The OpenNMS Cloud Plugin enables OpenNMS to store data in the cloud. Initially it will provide storage for time series data (tsaas).
The cloud plugin requires an OpenNMS installation.
The default system id of older OpenNMS installations is '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'. It is advisable to change it to a true UUID. This will allow to distinguish different systems in the cloud logs.
To change the system id into a UID execute this sql against your database:
UPDATE monitoringsystems SET id=gen_random_uuid () WHERE id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' AND type='OpenNMS' AND location='Default';
Stop OpenNMS.
The plugin is as deb
and rpm
archives available.
Install with your favorite package manager:
apt-get install opennms-plugin-cloud-core
apt-get install opennms-plugin-cloud-sentinel
TSS needs to be activated in order to use the plugin for sending time series data.
Therefore set org.opennms.timeseries.strategy=integration
in [opennms.home]/etc/
For more details on TSS and its configuration see here.
Start OpenNMS.
Before the Cloud Plugin can be used with the OpenNMS Cloud it needs to be initialized. In order to start the initialization process you need to obtain an access key for your organisation.
TODO: Link to cloud portal where to get access key
Once you have the access key you can enter it into the cloud plugin configuration page within OpenNMS.
An alternative is to use the command line in the Karaf shell:
opennms-cloud:init <access token>
Check the cloud status with:
Build and install the plugin into your local Maven repository using:
mvn clean install
Install into OpenNMS via Karaf shell:
for Core (OpenNMS main system):
feature:install opennms-plugin-cloud-core
for Sentinel:
feature:install opennms-plugin-cloud-sentinel
Check if it was properly installed and started:
feature:list | grep opennms-plugin-cloud
we expect it to say: Started
The initial properties should be good to go. But for development purposes it is possible to change properties via Karaf shell:
TLS configuration to PAS. Used for the init process (get client certificates):
property-set pas.tls.port 443
property-set TLS
MTLS configuration to PAS. Used for the configuration process (get enabled services, get access token):
property-set pas.mtls.port 443
property-set MTLS
If using a self signed cert you can set the truststore. This is the actual trust store as a string, not a file path. Example:
property-set grpc.truststore
Specific settings for TSaaS:
property-set tsaas.batchSize 1000
property-set tsaas.maxBatchWaitTimeInMilliSeconds 5000
- The Cloud Plugin contacts PAS (Platform Access Service) to obtain certificates for MTLS. From now on all communication is MTLS secured.
- The Cloud Plugin retrieves all enabled services from PAS.
- A JWT token is received from PAS.
- All enabled services are configured and enabled in OpenNMS.