// Model Description
step 1: download requirements
conda create -n topic python=3.6
pip install -r requirements.txt
source activate topic
step 2: train/test/eval model
- train the model
python -u run.py --num_gpus=1 --bert_config_file=./bert/sample/bert_config.json
- test the model
python -u run.py --mode=test --init_checkpoint=checkpoint_2022-01-20-16-21-22 --checkpoint_file=best-0 --num_gpus=1 --coverage=false --use_pointer=false
# you can replace 'checkpoint_2022-01-20-16-21-22' with your own training checkpoint
- eval the model
python -u run.py --mode=eval --init_checkpoint=checkpoint_2022-01-20-16-21-22 --checkpoint_file=best-0 --num_gpus=1 --coverage=false --use_pointer=false
# you can replace 'checkpoint_2022-01-20-16-21-22' with your own training checkpoint
- configuration
1) `./bert/[sample|topic|topic_ltp]/bert_config.json` gives the train config files, you can follow our configurations.
2) `./bert/[sample|topic|topic_ltp]/vocab.txt` gives the bert vocabulary files
3) you can read `./run.py` to get more usage of our code.
We construct a Chinese large-scaletopic hashtag generation dataset (WHG) containing multiple areas from Weibo. If you want to acquire the WHG & THG corpus, please contact us, you will download the application form and fill, then fax or e-mail. Contacts: Qianren Mao ( maoqr@act.buaa.edu.cn, cs: qianrenmao@gmail.com )
Here is an example of dataset:
src: 天猫2017年双11成交额在今日零时40分20秒左右时突破500亿元。亿邦动力网注意到,2016年凌晨2点钟时,天猫双11成交额达到486亿元。
dst: 2017天猫双11
src: former pl ams2 la reina adams credits her time with peo eis in her development as a leader . talent management is one of ms. smiths key priorities as peo . usa as c us army army acquisition
dst: talent management
Table 1: Data of WHG
WeiBo: WHG Dataset | Train | Dev | Test |
Count | 312,762 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
AvgSourceLen (+W) | 75.1 | 75.3 | 75.6 |
CovSourceLen(95%)(+W) | 141 | 137 | 145 |
AvgTargetLen(+W) | 54.2 | 4.2 | 4.2 |
CovTargetLen(95%)(+W) | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Table 2: Data of THG
Twitter: THG Dataset | Train | Dev | Test |
Count | 222,709 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
AvgSourceLen | 23.5 | 23.8 | 23.5 |
CovSourceLen(95%) | 46 | 47 | 46 |
AvgTargetLen | 10.1 | 10.0 | 10.0 |
CovTargetLen(95%) | 30 | 30 | 30 |
@article{MAO2022109581, title = {Attend and select: A segment selective transformer for microblog hashtag generation}, journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems}, pages = {109581}, year = {2022}, issn = {0950-7051}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2022.109581}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950705122007973}, author = {Qianren Mao and Xi Li and Bang Liu and Shu Guo and Peng Hao and Jianxin Li and Lihong Wang}, }