Repo for the Musician-Venue WebApp
- Neo4j Bolt JavaScript Driver
- Neo4j
- Frontend: Angular2, bootstrap, d3.js
- Server: Nodejs, Express, uses ES6 language (make sure your IDE supports ES6)
$ npm install -i
- Start Neo4j (Download & Install) locally and open the Neo4j Browser.
- You will be asked to choose a user name and password, update the password to 'neo4j2'
To add some data to the database, use the following command:
$ npm run migrate
Running the tests will also create some data.
# run in developement mode
$ npm start
# also runs in development mode
$ node index.js
or if you have the heroku cli installed
$ heroku local web
When running in "dev" mode navigate to http://localhost:5000 to see the application.
The branch <dev> is the current mainline for development, pull from this branch git fetch
to get the lasest code base, run npm install -i
, create your branch git checkout -b <your-branch>
and make your changes.
On completion of your code changes push your branch to the repository, git push origin <your-branch>
and create pull request for merging.
Siginificant updates to the app can be merged to production, which will auto-deploy to the heroku hosted app, this requires a reviewed pull request before merging. The Heroku pipline can create a temporary review app for all open pull requests, but needs to be connected to the grapheneDB if api requests are required for testing.
Use the following command to install gulp globally. This will enable using gulp commands.
$ npm install -g gulp
Don't edit package.js manually. It is created by gulp. Edit the files in ./client/assets/js instead
Gulp is currently set to concatenate the following files to ./client/js/package.js
- Angular (node_modules/angular/angular.js)
- Angular-route (node_modules/angular-route/angular-route.js)
- jQuery (node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js)
- Bootstraper file (creates ng module) (./client/assets/js/bootstrapper.js)
- Angular Controllers (any file under ./client/assets/js/controllers)
- Angular POJOs/models (currently ./client/assets/js/venues)
- Angular routes (./client/assets/js/routes.js)
Use ./gulpfile.js to add more.
Use the following command to manually process the above files:
$ gulp scripts
Gulp can also watch all files in ./client/js for changes and automatically process them when they're saved. Note: This will also watch less files.
$ gulp watch
Gulp compiles assets/less/style.less -> css/style.css
Any files that are imported to that file @import() will automatically be included.
- bootstrap.custom.less - Includes all the bootstrap components we need from it's source. Uncomment lines in this file to add components.
- bootstrap.variables.less - Use this file to override variables used by bootstrap as it's compiled. (see bootstrap source)
- variables.less - Variables for use in our own less/css
- *.less - The rest of the files contain own css/less. Each new file has to be manually added with an @import() to style.less
To compile all less files -> style.less, run the following command:
$ gulp less
As with the scripts, the less files are automatically watched for changes.
$ gulp watch