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forked from msgpo/jarbas_utils
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OVOS CookBook
JarbasAI edited this page Mar 24, 2021
2 revisions
mostly copy paste-able templates for random stuff
from ovos_utils.sound.alsa import AlsaControl
#from ovos_utils.sound.pulse import PulseAudio
from ovos_utils.log import LOG
from ovos_utils.messagebus import get_mycroft_bus, Message
class MyPretendEnclosure:
def __init__(self):'Setting up client to connect to a local mycroft instance')
self.bus = get_mycroft_bus()
# None of these are mycroft signals, but you get the point
self.bus.on("set.volume", self.handle_set_volume)
self.bus.on("speak.volume", self.handle_speak_volume)
self.bus.on("mute.volume", self.handle_mute_volume)
self.bus.on("unmute.volume", self.handle_unmute_volume)
self.alsa = AlsaControl()
# self.pulse = PulseAudio()
def speak(self, utterance):
self.bus.emit(Message('speak', data={'utterance': utterance}))
def handle_speak_volume(self, message):
volume = self.alsa.get_volume()
def handle_mute_volume(self, message):
if not self.alsa.is_muted():
def handle_unmute_volume(self, message):
if self.alsa.is_muted():
def handle_set_volume(self, message):
volume ="volume", 50)
assert 0 <= volume <= 100
from ovos_utils.system import system_reboot, system_shutdown, ssh_enable, ssh_disable
from ovos_utils.log import LOG
from ovos_utils.messagebus import get_mycroft_bus, Message
class AdminService:
def __init__(self):'Setting up client to connect to a local mycroft instance')
self.bus = get_mycroft_bus()
self.bus.on("system.reboot", self.handle_reboot)
def speak(self, utterance):'Sending speak message...')
self.bus.emit(Message('speak', data={'utterance': utterance}))
def handle_reboot(self, message):
from ovos_utils.messagebus import get_mycroft_bus, listen_for_message
from ovos_utils import wait_for_exit_signal
from ovos_utils.lang.translate import say_in_language
bus = get_mycroft_bus()
def translate(message):
utterance =["utterance"]
say_in_language(utterance, lang=TARGET_LANG) # will play .mp3 directly
listen_for_message("speak", translate, bus=bus)
wait_for_exit_signal() # wait for ctrl+c
from ovos_utils.messagebus import send_message, listen_for_message
from ovos_utils.lang.translate import translate_text
from ovos_utils.lang.detect import detect_lang
from ovos_utils.log import LOG
OUTPUT_LANG = "pt" # received messages will be in this language
MYCROFT_LANG = "en" # mycroft is configured in this language
def handle_speak(message):
utt =["utterance"]
utt = translate_text(utt, "pt") # source lang is auto detected
print("MYCROFT:", utt)
bus = listen_for_message("speak", handle_speak)
print("Write in any language and mycroft will answer in {lang}".format(lang=OUTPUT_LANG))
while True:
utt = input("YOU:")
lang = detect_lang("utt") # source lang is auto detected, this is optional
if lang != MYCROFT_LANG:
utt = translate_text(utt)
{"utterances": [utt]},
bus=bus # re-utilize the bus connection
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
from ovos_utils.gui import GUITracker
from ovos_utils import wait_for_exit_signal
class MyGUIEventTracker(GUITracker):
# GUI event handlers
# user can/should subclass this
def on_idle(self, namespace):
print("IDLE", namespace)
timestamp = self.idle_ts
def on_active(self, namespace):
# NOTE: page has not been loaded yet
# event will fire right after this one
print("ACTIVE", namespace)
# check namespace values, they should all be set before this event
values = self.gui_values[namespace]
def on_new_page(self, page, namespace, index):
print("NEW PAGE", namespace, index, namespace)
# check all loaded pages
for n in self.gui_pages: # list of named tuples
nspace = # namespace / skill_id
pages = n.pages # ordered list of page uris
def on_gui_value(self, namespace, key, value):
# WARNING this will pollute logs quite a lot, and you will get
# duplicates, better to check values on a different event,
# demonstrated in on_active
print("VALUE", namespace, key, value)
g = MyGUIEventTracker()
print("device has screen:", g.can_display())
print("mycroft-gui installed:", g.is_gui_installed())
print("gui connected:", g.is_gui_connected())
# check registered idle screens
print("Registered idle screens:")
for name in g.idle_screens:
namespace = g.idle_screens[name]
print(" - ", name, ":", namespace)
# just block listening for events until ctrl + C
from ovos_utils.messagebus import send_message
from ovos_utils.log import LOG
from ovos_utils import create_daemon, wait_for_exit_signal
import random
from time import sleep
def alert():"Alerting user of some event using Mycroft")
send_message("speak", {"utterance": "Alert! something happened"})
def did_something_happen():
while True:
if random.choice([True, False]):
create_daemon(did_something_happen) # check for something in background
wait_for_exit_signal() # wait for ctrl+c
from ovos_utils.messagebus import send_binary_data_message, \
send_binary_file_message, decode_binary_message, listen_for_message
from time import sleep
import json
from os.path import dirname, join
# random file
my_file_path = join(dirname(__file__), "music.txt")
with open(my_file_path, "rb") as f:
original_binary =
def receive_file(message):
print("Receiving file")
path =["path"]
binary_data = decode_binary_message(message)
listen_for_message("mycroft.binary.file", receive_file)
def receive_binary(message):
print("Receiving binary data")
binary_data = decode_binary_message(message)
print(binary_data == original_binary)
listen_for_message("", receive_binary)
from ovos_utils.intents import IntentQueryApi
from pprint import pprint
intents = IntentQueryApi()
pprint(intents.get_skill("who are you"))
pprint(intents.get_skill("set volume to 100%"))
# loaded skills
# intent parsing
pprint(intents.get_adapt_intent("who are you"))
pprint(intents.get_padatious_intent("who are you"))
pprint(intents.get_intent("who are you")) # intent that will trigger
# skill from utterance
pprint(intents.get_skill("who are you"))
# registered intents
pprint(intents.get_intent_manifest()) # all of the above
# registered vocab
pprint(intents.get_entities_manifest()) # padatious entities / .entity files
pprint(intents.get_vocab_manifest()) # adapt vocab / .voc files
pprint(intents.get_regex_manifest()) # adapt regex / .rx files
pprint(intents.get_keywords_manifest()) # all of the above
from ovos_utils.skills import skills_loaded
from time import sleep
loaded = False
while not loaded:
loaded = skills_loaded()
print("Skills all loaded!")
from ovos_utils.messagebus import BusFeedProvider, Message
from datetime import datetime
class ClockService(BusFeedProvider):
def __init__(self, name="clock_transmitter", bus=None):
trigger_message = Message("time.request")
super().__init__(trigger_message, name, bus)
def handle_get_time(self, message):
clock_service = ClockService()
from ovos_utils.messagebus import BusFeedConsumer, Message
class Clock(BusFeedConsumer):
def __init__(self, name="clock_receiver", timeout=3, bus=None):
request_message = Message("time.request")
super().__init__(request_message, name, timeout, bus)
clock = Clock()
date = clock.request()["date"]
from ovos_utils.messagebus import listen_for_message
from ovos_utils.log import LOG
from ovos_utils import wait_for_exit_signal
heard = 0
spoken = 0
def handle_speak(message):
global spoken
spoken += 1"Mycroft spoke {n} sentences since start".format(n=spoken))
def handle_hear(message):
global heard
heard += 1"Mycroft responded to {n} sentences since start".format(n=heard))
bus = listen_for_message("speak", handle_speak)
listen_for_message("recognize_loop:utterance", handle_hear, bus=bus) # re utilize bus
wait_for_exit_signal() # wait for ctrl+c
# cleanup is a good practice!
from ovos_utils.configuration import update_mycroft_config
from ovos_utils.lang.phonemes import get_phonemes
def create_wakeword(word, sensitivity):
# sensitivity is a bitch to do automatically
# TODO make some web ui or whatever to tweak it experimentally
phonemes = get_phonemes(word)
config = {
"listener": {
"wake_word": word
word: {
"andromeda": {
"module": "pocketsphinx",
"phonemes": phonemes,
"sample_rate": 16000,
"threshold": sensitivity,
"lang": "en-us"
create_wakeword("andromeda", "1e-25")
from ovos_utils.skills.settings import PrivateSettings
with PrivateSettings("testskill.jarbasai") as settings:
print(settings.path) # ~/.cache/json_database/testskill.jarbasai.json
settings["key"] = "value"
meta = settings.settingsmeta
# can be used for displaying in GUI
{'skillMetadata': {'sections': [{'fields': [{'label': 'Key',
'name': 'key',
'type': 'text',
'value': 'value'}],
'name': 'testskill.jarbasai'}]}}
# auto saved when leaving "with" context
# you can also manually call if not using "with" context
from ovos_utils.waiting_for_mycroft.base_skill import killable_intent, MycroftSkill
from mycroft import intent_file_handler
from time import sleep
class Test(MycroftSkill):
send "mycroft.skills.abort_question" and confirm only get_response is aborted
send "mycroft.skills.abort_execution" and confirm the full intent is aborted, except intent3
send "my.own.abort.msg" and confirm intent3 is aborted
say "stop" and confirm all intents are aborted
def __init__(self):
super(Test, self).__init__("KillableSkill")
self.my_special_var = "default"
def handle_intent_aborted(self):
self.speak("I am dead")
# handle any cleanup the skill might need, since intent was killed
# at an arbitrary place of code execution some variables etc. might
# end up in unexpected states
self.my_special_var = "default"
def handle_test_abort_intent(self, message):
self.my_special_var = "changed"
while True:
self.speak("still here")
def handle_test_get_response_intent(self, message):
self.my_special_var = "CHANGED"
ans = self.get_response("question", num_retries=99999)
self.log.debug("get_response returned: " + str(ans))
if ans is None:
self.speak("question aborted")
@killable_intent(msg="my.own.abort.msg", callback=handle_intent_aborted)
def handle_test_msg_intent(self, message):
if self.my_special_var != "default":
self.speak("someone forgot to cleanup")
while True:
self.speak("you can't abort me")
def create_skill():
return Test()
Listen to all utterances
from ovos_utils.skills.templates.passive import PassiveSkill
class MySkill(PassiveSkill):
def handle_utterance(self, utterances, lang="en-us"):
""" Listen to all utterances passively, eg, take metrics """
from ovos_utils.lang import detect_lang, translate_text
# detecting language
detect_lang("olá eu chamo-me joaquim") # "pt"
detect_lang("olá eu chamo-me joaquim", return_dict=True)
"""{'confidence': 0.9999939001351439, 'language': 'pt'}"""
detect_lang("hello world") # "en"
detect_lang("This piece of text is in English. Този текст е на Български.", return_dict=True)
"""{'confidence': 0.28571342657428966, 'language': 'en'}"""
# translating text
# - source lang will be auto detected using utils above
# - default target language is english
translate_text("olá eu chamo-me joaquim")
"""Hello I call myself joaquim"""
# - you should specify source lang whenever possible to save 1 api call
translate_text("olá eu chamo-me joaquim", source_lang="pt", lang="es")
"""Hola, me llamo Joaquim"""
from ovos_utils.skills.settings import get_all_remote_settings, get_remote_settings
WARNING: selene backend does not use a proper skill_id, if you have
skills with same name but different author settings will overwrite each
other on the backend
2 way sync with Selene is also not implemented and causes a lot of issues,
these problems have been reported over 9 months ago (and counting)
I strongly recommend you validate returned data as much as possible,
maybe ask the user to confirm any action, DO NOT automate settings sync
skill matching is currently done by checking "if {skill} in string"
once mycroft fixes it on their side this will start using a proper
unique identifier
# get raw skill settings payload
all_remote_settings = get_all_remote_settings()
{'@0e813c09-8dbc-40ed-974c-5705274a7b55|mycroft-npr-news|20.08': {'custom_url': '',
'station': 'not_set',
'use_curl': True},
'@0e813c09-8dbc-40ed-974c-5705274a7b55|mycroft-pairing|20.08': None,
'@0e813c09-8dbc-40ed-974c-5705274a7b55|mycroft-volume|20.08': {'ducking': True},
'mycroft-weather|20.08': {'units': 'default'},
'mycroft-wiki|20.08': None}
# search remote settings for a specific skill
voip_remote_settings = get_remote_settings("skill-voip")
{'add_contact': False,
'auto_answer': True,
'auto_reject': False,
'auto_speech': 'I am busy, call again later',
'contact_address': '',
'contact_name': 'name here',
'delete_contact': False,
'gateway': '',
'password': 'SECRET',
'sipxcom_gateway': '',
'sipxcom_password': 'secret',
'sipxcom_sync': False,
'sipxcom_user': 'MattKeys',
'user': 'user'}