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Compatible with

  • Mycroft Mark2 dev kit


There are a few ways for this plugin to get enabled.

  • Enable manually

Add this to your ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf

    "PHAL": {
        "ovos-PHAL-plugin-mk2-v6-fan-control": {
            "enabled": true

With this configuration, no other validation checks are made. It is assuming you have a compatible HAT installed.

When ovos-i2csound is installed and running, it creates a file at /etc/OpenVoiceOS/i2c_platform with the HAT name it detected. This plugin then checks that file and if a compatible HAT is detected, the plugin is activated.

  • Automatically with hardware detection

If the above two options don't work, the plugin tries to detect a compatible HAT using i2c-detect. If a compatible device address is found, the plugin will activate.

From this point, if you are running OVOS on a Mark2 dev kit, your fan should be automatically controlled.


The temperature at which the fan turns on can be configured

    "PHAL": {
        "ovos-PHAL-plugin-mk2-v6-fan-control": {
            "max_fanless_temp": 60.0,
            "max_fan_temp": 80.0

"max_fanless_temp" -> This is where the fan turns on "max_fan_temp" -> At this temp, the fan runs at 100%