REDRIVER2 5.4 alpha
Read Installation instructions if you are running it first time
- Restored cut Las Vegas Luxor monorail
- Improved HUD overlays widescreen alignment
- Added Skip cutscene menu option when pausing during cutscene
- Added separate keyboard mappings for game and menu and Psy-Cross keyboard scheme customization
- Added prompt for quitting the game in frontend main menu
- Support for texture and model replacement (Work in Progress)
- Fix bad outranged XA subtitles
- Fixed crash when starting "Escape to ferry" with special cars
- Fixed Civ AI chosing wrong lanes when turning on narrow roads
- Fixed Civ AI lane fitting bug
- Fixed crashes in certain rare conditions
- Fixed fallen off hubcaps in Rio not being displayed
- Other visual and bug fixes
- Psy-Cross debug keys moved to F1...F8 and game debug keys moved to 1..9