The Provisioning Integration Server (pris) is a tool which provides the ability to get external information from your inventory into an OpenNMS requisition model. The output from pris is provided as XML over HTTP and can be used in OpenNMS Provisiond to import and discover nodes from. This tool can be used to normalize inventory data and gives the ability to cleanup and manipulate the information before uploading into OpenNMS.
The project is divided in the following Maven modules:
This module ties all components togetheropennms-pris-api
generic programming interfaces for configuration, mapper and different data sourcesopennms-pris-dist
module to assemble the compiled code into a runnable and distributable formatopennms-pris-docs
documentation of the application for user and developersopennms-pris-main
provisioning integration server itselfopennms-pris-model
The OpenNMS requisition modelopennms-pris-plugins
plugins which implement specific data sources such as XLS, scripts, JDBC or OCS Inventory
- CI/CD Status:
- Container Image Info:
- CI/CD System: CircleCI
- Docker Container Image Repository: DockerHub
- Issue- and Bug-Tracking: JIRA
- Source code: GitHub
- Chat: [IRC] or Web Chat
- Maintainer:
- Illustrations created in documentation with yED
- Documentation
Docker Tags
floating tag for a build from latest stable release- to run a specific stable version see the DockerHub Tag section
Current releases of PRIS are published on DockerHub. You can download and start the container image with:
docker run --name mypris --detach --publish 8000:8000 opennms/pris:latest
The container will be downloaded from DockerHub and is started in background with name mypris
A port 8000 is published on your local machine which can be used with your browser.
The unique container is returned which identifies the running instance of your container.
If you want to embed your PRIS service in an existing Docker Compose service stack:
version: '2.3'
driver: local
container_name: opennms.pris
image: opennms/pris:latest
- TZ=Europe/Berlin
- JAVA_OPTS=-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions
test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "-I", "http://localhost:8000/index.html"]
interval: 30s
timeout: 5s
retries: 1
- "8000:8000"
Your configuration for data sources is persisted to a named volume. Mount a local volume if you want to use scripts and requisition source configuration from your local system.
To add JMX monitoring you can add Java options as environment variable like:
- -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<my-docker-host-ip>
As -Djava.rmi.server.hostname
you have to take the IP address of your Docker Host machine and make sure you expose both RMI ports in
This guide describes how you can checkout the source code from GitHub and how you can compile from source. The following parts are required:
- OpenJDK or Oracle Java Development Kit with javac Version 11
- Apache Maven
- git-scm
should be in your search path- Internet connection to download maven dependencies
- Documentation is build with Antora and requires to have
in your search path
In your source directory run the command
make all
It make sure everything from previous builds is cleaned away.
Then is compiles the code and build everything as a runnable jar as well as .tar.gz and .zip file in the opennms-pris-dist/target
The PRIS server is started in foreground with the following command executed in your PRIS directory:
java -cp ./lib/*:./opennms-pris.jar org.opennms.pris.Starter
Connect your browser to http://localhost:8000, if you don't point to any requisition from a source, you will be redirected to the documentation page. The example requisition from a provided Excel sheet can be accessed with http://localhost:8000/requisitions/myServer and http://localhost:8000/requisitions/myRouter.
You can build a Docker Container Image by using the provided Docker/Dockerfile
Checkout the source code repository to a subdirectory name pris
and change into the directory
git clone pris
cd pris
Compile and assemble the source code to get the distributable tar.gz file
make all
Build the image with the command:
cp opennms-pris-dist/target/opennms-pris-release-archive.tar.gz Docker/deploy
docker build -t mypris .
Run the build container image with
docker run --name mypris --detach --publish 8000:8000 mypris
Releases are made from branches filtered in CircleCI with the following pattern: ^release-.*
To make a release create a branch with a version number like release-<major>.<minor>.<patch>
The version portion of the branch name, e.g. 1.1.7 will be used as the version number to be released.
Releases are published to the following places:
- OCI container images to DockerHub
- .tar.gz files to the GitHub releases of this repository
For any other branches, they are just built and tested. You can download build artifacts like Docker images from your branch from CircleCI.
Steps to make a release:
- Create a branch with your new version number
git checkout -b release-1.2.1
- Set the new version number in docs and code artifacts
bin/ -o BLEEDING -n 1.2.1
- Commit the changes and push the new release branch
git commit -m "I made a new asesome release"
git push --set-upstream origin release-1.2.0
The CI/CD workflows can be found in the .circleci