This document helps to Install Secure Software Delivery(SSD) independently. SSD can be Integrate with to different CD tools(Spinnaker,Argo).
For more information, visit
Kubernetes cluster 1.20 or later with 3 nodes of each 4 cores and 16 GB memory.
Below is the command to check the kubernetes version
kubectl version --short
Helm 3 is setup on the client system with 3.10.3 or later.
Below is command to check if helm version
helm version
If helm is not setup, follow to install helm.
Kubernetes cluster should support automatic persistent volume provision. If not user need to configure manually.
For tool chain we need atleast 10 Gi recommended 50 Gi. Other services(redis,dgraph,minio,ssd-db) we need 8 Gi.
Ensure DNS record is available. Either DNS name server record must exist or "hosts" file must be updated. Update the below with valid host name(FQDN) or ip adress
Clone the repo enterprise-ssd repo
git clone
Add opsmx helm repo to your local machine
helm repo add opsmxssd
Note: If opsmx-ssd helm repo is already added, do a repo update before installing the chart
helm repo update
cd to the enterprise-ssd
cd enterprise-ssd/charts/ssd
It is assumed that an nginx ingress controller is installed on the cluster, by default ingress resources are created for ssd-ui. Customize the hosts for various installations using the options in the ssd-minimal-values.yaml under ssdUI. If any other ingress controller is installed, set createIngress flag to false and configure your ingress.
Instructions to install nginx ingress
Instructions to install cert-manager
Helm v3 expects the namespace to be present before helm install command is run. If it does not exists,
kubectl create namespace opsmx-ssd
There are different flavours of Installations
Values yamls Description ssd-minimal-values.yaml This file is used for Installing SSD with inbuilt Authentication ssd-saml-values.yaml This file is used for Installing SSD with Saml Authentication ssd-local-values.yaml This file is used for Installing SSD without Ingress -
Update only the host value in the ssd-minimal-values.yaml.
NOTE: Please read the inline comments of ssd-minimal-values.yaml.
Install SSD by executing this command:
helm install ssd opsmxssd/ssd -f ssd-minimal-values.yaml -n opsmx-ssd --timeout=600s
Wait for all pods to stabilize (about 2-3 min, depending on your cluster load). The "setup-job" in Completed status indicates completion of the installation process. Check status using:
$ kubectl -n opsmx-ssd get pods
Get the SSD URL using the below command and Access in a browser such as Chrome.
kubectl -n opsmx-ssd get ingress
Fetch the SSD password from the Secret using the below command and Login to SSD
kubectl -n opsmx-ssd get secret ssd-initial-password -o jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d
After logging into the SSD the wait for 5m .. So the data will be populated.
TODO: Update this one.