This repository contains Jupyter Notebook tutorials for the FRETBursts burst analysis software. The same notebooks are included in the FRETBursts source but the version found here contains all the execution outputs (text, tables and figures) and are therefore easier to read.
As a demo service, you can run all FRETBursts notebooks on the cloud by clicking below:
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Direct download of all FRETBursts notebooks/tutorials: Download ZIP.
To install FRETBursts see FRETBursts Install instructions.
You can view the notebooks online on nbviewer. Below you find the direct links to each notebook.
- FRETBursts - us-ALEX smFRET burst analysis (start here)
- FRETBursts - ns-ALEX example
- FRETBursts - 8-spot smFRET burst analysis
- Example - Background estimation.ipynb
- Example - FRET histogram fitting.ipynb
- Example - Selecting FRET populations.ipynb
- Example - Working with timestamps and bursts
- Example - Burst Variance Analysis
- Example - 2CDE Method.ipynb
- Example - Plotting timetraces with bursts.ipynb
- Example - Customize the us-ALEX histogram.ipynb
- Example - Exporting Burst Data Including Timestamps
- Example- Combining Technical Repeats.ipynb
FRETBursts notebooks use public smFRET datasets that are automatically downloaded the first time each notebook is executed.