Hardware-logger with 2 channels for NMEA-0183 devices, one channel switchable to Seatalk.
Manual http://wiki.openseamap.org/wiki/OpenSeaMap-dev:HW-logger/OSeaM-Manual
HowTo http://wiki.openseamap.org/wiki/OpenSeaMap-dev:HW-logger/OSeaM
Specification http://wiki.openseamap.org/wiki/OpenSeaMap-dev:HW-logger/specification#NMEA-0183_HW-Logger
Developerpage with all actual informations http://www.mcsdepthlogger.tk
Der Datenlogger arbeitet nach einem einfachen Prinzip. Nach Anlegen der Betriebsspannung und einer Initialisierungszeit werden automatisch die Daten, die an den Anschlüssen NMEA A bzw. NMEA B anliegen auf die Karte geschrieben. Dabei erfolgt keinerlei Filterung. Dazu werden dann automatisch die Lagedaten des Loggers mit protokoliert. Datenlogger für GPS und Echolot Daten.
- Eingebauter Lagesensor
- Daten auf normaler SD Karte im NMEA 0183 Format
- Einfachste Bedienung.
- LED für Betrieb, Datenempfang und SD Zugriff
- zwei NMEA0183 Eingänge (4800 Baud, 8N1 Protokoll)
- ein SeaTalk 1 Eingang (Experimentell)
this worked on Ubuntu 12.04
install arduino IDE
sudo apt-get install arduino
then get the source (create a fork before on github, if you want to contribute code)
cd src # or where you store your sources git clone https://github.com/OpenSeaMap/logger-oseam-0183.git MyOslGit=
then create this dirty link to our hardware, so arduino ide knows it see also $MyOslGit/content.txt
sudo ln -s $MyOslGit/SketchBook/hardware/OSMLogger/avr /usr/share/arduino/hardware/
now start the IDE
arduino menu file/preferences: set $MyOslGit as your SketchBook directory icon open: OpenSeaMap menu tools: board - select OpenSeaMap data logger board w/ATmega328 menu sketch: Ctrl-R - compile ls -trl /tmp # here goes the hex image in a subfolder...
Ubuntu 13.10
the new arduino v1.0.5 seems to store contributed Libraries outside the SketchBook. This may result in messages like fatal error: I2Cdev.h: not found
You can avoid importing all the libraries manually by creating this link:
cd $MyOslGit ln -s SketchBook/libraries/ .
If a libraries folder already had been created by arduino before you may consider to remove it before creating the link. If you prefer to keep this folder you will need to create the the following links inside it instead:
cd $MyOslGit/libraries ln -s ../SketchBook/libraries/I2Cdev . ln -s ../SketchBook/libraries/MPU6050 . ln -s ../SketchBook/libraries/AltSoftSerial . ln -s ../SketchBook/libraries/SdFat . The other libraries will then be taken from /usr/share/arduino/libraries/