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ofapi is an API server that provides RESTful web APIs to enhance OpenFusion server instances.

ofapi groups available APIs into modules. Each module has a corresponding table in the config file (config.toml) and can be deactivated by commenting out the table (with the exception of the core and game modules, which are required).

Some modules are "secure", meaning their APIs must be accessed by the TLS port bound to by the application. TLS can be applied at the application level by compiling with the tls feature or by a proxy server such as nginx. Please verify that secure APIs are only accessible through TLS before deploying ofapi on a publicly accessible network.

ofapi requires an OpenFusion sqlite database of version 6 or higher.


Edit config.toml to your liking and then

cargo run


cargo build --release

Modules & APIs

Module Required Secure Description
core Yes No Core functionality of the API server
tls No* N/A TLS configuration for secure APIs
email No N/A SMTP configuration for sending emails
game Yes No Game version and login address info
monitor No No Real-time game data
moderation No Yes Game moderation tools, such as name requests
rankinfo No* No Infected Zone race ranking info
account No Yes User account management APIs
auth No* Yes Authentication and authorization APIs
cookie No* Yes Secure game login
legacy No No Compatibility with legacy, file-based clients
static N/A No Static resource serving

*Module highly recommended

Module APIs

Module Endpoints Method Authed Description
core / GET No Basic info about ofapi and OpenFusion configuration
monitor /status GET No Real-time game data (e.g. player count)
moderation /namereq GET Yes Get a list of pending player name requests
POST Yes Approve or deny a player name request
rankinfo /getranks POST No Rank info for an Infected Zone (game format)
account /account GET Yes Basic user account info
/account/register POST No Register a user account
/account/verify GET No Verify an email address for an account
/account/update/password POST Yes Update the password for an account
/account/update/email POST Yes Update the email for an account
auth /auth POST No Obtain a refresh token for an account
/auth/session POST Yes* Obtain a session token for an account
cookie /cookie POST Yes Obtain an OpenFusion login cookie for an account
legacy /index.html GET No Get an index.html file for legacy client use
/assetInfo.php GET No Get an assetInfo.php file for legacy client use
/loginInfo.php GET No Get a loginInfo.php file for legacy client use
static /* GET No See statics.csv

*Auth by refresh token instead of session token

Technical documentation on each API is WIP and will be on the GitHub wiki.

Static Resources

Static files and directories can be easily served by mapping them to an endpoint in the statics.csv file. These are accessible from both HTTP and HTTPS. Some common mappings are included as defaults.


ofapi uses capability-based JSON Web Tokens ("jwt") for authentication. A secret key is generated on first startup (see the config for the auth module) and is used for token signing. All tokens can be invalidated by deleting and regenerating the secret file. Do not share this file with anyone.

Refresh Tokens

Refresh tokens are used to generate new session tokens. They should be long-lived and cached by clients, and are invalidated upon password changes. Refresh tokens have a single capability: acquiring a session token.

Session Tokens

Session tokens are multi-capable and can access most authed module APIs, with the exception of those requiring extra capabilities (such as the moderation APIs). They should be very short-lived and reacquired using a refresh token.

Service Tokens

Service tokens are special tokens that are manually created using the gen_token binary in the Cargo project. The lifespan and capabilities of service tokens are completely customizable and are meant to be used by external services such as Discord bots.


You can run gen_token with Cargo like so:

cargo run --bin=gen_token

An interactive prompt will guide you through the token creation process.


OpenFusion API server







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Contributors 4
