- there will be three 4-byte strings, each with 4 bits of zero padding
The file could be parsed in this way:
package main
import (
func main() {
r := bitstream.NewReader().FromBytes(fileBytes)
var err error
version, err := r.Next(6).Bits().AsUInt()
if err != nil {
// handle it
// check the zero pad
pad, err := r.Next(7).Bits().AsInt()
if pad > 0 || err != nil {
// handle it
strings := make([]string, 3)
for strIdx := range strings {
chars := make([]byte, 4)
// read 4 characters
for charIdx := range chars {
chars[charIdx], err = r.Next(1).Bytes().AsByte()
if err != nil {
// handle it
// check the zero pad
pad, err := r.Next(4).Bits().AsInt()
if pad > 0 || err != nil {
// handle it
// cast the 4 characters as a string
strings[strIdx] = (string)(chars)
Assuming the same file format as above:
package main
import (
type example struct {
version uint8
strings [4]string
func main() {
e := example{
version: 5,
strings: [4]string{
w := &bitstream.Writer{}
bits := bitstream.BitsFromByte(e.version)[:6]
if bitsWritten, err := w.Write(bits); err != nil {
// handle it
} else if bitsWritten != 6 {
// handle it
pad7 := bitstream.BitsFromByte(0)[:7]
if bitsWritten, err := w.Write(pad7); err != nil {
// handle it
} else if bitsWritten != 7 {
// handle it
pad4 := bitstream.BitsFromByte(0)[:4]
for idx := range e.strings {
bytes := ([]byte)(e.strings[idx])[:4]
w.Write(bytes, pad4)