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Mike edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 14 revisions

This is the view where you can edit your ParameterTypes.
A ParameterType describes what your Parameter is, how it will be displayed and its limits.

Property Description
Name Name of your ParameterType. Will be referenced by Parameter.
Type Select a Type
Availible types:
Manually size in bits For most Types the Tool can calculate the needed size automaticly. If you want to set it to a fixed value you can check the bix and enter it.
<ParameterType Id="M-00FA_A-0001-01-0000_PT-text" Name="text">
    <TypeXXXXX />

ID: M-{ManuID}_A-{AppNumber}-{AppVersion}-{AppHash**}_PT-{ParameterTypeName*}
* Must be Encoded
** Hash will be calculated at signation (Publish). Just leave it 0000

Parameter Types


Color Options
You can specify the Color Space:

Space SizeInBits
RGB 24
RGB+W 32
HSV 24

This is how it will look in ETS:
Color ETS

XML Example

<TypeColor Space="RGB" />


Date Options
You can set the DatapointType (for now only DPT 11) and if the year will be displayed.

This is how it will look in ETS:
Date ETS

XML Example

<TypeDate Encoding="DPT 11" DisplayTheYear="false" />


Enum options
You can add new EnumItems with the + Button.
Only the text from Language will be displayed in ETS.
You can edit the translation by select one EnumItem.

The visual type depends on how many EnumItems you have.
This is how it will look in ETS if you have 2 options:
Enum 2 ETS
Note: At some point your options are to long horizontally so they will be displayed vertically.

This is how it will look in ETS if you have 3 or more options:
Enum 3 ETS

XML Example

<TypeRestriction Base="Value" SizeInBit="8">
    <Enumeration Text="no feedback" Value="0" Id="M-00FA_A-0207-23-E298_PT-ParameterType.5FFeedback_EN-0" />
    <Enumeration Text="Info OnOff" Value="1" Id="M-00FA_A-0207-23-E298_PT-ParameterType.5FFeedback_EN-1" />

Base sets where the Value comes from. You can also set BinaryValue as Base and Attribute for each Enumeration.


A float is the same like Number with the same UIHints.
But here you can enter numbers like 1.3 or 44.2231
Min, Max and Increment can be floats.

XML Example

<TypeFloat Encoding="DPT 9" minInclusive="-671088" maxInclusive="670760" Increment="0.5" />


IpAddress Options
The AddressType can be:

  • HostAddress (normal IP)
  • GatewayAddress
  • UnicastAddress
  • BroadcastAddress
  • MulticastAddress
  • SubnetMask

This has affects on the validation of the input.
So the user can only enter valid Addresses.
The size is always 32 bits (4 Bytes).
IpAddress has no Suffix.

XML Example

<TypeIPAddress AddressType="HostAddress" />


This ParameterType won't be displayed.
Can be used for assigns or default values in Unions.
If you use this option you have to activate PreETS4.

XML Example

<TypeNone />


Number Options
Number has properties for min and max. The user can only enter a number between these.
You can also add an increment. (Mostly used for Slider)
So if you have increment=2 and min=1 the user can only enter:
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ...

UIHint with UIHint you can change how it will be displayed:
Number None ETS
The user can enter manually the number. He can also use buttons to increase or decrease the nummber.

Number Slider ETS
The user uses a slider to enter the number.
Value is displayed above the slider.

Number Checkbox ETS
User can check=1 or uncheck=0 the checkbox.
Min has to be 0 and Max has to be 1!

XML Example

<TypeNumber SizeInBit="8" Type="unsignedInt" minInclusive="0" maxInclusive="255" Increment="2" UIHint="None" />


Picture Options
Here you can select the Picture you added in the Baggage Section.

Picture ETS
It will maximise to the width of a textbox.
If the Picture is smaller you can also add an alignment (Left, Center, Right). not implemented yet

XML Example

<TypePicture RefId="M-00FA_BG--Symbol1.5FLüfter.2Epng" />


Size has to be dividable by 8.
So a string with 10 characters will need size 80.
10 will also be the length limit in ETS.

This is how it will look in ETS:
Text ETS

XML Example

<TypeText SizeInBit="80" />


SizeInBit shall not be greate than 64.
You can set the base value to:

Unit Default UIHint
Hours Duration_hhmm (mm is always 0)
Minutes Duration_hhmm
Seconds Duration_hhmmss
100 Milliseconds Duration_hhmmssf
10 Milliseconds Duration_hhmmssff
Milliseconds Duration_hhmmssfff
PackedSecondsAndMilliseconds Duration_hhmmssfff
PackedDaysHoursMinutesAndSeconds Duration_hhmmss
PackedMinutesSecondsAndMilliseconds Duration_hhmmssfff

The entered time or duration will then be stored in this base unit.

Package Size Encoding
SecondsAndMilliseconds 2 Bytes fffffff ffssssss (upper 2 bits!)
2s 500ms F4h 42h
DaysHoursMinutesAndSeconds 3 Bytes ssssssss mmmmmmmm dddhhhhh
2d 8h 20m 10s 0Ah 14H 48h
MinutesSecondsAndMilliseconds 3 Bytes ffffffff ffssssss mmmmmmmm (upper 2 bits!)
1m 20s 500ms F4h 5ah 01h

f = milliseconds
s = seconds
m = minutes
h = hours
d = days

INFO Duration for hhmm, hhmmss, hhmmssf, hhmmssff, hhmmssfff: hh can be > 23.

INFO Note: the maximum duration that can be entered in ETS is 99:59:59.999.

This is how it will look in ETS:
Text ETS

XML Example

<TypeTime Unit="Seconds" UIHint="Time_hhmmss" minInclusive="0" maxInclusive="14400" SizeInBit="14" />

Let's go

Now we can create our first Parameter or a Union.

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